I love this table, and I love the idea. The players have had no end of fun (and profit) trying to figure out a 'creative' (Kelly's hero's style) use for some of this crud*.
However, with only 26 to go at, people will see repeats quite often. I therefore suggest a thread with some suggestions for alternates.
Identify the item as either [useless] - up to about 25, [possibly useful] - 26-60ish, [actually useful] - 61-115ish
Some starting suggestions
A set of two dozen ratling-sized boots
Twenty metres of (rusty) accordian wire
Twenty Litres of Red Vehicle Primer and Twenty Litres of White Vehicle Primer (anyone seen Operation Petticoat ?)
[Potentially Useful]
Half a dozen Earthshaker Shells (Without Propellant Charges)
*Quote from previous game:
"You get…umm….A case of 100 copies of The Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer."
" Wha ?"
"I need a commissar's uniform, the inspection schedule for the Mordian regiment quartered at the bastion, and a couple of micro-beads. We'll make a fortune …"