anky McTank to the rescue!
Starting Character - 1x R Astaroth, 6HS 31V, Earth/All/Evil
Character Blocks (2):
1x 6/6 Mr. Karate +0M (Earth/All)
1x 6/6 R Zangief +0M (Earth/All)
Actions (
4x 5/4 Tag Along (Earth/All)
4x 1/5 Absurd Strength +1M (Earth)
Assets (4):
4x 1/4 Addes Syndicate +2H (All)
Attacks (16):
4x 5/2 Power Bomb +3H (Earth/All)
4x 4/3 Long Reach +1M (Earth/All)
4x 3/3 Flying Cross Chop +2L (Earth/All)
4x 3/5 Clones (Earth)
Foundations (30):
3x 3/5 Vast Resources
3x 3/5 Mortal Strike +2M
4x 3/4 TYPFG +2M
4x 3/4 Bitter Rivals +2M
4x 2/5 Military Rank
4x 2/5 Blood Runs True +1H
4x 1/5 Rat Chaser +0H
4x 1/6 The Curse Broken
Total: 60 + 1 cards
Sideboard (8):
3x 8/3 Begin Anew +2M
3x 0/4 Pull of the Tides +2M
2x 5/4 Revitalize +2M
I really didn't know until the last second what I was going to play in teams; I knew Derrick and Jeff were locked into Life Ruru and Void/Order Yun-Seong mill and for most of the week so it was down to Earth Yi Shan, Void Ibuki, or Tri-symbol Huitzil. Then I started thinking about Astaroth and it really took hold since the other two characters in the team were both pretty fragile. In the end I came up with this janktastic-ness and I was pretty happy with the results, going 5-1 overall with my only loss being, what else, Evil Ibuki (to be fair, Paul got me with his stupid Alex game 1 in the Semis and probably would have had me game 2 as well if Matt and Jon hadn't already won by then). Basically, I locked myself into "No Evil" so I figured All was the way to go, with splashing Clones and Hammer for faster kill. The deck has all the best All control pieces (Addes, BRT, Bitter Rivals, TCB) and the simply phenomenal Tag Along - MVP all day - to screw with any character or recur as needed, as well as tons of cheapo painful attacks that really hurt. A lot. Astaroth himself is really hard to kill and I had sideboard options into Zangief and Mr. Karate, both of which I used frequently. Mostly, BRT and BR push stuff through and the key is usually Clones into Flying Cross Chop with it's E and Astaroth enhance for +5 damage. I rarely used the lifegain enhance since usually I was just beating my opponent into a pulp instead. The random Long Reach E paid off a few times as well. The best thing was the rolls and the amazing cost/damage ratio of every attack in the deck. Everything except FCC can be Hammered and everything except Clones can be Ranked (including Hammer itself as well as any critical control card). The deck is very good against Evil due to the interactions mentioned above as well as the WTF factor. The sideboard is fairly self-explanatory and all of it can be Ranked, a big bonus. I had such a blast with this thing that I almost considered it for singles but I wanted to rock the Yoshi deck I worked so hard on instead at the last second. Poor Astaroth, he was so ronry in the box on Sunday!
If you are wondering why there is no KFT in the deck, 3 reasons - it doesn't chain Earth so I can't just attack spam Clones after I use the enhance; BRT and Bitter Rivals are plenty enough to force damage anyway; and most importantly my teammates took all 8 of them for their decks, so sad! I never needed it for the R at all, so no biggie.