Unholy Devotion

By Magellan, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Simple question: Unholy Devotion, how does it work?

More specifically, whose Agility stat is being referred to in the rules text? They refer to an agility test and an agility bonus - do both instances refer to the minion's characteristics?

That is very unclear indeed. I'd be inclined to say you test the Minion's Agi and the distance refers to the Minion's AB, because it's them throwing themselves to save you, not the other way around.

But if you want to be absolutely sure, I'm afraid you have to file a question to the support team.

In Inquisito's Handbook there was something sililar in dodge's expanded skill:

Protect ally
You may also use Dodge to put yourself
in the path of an attack made against
an ally. Whenever you are adjacent to
an ally and that ally is attacked, you
may make a Difficult (–10) Dodge
Test to swap your position with that
of your ally. If the Test succeeds, you
are attacked instead.

It seems that similar method is reused here. It is as Morangias said, you test minion's agility and he can cover you from up to his AB meters

That's pretty lame unless you have flip belts to hand out to all your minions.

Then again, not all characters max out agility (Hah! I could barely type that with a straight face) so I guess it makes sense to base it off the minion's stat.

Thanks for the replies!

For tier 3 talent it seems underpowered, still it depends on your character. Making minions that are supposted to absorb damage isn't hard (making minions that are somewhat balanced and interesting is harder) and if you have 2-3 of them you can be quite untouchable.

You can make it work like some heretic demagogue special ability. I think its from Hand Corruption.You have to pass Fel test, if you succeed, minion takes the hit instead of you.