Warhammer 40k Universal Rules system

By professor_kylan, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Hey there people,

I'm currently running a Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader and Deathwatch game, all set in the same(ish) area of space with a fair number of cross overs. We've all been reading Black Crusade recently, and as a large and nebulous group become somewhat fascinated with the idea of rankless games and more comfortable cross overs.

So I've bent my nose to the grindstone and thrown together a universal character build ruleset. It's currently only astartes and ordos character, and is barely formatted, but I figured what the hell - I'll spread the love regardless :D

I'd love feedback! Let me know what you all think.


Looks interesting, I'll comment properly when I have read it through properly though!

I know you said your players wanted "rankless," but just out of curiosity, why don't you just use the built-in system for system cross-overs? I'll admit my games have currently only done this once (a Ascension DH player working alongside DW Astartes) but it worked out surprisingly well, and just balancing out the party XP wise seems easier than scratch-building an entire system.

HTMC said:

I know you said your players wanted "rankless," but just out of curiosity, why don't you just use the built-in system for system cross-overs? I'll admit my games have currently only done this once (a Ascension DH player working alongside DW Astartes) but it worked out surprisingly well, and just balancing out the party XP wise seems easier than scratch-building an entire system.

Because XP costs don't carry over. Deathwatch Marines are buying skills and talents for two or three times the cost Dark Heresy fellas pay. It doesn't help that Ascension is a bit of a mess, though gui%C3%B1o.gif

That said, my solution tho this has just been to build anything and everything I need as Specializations for Only War.