In our group we have a balanced team ranging of ki users and magicians, and occasionally summoner. But the one sticking out from the group is the lone member who doesn't accumulate, doesn't spend zeon or ki points, and seem to dominate the battlefield with his seemingly endless powers whose sole weakness is the dreaded Fumble roll. This is the Psychic user of the group.
Although I have a bit of a hard time to balance the psychic player into the game, I am not primarily here to discuss about that. But yes, I may mention it once or twice. But what I want to know is the lore and the depth of the Psychic disciplines. It must be one of the least developed traits of Anima. I am not necessarily saying it is better or worse than ki or magic but that it has so shallow information that it feels it was put in there at the last minute. Its rules are not as complex as its counterparts and frankly is the easiest to spend points in.
The Ki users gain their strength from their souls that they can learn to use through teachers and that has been researched by many, such as the ancient masters of Varja or the members of Tol Rauko (and many more). Magic is even deeper and I can't say straight from my mind where magic comes from but it has probably the deepest lore of them all. That leaves us at Psychic, which is basically just "a power that comes from a few individual who may or may not have a more evolved brain and can influence things with the power of their mind". The end.
I want to know more about it. That is my generic question.
questions are as followed:
What causes people to get psychic powers? Where does the strength come from? Can they keep developing it? Can they learn new tricks? Do they need teachers? Scrolls of magic texts? Training? Naturally gifted? Does it exist any form of cults somewhere in Gaïa that practices psychic? Who and what do they do? What makes them different than magic and ki from a fluff perspective?
Game term
What is the main difference between magic and psychic? Is it the limitation of powers and the lack of room to develop own powers? How does one combat a psychic who can toss "spells" every round without exhausting anything? Has anyone put more development into the psychic rules to make it on par with the ki and magic in terms of depth? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
My ultimate goal is to get material to make a player's character more interesting. As it is now, he was born a psychic and will never become more impressive than that because the GM (me) doesn't know what he can study, where to find it, and how to find secrets about it, etc. These may be too many questions but I am mostly interested in broad answers to fill in rather than answer everything one-by-one.