Is anyone else having difficulty with Full auto. I can understand why it was nerfed from DH rules in Black Crusade, but the characters in black crusade on the whole had higher stats than those in Only war. (+5 higher for humans, +10 for CSMs). A heavy bolter on full auto can fire upto 6 shots, but a guardsman is almost never going to get any more than three off, and even then its exceptionally lucky. Theres no real incentive at all to take a heavy bolter over say an autocannon. In My campaign the sqauds heavy bolters have yet to hit anything. perhaps full auto could be bumped to simply 0.
Full auto
I like it the way it is - any boost to it just means that autoguns and the like become the no-brainer default weapon, just like they were in the gamers prior to Black Crusade, and that just made it dull.
Just remember to use aim actions, and to get into closer ranges with the weapon. Boosting BS helps too.
But yea, it shouldn't be possible without some XP to be able to mow down whole groups of enemies, in my opinion - I like it how it is.
I've pushed for giving weapons an additional bonus to hit when Braced since Black Crusade was in development - something to help cover the difference between a wild burst with an autopistol or similar, and sustained fire from a stable position with a heavy stubber or heavy bolter. IMO (and per my own standing houserules), any weapon which has been Braced (and any weapon may brace) gains an additional +10 to hit.
As a nice side benefit, it also makes Bulging Biceps and Auto-Stabilised different again - the former means that you don't have to brace a heavy weapon, while the latter means you always count as Braced, so the Auto-Stabilised trait (hard to obtain, normally only granted by high technology like suspensors) is superior to the easier-to-obtain Bulging Biceps talent.
N0-1_H3r3 said:
I've pushed for giving weapons an additional bonus to hit when Braced since Black Crusade was in development - something to help cover the difference between a wild burst with an autopistol or similar, and sustained fire from a stable position with a heavy stubber or heavy bolter. IMO (and per my own standing houserules), any weapon which has been Braced (and any weapon may brace) gains an additional +10 to hit.
As a nice side benefit, it also makes Bulging Biceps and Auto-Stabilised different again - the former means that you don't have to brace a heavy weapon, while the latter means you always count as Braced, so the Auto-Stabilised trait (hard to obtain, normally only granted by high technology like suspensors) is superior to the easier-to-obtain Bulging Biceps talent.
That is actually a pretty good solution.
In my games I implement a range based system of bonus and penalities for semi and full bursts (a la Cyberpunk 2020). Base on the assumption that a rapid fire weapon became more and more efficient the closer the target is.
I dont' have the stas right here but Full Auto weapons got a +10 for firing at short range and -10 at long and extreme range. Semi-auto weapons got a +5 at short and medium range, but a -10 at extreme range. All these modifiers are in addition to the normal modifiers for range.