Where of where can it be? Any word on the Warfare expansion

By Keerplunk, in Dust Warfare

OK So one place it list on the boat the other it says shipping now so where is operation Zverograd??

roll on monday…

Next Wednesday, the 18th, will be exactly 3 months to the day since Warfare was released. Who knows…

Edit: The latest Esdevium New Release PDF doesn't have Zverograd on it, so it probably won't show up in the UK next week.

My guess, based on nothing but thin air:

The Sverograd book will come out as soon as they finished shipping the miniatures that's actually in it.

That means the SSU Gunship, the SSU walker transport and the SSU hero pack. With the rate FFG has been releasing the SSU packs, those three last boxes might be out by next week, or mid-august at the later if they ship those in two batch.

Now the question i cannot guess. Will they wait to release the Sverograd book until the Winter Child (of Operation: Hades) SSU hero is released. This would mean a late 2012 release for the Sverograd book.

Actually it has been stated by those that work distribution that it is supposed to hit distributors today, which means hopefully in LGS's this week.

Well I guess I will be at my FLGS all day Friday waiting for it to arrive!

Keerplunk said:

Well I guess I will be at my FLGS all day Friday waiting for it to arrive!

Pit was recently amended to next week (this actually confirmed by suppliers to a distributor I know). Just want it dammit! :)