Martial Arts need help!!!

By ThuggishRat, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hey everyone i was wondering if anyone can help me. Ok my problem is im making a level 5 tao fighter and im looking at the kung fu supreme degree. I understand everything besides the master in attack and defense (unarmed) does anybody know what that means? is it a style module and if soo where can i find it. Thanks for looking at my post still new to this anime game but i most admit its on off my favorite roleplaying game so far.

Mastery just means having over 200 Final Score in a skill or ability. I don't have my books here, so can't give you a page number reference, but anytime you see Mastery in X, that's what it means, is Final value over 200.

ohhhh ok now i understand thank you very much. I thought it was some type off style but i must have misread it but thanks again that helps me alot.

To be more precise, it's 200 and up, not 201 and up