Figured I'd introduce myself, first off thanks for answering my questions. I am such an FNG to this gaming stuff but i do love it. Since I bought my Tannhauser game I can't put it down. So far I bought Wolf,Gorgei, Ramirez and the Union trooper pack. I am thinking about getting the Shogunate next not sure though. I wish I had more folks to play with but so far only found one. I live in san antonio tx, currently in the USAF 14yrs,and have a passion for weights,mma,guns and TANNHAUSER!!! Again Hi all! oh I used wolf as my avatar because they dont have a commando delta(i look more like that)
Hi all!
Hello it rare to get intros here on the TH forums, welcome, and if you ever in WV near the OH/KY border give us a message and we'll set up a game.
I look more like a fat middle aged stay at home dad these days, but I'm stuck with Hoss, because FFG deleted the Schocktruppen avatar. : )
Welcome, Dsrtwarrior. Three cheers for your arrival ! Nice to meet another player of this wonderful game. I hoipe you´ll get the missing packs before they disappear from the market.
Didn't realize who you were until recently but i wanted to thank you for the videos that you have been posting up i have viewed them all. Again thanks!
Welcome to the site AND the game. If you want to get the Shogunate, also get Operation Hinansho as its a great suplement for than with additonal unique missions.
Dsrtwarrior said:
Figured I'd introduce myself, first off thanks for answering my questions. I am such an FNG to this gaming stuff but i do love it. Since I bought my Tannhauser game I can't put it down. So far I bought Wolf,Gorgei, Ramirez and the Union trooper pack. I am thinking about getting the Shogunate next not sure though. I wish I had more folks to play with but so far only found one. I live in san antonio tx, currently in the USAF 14yrs,and have a passion for weights,mma,guns and TANNHAUSER!!! Again Hi all! oh I used wolf as my avatar because they dont have a commando delta(i look more like that)
Hi and welcome. If you are having troubles finding people to play with (like I do) you might try the tannhauser online, I posted it in this forum. We might set up a game, and you might find some more people that have used it in this forum (not that many though).