The new version of FA. I like this map a lot. The subdued colours are very easy to look on. Compared to this map the old on e looks rather ‘garish’. I like the partisans very much; the new soldiers are great as well (but from a distance remind me of “Halo” soldiers). The air units are Bitchin’, and I love the new helicopters-as they are supremely ‘cute’. The overlays are a nice touch-if powerful, and remind me of the old ASL overlays, yet with a different form and function. So…uh, I guess they don't resemble them at all then.
I find that there is little difference in the old and new Mobile Units, and I do prefer the old hovertanks-as they really do look like hovertanks or hydrofoils.
The only unit I prefer from the old set is the lasers. The ‘satellite dish’ look was slightly humorous, and did look like it could be a laser, while the new lasers just look like cranes to me.
Still, I will use all the new pieces as is, and not 'switch' them out with the old ones.