Commissar Aptitudes

By bluntpencil2001, in Game Mechanics

Recently Strength was removed in favour of Fellowship for Commissars. Cool, they're charismatic types.


They can't buy Intimidate cheap at all.

Suggested solution:

Remove Fellowship, in favour of Social. Remove Agility in favour of Strength.

They will be more Intimidating that way. Command will have one aptitude, so not as good as a Sergeant, but still good. They'll be decent at Charm and things too, which are needed for some leader type talents. They will also be less stealthy.

Note that the terrify skill check is command based. The commissar's special talent advance is to improve that. Intimidate, while useful, is not necessarily what the commissar needs to do.

Loss of fellowship would also weaken the ability to improve command. Which, combined with an already mediocre fellowship advance cost, would make the commissar less effective at his primary role (anti-fear). (difficult to improve command, difficult to improve fellowship. And all you're getting for it is an easy intimidate advance, which, once again, is not what the commissar needs to be doing.)