New Dust Player: "We need breathing room."

By Godsgopher, in Dust Tactics

One of these days I'm going to learn not to talk to people in game stores. Because before I know it I have been lead over to the DUST section of the store and show all these cool alternate history WWII guys. Before I know it I have a rule book in my hand, I'm nodding my head, flipping through pages, See a massive box full of cheap miniatures, Im handing money over, how did I get to the check out counter? I don't remember, and then I'm standing out in the hot Oklahoma Sun with a large heavy box in my hands and the strangest feeling I was just abducted by aliens.

Never to let details get in the way I headed home and started painting. I would love to say the guys below were the first thing I did, but frankly quite a bit of research and thought went into the colors. Unfortunatly, I didn't buy the rule book or I would known the SS and Nazi Party were disbanded (Yea like even with Hitler dead that would have happened) So I just had to paint up the Laser Troopers the way I invisioned the SS would have deployed them. See below…




The Camo pattern is known as Pea Dot, it was the first full uniform made in a all year color pattern, of interesting note the German Army still uses a variation of this camo to this day.

Great job! Like the camo pattern.

Nice stuff. I have played around with a lot of German camo patterns as well.

photo9.jpg photo7.jpg

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Looking good. Peadot is always a good choice. They had a bunch of it so im sure they would keep issuing it, even after the fuhrer ate a bullet. I've got a Flamluther command who'll be getting the Peadot treatment later today. Though I really should be sticking with the FJ splinter… Anyway, great job, let's see more from you.