I know there has been two core/starter box sets released so far for Dust Tactics, I have them both and they are amazing but I was wondering if we will see a new box set featuring the core rules for Dust Warfare and perhaps several minis/squads for the SSU? The great thing about the core sets is the minis and as much as I like the new SSU they are bit expensive compaired to the Axis and Allied factions (because of the larger intro box sets)
will there ever be a core set released for Dust Warfare?
IMHO? Doubtful for the foreseeable future. The models are made and packaged by Dust Studios, the creators of Dust Tactics. FFG just distributes/sakes the models for them. FFG wrote the Dust Warfare rules to utilize the Dust Tactics models. Any future Core Sets will be Dust Tactics, and probably won't occur until there's either a fourth faction, or another major type of unit upgrade, like the introduction of Soldier 3 units and light walker's created the Revised Core set.
I wouldn't mind a new core set next year for tactics/warfare that has QuickStart rules for Warfare, quick reference guide like original core had. And some exclusive units for SSU and AXIS.
For example, the SSU don't really had any long range firepower. And little ranged antitank squad weapons. They could get a new hero, modified KV suit, and 3 squads slightly altered from their existing units like they did for RCS. Maybe even not do a modified KV and instead introduce the personal battlesuits as Armor 3 SSU.
Axis could use. Squad with a grenade launcher. Now that we have seen the sprues and know a squad carried Granatwerfer is coming.
Psykostevo said:
Now that we have seen the sprues and know a squad carried Granatwerfer is coming.
haven't seen or heard that, do you have a link?
Instead of a new core, I would like to see the units in the core offered in separate boxes. If FFG is serious about supporting Dust Warfare, they will have to package and market for it.
The problems:
1. The core set does dot support a platoon build.
2. You have to buy extra Tactics materials to make the army build you want.
The solution: make all units and heros available in separate packaging.
I understand that they left the packaging the same for business reasons, but in the long run it will annoy serious war gamers and prevent some from even entering the "Dust" market. This will hurt the warfare game going forward.
Why do I have to buy the entire core for the 3 units I need for my Schwer Platoon?
I doubt it, but it would be nice.
Peacekeeper_b said:
I doubt it, but it would be nice.
Agreed. And probably something they'll want to try, but it's not all up to FFG. Dust Studios packages the models, and have a controlling interest.
Maverickg said:
1. The core set does dot support a platoon build.
Sure they do. Each core set lets you have an Axis platoon and an Allied platoon on each side that uses all the units in the box.
felkor said:
Maverickg said:
1. The core set does dot support a platoon build.
Sure they do.
Upon further investigation I found the Axis (the army I am currently trying to build) could build 150 point Blutkreuz Platoon given the Sturmpioniere command squad. Lara can command a Schwer platoon but not worth anything given the core set.
So, yes, you can make a platoon with the core set.
That said, I am now frusterated with the game's packaging since I cannot make the Dust Warefare force had I wanted without buying extra Dust Tactics materials and extra units. I was not interested in the allies and even some of the Axis units (Sturmpioniere) that come in the box. My original Schwer force list does require the Heavy Flak and Heavy Laser units from the core which I now realize I cannot find anywhere else.
Am I correct in thinking I need to purchase the core to get Lara, Heavy Flak Grenadiers, and Heavy Laser Grenadiers? Do they come in their own boxes?
Maverickg said:
Am I correct in thinking I need to purchase the core to get Lara, Heavy Flak Grenadiers, and Heavy Laser Grenadiers? Do they come in their own boxes?
Unfortunately, they only come in the core set. However, I'm sure some Allies-only players are selling the axis stuff on eBay, and if you want someone to Prepainted them for you, I'm pretty sure Lazuli will sell you just what you want.
It's usually not very hard to find someone willing to split the cost locally, plus you get an opponent. Win-win. Even without that, at current MSRP for like units, models, it'd cost $24.95 for the Hans, $19.95 each for the 3 Squads, & $6.65ish for Lara if they sold heroes separate from a 3 figure set for $19.95. That'd be $91.45 for all of them separately. And while you say you don't want the SturmPioneres, it'd still be pretty close to the $79.95 (Core Set MSRP) without them. and you'd get all the Allies stuff to use for demos or to sell to someone else, recouping a good deal of your cost.
*Edit to add - SturmPioneres are awesome. They've been Errated to have the Fast SA, which gives them just what they needed to be very fun. Fast SA makes it more likely to get the Burst SA from the Flammenwerther, which makes them a great, "Lead from the front" Assault Command Squad.
That is an interesting point regarding the Sturmpieniere. I was unaware of the fast movement change, it would have helped in my last game (I am borrowing figures until I get my own). It sounds like a really misjudged the current core set all around. I will be placing an order soon.
They would be silly not to release a boxed se twith all youn eed to ge tplaying, This is the best way ofgetting new players into the game.
Id be willing to bet that FFG and Dust Studio are watching the sales figures closely. If there is a significant increase in model sales (the main money maker for any minis game) that is generated by Warfare then it would only make sense for them to pursue that avenue. If it is steady and is obviously driven by Warfare the Id be willing to bet at some time there would be a starter set of some kind (either a box with 2 minimal platoons or Army boxes set up to the Warfare platoons). Really right now though it is probably to early to tell one way or the other. All I can say is that all the stuff that has been sitting on the shelves locally moving slowly for the last year or so is now but almost gone since Warfare was released.
I had a hard time getting regular tactics players. The boardgamers didnt like the release schedule and werent used to having to buy monthly product to continually build their forces and the mini gamers hated ( I mean hated ) the tiles and refused to play. What this meant is that, at least locally, it missed its mark with both crowds. Most people felt that it was a miniatures wargame pretending to be a board game. There were a few of us that bought in all the way (and lots willing to play when I brought my stuff down to the LGS) but most didnt. Since Warfare though this has changed significantly.
DoomOnYou72 said:
Id be willing to bet that FFG and Dust Studio are watching the sales figures closely. If there is a significant increase in model sales (the main money maker for any minis game) that is generated by Warfare then it would only make sense for them to pursue that avenue. If it is steady and is obviously driven by Warfare the Id be willing to bet at some time there would be a starter set of some kind (either a box with 2 minimal platoons or Army boxes set up to the Warfare platoons). Really right now though it is probably to early to tell one way or the other. All I can say is that all the stuff that has been sitting on the shelves locally moving slowly for the last year or so is now but almost gone since Warfare was released.
I had a hard time getting regular tactics players. The boardgamers didnt like the release schedule and werent used to having to buy monthly product to continually build their forces and the mini gamers hated ( I mean hated ) the tiles and refused to play. What this meant is that, at least locally, it missed its mark with both crowds. Most people felt that it was a miniatures wargame pretending to be a board game. There were a few of us that bought in all the way (and lots willing to play when I brought my stuff down to the LGS) but most didnt. Since Warfare though this has changed significantly.
This was my exact experience as well.
Marketing Dust as a boardgame was a mistake, should have gone straight out as a gridded wargame.
Yes. Tactics excited me at first, until the movement and fire (range) limitations of the troops became apparent, as well as the actual tactical limitations of the scenario terrain set-ups. A 'Pounder' could cheerfully destroy any and all infantry facing it, and a Ludwig wasn't far behind in that ability.
As for Dust Studios carefully watching sales figures and altering their behavior accordingly, I am dubious. After decades of dealing with Games Workshop, and years watching and dealing with other extra-US companies, I have arrived at the conclusion that Euro companies do not function/'think' in the same terms as US companies. I'd bet good money that there's more than a little frustration at Dust Studios in some of the offices at FFG (sucker bet).
Warboss Krag said:
Yes. Tactics excited me at first, until the movement and fire (range) limitations of the troops became apparent, as well as the actual tactical limitations of the scenario terrain set-ups. A 'Pounder' could cheerfully destroy any and all infantry facing it, and a Ludwig wasn't far behind in that ability.
As for Dust Studios carefully watching sales figures and altering their behavior accordingly, I am dubious. After decades of dealing with Games Workshop, and years watching and dealing with other extra-US companies, I have arrived at the conclusion that Euro companies do not function/'think' in the same terms as US companies. I'd bet good money that there's more than a little frustration at Dust Studios in some of the offices at FFG (sucker bet).
I don't know about that. From everything I've seen, Paolo, Clement, Stephan, et al., appear to have keen level minds and are very approachable. I could be wrong, as I've never shared a boardroom or teleconference with them, but every interaction I've had with them has been a joy, and very satisfying.
Shadow4ce said:
Warboss Krag said:
Yes. Tactics excited me at first, until the movement and fire (range) limitations of the troops became apparent, as well as the actual tactical limitations of the scenario terrain set-ups. A 'Pounder' could cheerfully destroy any and all infantry facing it, and a Ludwig wasn't far behind in that ability.
As for Dust Studios carefully watching sales figures and altering their behavior accordingly, I am dubious. After decades of dealing with Games Workshop, and years watching and dealing with other extra-US companies, I have arrived at the conclusion that Euro companies do not function/'think' in the same terms as US companies. I'd bet good money that there's more than a little frustration at Dust Studios in some of the offices at FFG (sucker bet).
I don't know about that. From everything I've seen, Paolo, Clement, Stephan, et al., appear to have keen level minds and are very approachable. I could be wrong, as I've never shared a boardroom or teleconference with them, but every interaction I've had with them has been a joy, and very satisfying.
Agreed, on the Facebook group, Paolo, Olivier, Clement, etc are very approachable and kind folk. They have zero issue communicating with their player base, and are good examples of how designers should treat their folks.
That would be a nice change from the usual Euro-co. boardroom behavior… Only time will tell.
I am quite sure we will see a Warfare core set at some time in the future. This game is only months old… that's it… months. And loof at how much stuff we have… the huge selection of models available to us is due to the existance of tactics. Do I play tactics? no. Would I like to see things switch over to a more warfare oriented approach? sure… but I can wait… like I said, its been months. The only issue I have is that I think they should try to at least do simultaneous releases for tactics and warfare instead of tactics getting stuff and warfare players waiting for stuff… but then again, since the core rulebook sold out soo fast after release, it pushed back the warfare release of the SSU book as they wanted to get more rulebooks out there instead first… and I can understand that. I just hope that in the future we don't see Hades for tactics and have to wait for months for the Hades book for warfare… but my hope is that they are moving to a simultaneous release system.
This all comes back to warfare only existing for a few months. As it seems to be a success, they will likely put more focus into it. If it is selling (and it seems to be) then they will likely continue to support it. There has already been talk of future second edition rules, etc and the game is only months old. My thought is that by the end of next year we could possibly see a second edition of the rules and a fourth faction. When the second edition hits, my hunch is that it will coincide with a new warfare core set that includes a second edition rulebook and perhaps an assortment of models from the SSU and the new faction.
Do I have anything to base this on? no…. It just seems like a logical next step to introduce more new players into the game and the Dust universe. The one thing that I know is that Paolo Parente believes in the Dust universe and I truly believe he and others will do what they can to see it become more popular.
So, I think we will see a warfare box set, just not for at least another year or so… gotta give the game a little time…. 5 or 6 months is nothing and we can't expect it to be fully formed in that amount of time. Most games and first edition rules suck hard in their fist 6 months and have an extremely limited model selection. This game does not have any of those problems, and that makes me happy.