Rogue trader discovering us… Interresting … for him, the worst for us.
First of all the Rogue trader will be so happy a whole planet to sell to the imperium and a new title to him to bear, contract to be made and lot of money coming right in the pocket..
Second What a paradise world those retards down stair are quite boring steriliezed them, make them work to built palace and great domains then cut the land in kingdom and rent it to noble or high ranking member of church or administratum;
Third, that could become a really nice new home for my dinasty, just hope for us that the rogue trader is a kind ruler.
Fourth, investigfating on the world, reclaim intelligence about the planet, goverment, military asset and poxer and just let the IG come after selling all the infos to the administratum, and only because our world wouldn't be that interrresting for this rogue trader.