Say a Rogue Trader showed up to a modern day Earth. how do you think he would respond? would we he heretics? (christianity, buddhism, hinduism, etc) possibly heriteks? what with all our non-sanctioned technology and understanding. how would we be exploited? all this assuming we're somewhere other than Terra in Sol
Earth in 40k?
Well I guess earth would be classified as a paradise world with lots of heretics and hereteks alike populating it. So I'd expect a Rogue Trader to start an Orbital Bombardement of any of the major population centers followed by a request to surrender or similar.
A more peacefull RT would potentially force some treaties and exploid oil and minerals from our planet in addition to stocking up his crew and maybe if he's particularely devious some tech for a little bit of cold trading business.
Ah, your Sci-Fi series has had its budget cut, and the network are forcing you to set the next season on contemporary earth to save on production costs? It's always sad when that happens. The original Battlestar Galactica had this misfortune heaped upon it.
Warhammer 1980 just doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but at least you can have Rogue Traders vs. Nazis!
Assuming he would not just ash most resistance and try to convert us diplomatically:
Religion: The Ministorum would analyze similarities in Earth's belief systems with the Imperial Creed and point out the "obvious" conclusions: The Emperor was Jesus, visiting you in ancient times! The Emperor was Buddha, visiting you in ancient times! This saint was actually an Imperial Saint sent by the Emperor! This goddess is an allegory for one of the mighty Primarchs! And so on (this would become recursive in a very meta and paradoxical fashion, though…)
Technology: Considering we have no real Tech-Heresies yet (although starting to dabble into some of the edges), the Mechanicus would just be interested in plundering our resources and convince us of the Omnissiah. Once that is done our scientist who would be willing to convert would probably make respected Tech-Priest in the future.
Government: The Rogue Trader probably and the High Lords definitely would not care as long as we pay the Tithe. The Rogue Trader probably would want at least a veto right if not supreme control, though.
Military: Will make the basis of our PDF. Perhaps some SpecOps would be recruited to serve in the Rogue Trader's Household Guard, after they got properly trained in Imperial Weaponry and the dangers of the Xeno, Mutant and Heretic.
Economy: Could go either way. The influx of Mechanicus tech could boost it, but the tithe might end up a crushing burden on us.
However, in any way, I expect at least some re-education and perhaps purgings taking place. I doubt all of Earth's present day population would take to the change easily or eagerly, especially in 1st World Countries.
Are you talking about the actual Earth, i.e. pre-Imperial Holy Terra, or a planet a lot like modern Earth? If it's the former, screwing with the timeline could prevent the Rise of the God-Emperor- a Heresy that would dwarf that of Horus into near-insignifigance…
it seems to me the RT would probably have his hands full getting our governments to all cooperate with one another as well, if that would even be necessary to exact tithes and such
Adeptus-B said:
Are you talking about the actual Earth, i.e. pre-Imperial Holy Terra, or a planet a lot like modern Earth? If it's the former, screwing with the timeline could prevent the Rise of the God-Emperor- a Heresy that would dwarf that of Horus into near-insignifigance…
a planet exactly like modern earth. as if we were in a different system, or more likely the Emperor is in a different system and we wrote the books with him here just because its all we know.
Heretics. Heretics everywhere. Backwards heretics, even.
I could not see this scenario end in any other way than mass invasion.
Unless it's only a Rogue Trader. Then he'd probably start selling tech and take over Earth economically and politically. That said, I think the value of doing so wouldn't be worth the effort.
Plynkes said:
Ah, your Sci-Fi series has had its budget cut, and the network are forcing you to set the next season on contemporary earth to save on production costs? It's always sad when that happens. The original Battlestar Galactica had this misfortune heaped upon it.
Warhammer 1980 just doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but at least you can have Rogue Traders vs. Nazis!
We're not heretics, we're heathens. Heretics have turned away from the worship of the God-Emperor, heathens have yet to embrace it. And our planet is self-sufficient, has a big population and a good enough tech-base. My guess would be that a Rogue Trader would set up some trade relations with different nations and then start to send techpriests and missionaries to educate us to the 'proper' ways.
The RT may also decide to take the quiet route after the mechanicus guys detect the thousands of nuclear warhead all over the planet…
Nuclear macrobatteries my lord all over the planet, I advice caution, they may be crazy….
crisaron said:
The RT may also decide to take the quiet route after the mechanicus guys detect the thousands of nuclear warhead all over the planet…
Nuclear macrobatteries my lord all over the planet, I advice caution, they may be crazy….
If they only knew.
As with anything involving Rogue Traders the best answer is "It depends on the personality of the Captain in question". Some would go the kill 'em all and loot the ruins route. Another might blow up an island or two, and then offer to open up trade relations with the most industrialized nations. Still another might begin a campaign of slow subversion and infilitration of target societies. Finally one may just park his ship in orbit over the planet, tell the natives he claims the rest of the solar system in the name of himself, and anyone who disagrees can get glassed, but that he'll leave them alone if they don't leave their orbit.
Our Earth would be classified as a Developing World (one where there are large disparities between the wealth of the planets population), that's one step above a Feudal World and one below a Civilised World.
A Rogue Trader is there to make a profit, or at least needs to make one whatever he decides, so his motivations would be pretty clear but can do that through diplomacy or war, whatever takes his fancy. If we were discovered by a Crusading Imperial Army things could turn nasty quick, though in the background I've read most worlds, assuming they're not abominations, are offered the choice of surrender or die. So we'd probably die since we're stupid like that.
If we were clever then we'd have to start paying the Tithe, raise our own Imperial Guard and PDF Regiments (what a mixed bag they'd be!) and start getting used to the Imperiums feudal system of authority, Who know's our regiments could carve out a good name of themselves… 101st Earthling Infantry Regiment, marching to war to the sound of Scottish Bagpipes and the Maori Haka
If they were to start recruiting, they'd probably grab from the countries with the largest militaries first, so the US, China, and Russia. Assuming of course that those countries still existed. I figure the bible-belt would give the Imperium some trouble (what do you mean Emperor-Jesus doesn't care about gays!?) and have to be pacified. I can't see the Echlesiarchy liking Hindu too much either, what with their four-armed Gods being reminiscent of mutants or genestealer hybrids. While I'd honestly say it could be hit or miss with Islam.
It depends of course on the tactics used by the Rogue Trader, and just how persuasive they are when it comes to talking to everyone.
I for one would happily embrace the Canadian Forces flying around the stars, demonstrating to all the galaxy that living in this cold ass country makes for some tough folks (though there's so much more to it than simple climate, of course).
Has everyone missed the fact that if the Rogue Trader comes back to today, then the Emperor is wandering around somewhere on the planet?
Cornwallis said:
it seems to me the RT would probably have his hands full getting our governments to all cooperate with one another as well, if that would even be necessary to exact tithes and such
Adeptus-B said:
Are you talking about the actual Earth, i.e. pre-Imperial Holy Terra, or a planet a lot like modern Earth? If it's the former, screwing with the timeline could prevent the Rise of the God-Emperor- a Heresy that would dwarf that of Horus into near-insignifigance…
a planet exactly like modern earth. as if we were in a different system, or more likely the Emperor is in a different system and we wrote the books with him here just because its all we know.
korjik said:
Has everyone missed the fact that if the Rogue Trader comes back to today, then the Emperor is wandering around somewhere on the planet?
I guess you skimmed through the post Korjik. This was already brought up, and clarified.
Blood Pact said:
If they were to start recruiting, they'd probably grab from the countries with the largest militaries first, so the US, China, and Russia. Assuming of course that those countries still existed. I figure the bible-belt would give the Imperium some trouble (what do you mean Emperor-Jesus doesn't care about gays!?) and have to be pacified. I can't see the Echlesiarchy liking Hindu too much either, what with their four-armed Gods being reminiscent of mutants or genestealer hybrids. While I'd honestly say it could be hit or miss with Islam.
It depends of course on the tactics used by the Rogue Trader, and just how persuasive they are when it comes to talking to everyone.
I for one would happily embrace the Canadian Forces flying around the stars, demonstrating to all the galaxy that living in this cold ass country makes for some tough folks (though there's so much more to it than simple climate, of course).
Why did the bible belt give the IOM trouble in regards with gays? Hatting gays are among the accepted deviation of worshiping the Emperor.
Also Buddhism will be in trouble with the IOM because of iconography.
thor2006 said:
Why did the bible belt give the IOM trouble in regards with gays? Hatting gays are among the accepted deviation of worshiping the Emperor.
Also Buddhism will be in trouble with the IOM because of iconography.
I'd think the Imperium would think the western religions were all based on the creed long ago and the easterns are all heretics in need of purging to save the rest.
I don't think eastern religion is in need of purging (for example there are cases when the Emperor is the head of pantheon of Gods and the Church is ok with this). Buddhism without the near chaos star is in the same boat with western abrahamic religions.
Hinduism will need to adopt a centrelized pantheon to survive, and I don't know too well the other eastern religions to see how they fare.
Despite the best efforts of some in the Ecclesiarchy its preachers and rabid nutters of every stripe can twist the religious dogma anyway they like and one man's heathen is another man's hero. And more often than not priests, or more importantly the Imperial officials above them who really run things, are quite happy for people to pay lip service which could further distort 'Imperial Truth'. I don't imagine the Imperium would be very interested in wiping out Hinduism or Christianity. All those masses of deluded potential servants who already understand the concept of blind obedience? Jackpot
well, unless they became a nuisance of course, but then thats what the Exterminatus button was made for!
you think the internet exists in the imperium? if so I'm sure it'd be limited to each planet, ship, station etc. but on the other hand it seems like it could be labeled tech heresy. or even standard heresy if there was ever just one heretical post. Could even be lost archaeotech, destroyed after Mars was corrupted via thousand viruses.
If so then as soon as it gets hooked up, the Tech Priests of Mars will discover the gift that is p0rn.
She-Who-Thirsts is pleased.
Cornwallis said:
you think the internet exists in the imperium? if so I'm sure it'd be limited to each planet, ship, station etc. but on the other hand it seems like it could be labeled tech heresy. or even standard heresy if there was ever just one heretical post. Could even be lost archaeotech, destroyed after Mars was corrupted via thousand viruses.
Two comments, mate.
First, if you consider Black Library novels canon, then the mechanicus do have this technology, or at least they did… Graham McNeill's Mechanicum features a device called a noosphere. It is remarkably internet-like, and tech priests can interface with it directly to access all kinds of interesting data. Of course, Mechanicum is set on Mars during the Heresy, and the noosphere gets well and truly trashed along with many, many other things.
Second, are you familiar with the Eyes of Wrath in Deathwatch? Long story short, it's a surveillance network established by the paranoid Commander Ebongrave to root out Tau sympathizers. It has many pict recorders and other surveillance devices all feeding into a central headquarters, and the net is interstellar in scope, covering multiple star systems. The central HQ has a legion of telepathic servitors to maintain the necessary data connections over interstellar distances. Of course, I'm now having visions of a daemon, particularly one of Tzeentch's, possessing a servitor and making a few small, subtle alterations to the data…
- V.
Well first of all i think its important to note that the Emperor was definitely around and active on Terra during M3, in fact he had been active from 8,000 BC to M25, when he became a public figure as a warlord during the age of strife. This means he spent 33k years preparing himself for what was to come. You can assume that if you were to encounter him in M3 he would be terrifically powerful still
As stated, a Rogue Trader beyond the Imperium who found an equivalent to our contemporary earth, could do as they pleased. Our earth is clearly post-atomic but not capable of more than elementary space travel - which to a Rogue Trader would mean, it is quite capable of ruining many profitable endeavours almost instantly but blowing itself up.
The value of the world, without having detailed information, is its relatively clean environment that can sustain its large population, and its population itself - making it useful as an agricultural world and a potential source of human labour/workforce/military. The technology is effective, but primitive - but for its easy and most valuable resources it does't need to be changed.
A charismatic and pragmatic Rogue Trader could focus his diplomatic efforts on empowering the United Nations. Missions for the Imperial Creed would also be sewn, but there is no real need to force compliance quickly beyond the Imperium.
To turn a quick profit you could levy large numbers of volunteer "space soliders" and then bring them back to the Imperium. Likewise, you could start developing your private army of soldiers (since the vehicles aren't worth it) via your empowered UN in quick order.
All in all, if you could keep its location secret it would be very valuable for foodstuffs and people. The nuclear weapons and most planetary nations could be controlled through your UN agency. Considering the amount of people here, you could export huge amounts of infantry as a tithe at almost no effort on a regular basis.
On a personal, if I were the RT note: I would start work on creating an official bastion for myself, which would be the new UN headquarters and training facility for my new soldiers, and the planetary spaceport. To shift the balance of political power I would start it "in the cradle of civilization" in Africa: mostly because it's a good excuse to be some place warm, and with the least amount of hassle from other governments. Only my grand palace and select facilities would demonstrate the "true" power I have (ie. really big, spires - start of a Hive).
For purposes of propaganda, and to dis-empower other nations peacefully - I would paint a perfectly accurate description of a Galaxy at War - and have a nice little zoo and museum filled with footage of horrible monsters and a zoo of scary monsters. Teach them to fear the psyker - to help empower the Creed and its eventual global dominance. I'm reasonably confident you could get the Pope on your side very quickly.
I'd give you +5 Profit Factor, for the food and troops, mostly a diplomatic effort with creed.
I wonder what would be done about our view on technology. Most of what we know is an instant tech-heresy, because anyone who knows anythig about how computer works, knows there are no machine spirits (just nasty gremlins
Quite a lot of knowledge would have to became limited and the internet would meet with a purge on a big scale.