Twin-linked flamers and cameleoline cloaks

By Amaimon, in Game Mechanics

How do you handle t-l flamers (such as those on immolator). Do enemies simply have penalty -20 to agility? or something more?

I also had question about handling semi-auto weapons with blast quality such as automatic grenade launchers, or LR executioners main plasma cannon. But I already answered it myself. Those shots that hit, hit. Those shots that miss scatter as per diagram, and are not wasted/do not disappear.

Why cameleoline cloacks are back to pre-errata DH? Isn't -30 too much? Finally, how does one define someone as stationary? I'd rule, that someone is stationary if he didn't make any actions with move subtype in his previous turn. Or maybe he should be doing nothing, but standing/laying still.

Amaimon said:

How do you handle t-l flamers (such as those on immolator). Do enemies simply have penalty -20 to agility? or something more?

I also had question about handling semi-auto weapons with blast quality such as automatic grenade launchers, or LR executioners main plasma cannon. But I already answered it myself. Those shots that hit, hit. Those shots that miss scatter as per diagram, and are not wasted/do not disappear.

Why cameleoline cloacks are back to pre-errata DH? Isn't -30 too much? Finally, how does one define someone as stationary? I'd rule, that someone is stationary if he didn't make any actions with move subtype in his previous turn. Or maybe he should be doing nothing, but standing/laying still.

Where are you getting the stats for an Immolator anyway? Are you custom-building them, or are they somewhere in the rulebook that I"m missing?

I think -30 is fairly reasonable given remaining stationary is a pretty big disadvantage. And I would also go with the definition of not making any movement, since that makes sense both in a dictionary sense as well as a rules-mechanics sense :-P.

HTMC said:

Where are you getting the stats for an Immolator anyway? Are you custom-building them, or are they somewhere in the rulebook that I"m missing?

I think -30 is fairly reasonable given remaining stationary is a pretty big disadvantage. And I would also go with the definition of not making any movement, since that makes sense both in a dictionary sense as well as a rules-mechanics sense :-P.

It's simply a rhino with gunner and t-l heavy flamer or multi-melta on top. You can find stats for rhino in Rites of Battle for DW.

besides, what disadvantage? you mean the one that you remain braced all the time when wielding heavy weapon? Or the one that you can aim every turn before shooting. The only disadvantage of remaining stationary is that enemies can get to you faster. (they have to engage you in cc, because they cant hit you because of your cloak). Then, when they finally charge you, you can dodge (or get hit in the face), and then on your turn tumble as half action from acrobatics (or simply move as half action, and risk that they hit you) and then obliterate them from point blank range. Of course this tactics only works on enemies with low bs (up to 40) and ws (up to 30). And providing that enemy you are fighting with is not wielding power klaw or something equally deadly.

Amaimon said:

besides, what disadvantage? you mean the one that you remain braced all the time when wielding heavy weapon? Or the one that you can aim every turn before shooting. The only disadvantage of remaining stationary is that enemies can get to you faster. (they have to engage you in cc, because they cant hit you because of your cloak). Then, when they finally charge you, you can dodge (or get hit in the face), and then on your turn tumble as half action from acrobatics (or simply move as half action, and risk that they hit you) and then obliterate them from point blank range. Of course this tactics only works on enemies with low bs (up to 40) and ws (up to 30). And providing that enemy you are fighting with is not wielding power klaw or something equally deadly.

I can't find any precedent for a twin-linked Flame weapon in the 40kRPG line, although I obviously didn't go through every book, so I personally have no idea, sorry.

In terms of your description above, you're assuming the battlefield you're fighting on is a wide-open plain. There are plenty of situations where remaining stationary is a huge disadvantage: for instance, against enemies that are moving from cover to cover, and remaining stationary means losing LoS. Perhaps the enemy has a mortar set up, and remaining stationary means they can zone in on you and eventually hit you by Blast fire, cloak or not. Any competent melee enemy with Swift or Lightning attack doesn't care if you dodge the first or second attack, so letting them get close is a bad idea. If the rest of the you team isn't playing immobile snipers, then you potentially risk being left behind or out of position.

Anyway, while the situation you described is perfectly feasible, there are plenty of other variables and potential situations where stationary is a bad idea, and a good GM will make it so your comfort zone is consistently challenged.

In TT a Twin Linked Flamer re-rolls missed wounds in the same way that any other twin linked weapon would re-roll missed hits. In the RPG I would treat it as a Tearing weapon, roll an additional d10 and pick the highest result.