Toying with the regiment creation rules I stumbled upon the following problems/ideas.
First of all I think that some kind of "regimental limitations" should be included to simulate both tactical blind spots and the history of the regiment.
For example some regiments are completly devoided of Abhumans (Kriegs tend to), or have a history of insubordination (Catachans for example), or lacks the resources to fully equip their soldiers (like the Red Army prior to 1943). I think that they should get some kind of bonus to compensate these limitations.
Another idea in the same vein: the cost in the Additional Kit Items Table are meant for starndard quality items (unless otherwise noted), but what if I want to add a poor quality item to save some points?
E.G. I gave to one of my scout regiments Preysense Googles as part of their standard kit. The Googles cost 15 points and are standard quality. How much does poor quality googles cost?
Based on the fact that a poor quality item gave a +20 to the requisition test, which equates to an increase of two ranks in avability I guess that the cost should drop 2 levels (in the previous case from 15 to 8), likely with a minimum of 1 point.
What do you think? Does this makes any sense?