This is a pet-peve of mine and some folks will probably disagree… but one the things I hated most about Dark Heresy was that the PC careers could not duplicate the NPC profiles in the back of the book… a starting PC Scum could not have the same skills and talents as a NPC Dreg, the lowest of the Imperial low. Sadly, Only War seems to follow in this tradition.
I looked at the Guardsman, Ogryn, Ratling, Storm Trooper and Commissar profiles in the Adversaries and NPCs chapter and compared them to the equivilent Specialities in Character Creation (treating Guardsman as Weapon Specialist). I disregarded Regiment modifiers, since those are highly variable, and I know that will throw off my totals somewhat. Nevertheless, the results did not please me.
The Guardsman has roughly the same Characteristics as a starting character but appears to have spent 2800 experience points on skills and talents (including 800 exp(!) for Nerves of Steel).
The Orgyn has +18 more Characteristic points than a starting character (and has an outragously high - for an Ogryn - Intelligence of 22). Disregarding the exp spent for those, he has spent 1200 experience points on skills and talents.
The Ratling has 18 fewer Characteristics points than a starting character, and has spent 2800 experience points on his skills and talents.
The Storm Trooper has roughly the same Charactersitics as a starting character but has spent 5900 experience points on skills and talents.
The Commissar has 55 more Characterisitics points than a starting character and has spent 10,300 (!) experience points on skills and talents. He also has the Talent "Cold Hearted" which does not appear to be listed in my book.
From this alone, I think the entire Adversaries and NPCs chapter needs to entirely reconsidered. IMO, your millage may vary.