Other axis allies

By somesamurai, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Does anyone have a guess, whether or not they will introduce Japanese units? I think it would be cool, if they had some katana wielding close combat troops.

Yes, we've had several hints that the Japanese would be making their way into the official line.

As for katana troops, I don't know if they would go that route…

I guess my love for anything samurai, has me hoping…

I guess they could be some kind of fast close combat squad like BBQ Rangers. Instead of flamers they would have pistols or SMG's and swords with let's say 2/1


Yes a Samurai unit would be cool but lets remember this dust. Good old Paolo is more likely to decide we need a unit of scantly clad geisha girls wielding saki bombs.

I would love to see Italian units enter the fray. I would absolutely swoon over Finnish units to go against the SSU.

We need polish resistance! No matter on which side.. :P

What we need is air power for the Axis and Allies. Power armor for the SSU as well.

I don't like the idea of getting air units for Axis and Allies soon. The SSU is underpowered already, having those attack choppers gives them that small edge, you only then need to swap air lifted walkers with normal ones and you got a pretty nice army.

The SSU points are to high and there ranges are to short. You are rite, the only thing they really have going for them is the choppers.

Perhaps a future expansion will cover the paciffic front? Japanese and Australian units would be a great addition. It would also allow for the possibility to jungle fighting rules.

Nice call, on what would be a cool expansion.

from the Dust warfare book:

1944 - August: Japan starts the 'Steel Samurai' program to develop its own war walkers.

I also can`t wait for Japan to get its own army.

We need katana wielding walker!

In the Dust Strategy Board Game there's a picture of a Japanese walker (page 7 of the PDF), which has a characteristic "ball" front hull shape with a nice rounded antenna thing on top, kinda like the WW2 Type 97, and possibly a flamer weapon configuration.

You mean this little guy…




He appears to have a Flame Weapon, a Sword, and a Chainsaw. : )

Two more variants in the comic. Change the flamer for an anti-tank gun, and the other, change flamer again and the chainsaw for a triple missile pod.

Yup, that one. Both the configuration in that picture and its variants seem to be nasty enough. Also, I rather like the look of it.


Those pics look great.

I notice from the upcoming Operation Hades expansion announcment www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3412 that:

" The darkness of the underground grants a unit increasing levels of cover the farther it is from an attacking unit, and units cannot target foes with four or more spaces between them."

This rule could be easliy translated into use in a dense jungle follage enviroment (or indeed into a fog/mist based senario).

I also reckon that adding parachute units is possible using the same rules that the SSU Helicoptors have for dropping into a battle.

I really hope that the Japanese and Australasian armies will be developed.

All this speculation leaves this fella, giddy as a schoolboy.

Yes all of these ideas are great. Allot of us were hoping that Dust Warfare would deliver all that and more, but they went and made an entirely new game.
I would love to see them flesh out Dust. The unfortunate thing is they are painfully slow in producing anything. There usual seems to be about a month late for a release date.
Your best is to make some house rules.

Speaking as an Aussie, I would love for their to be some Australian units - slouch hats, Bren guns and shorts please :)

You will probably not see any minor allies or axis armies as this is not that type of game. It's an alternate WW2 where you are fighting for

a valuable resource and world domination. You will see special units more likely from the Mid level axis and allied armies.