[So]Rice's WiP Axis

By [So]Rice, in Dust Warfare

Hello all,

I have finally started to work on my own army, here are some WiP pictures, no paint yet :)

The Army minus one Heavy Recon Squad, the snipers, and one Recon Squad (Thanks Major Malfunction for the list!)

Sigrid's Natchjager:

Fritz's Natchjager:


Fritz herself:


I am waiting on a plastic Solothurn gun to finish her:


The little guy is a suppression marker or a wound marker.


Laser Grenadiers:


Battle Grenadiers:

Heavy Recon Grenadiers:

Hey Nam, I had some pieces left over from all the casting on my Tunisia table. If i'd known you were going to dou the ruind them on your Axis, Id have given you some.

They are looking cool, cant wait to see them finished.

What is the figure you are using for the pilot in sigrid's mech? I recognize the other as one shot from soda pop…

Thanks Bdub! I will let you know if I ever need more :)

green_lumux said:

What is the figure you are using for the pilot in sigrid's mech? I recognize the other as one shot from soda pop…

Hello, the pilot in Sigrid's Mech is Sigrid!


You can purchase her from Dust-Models. I bought two of the unassembled tanks with her, the Natchjagers, they are $50 each.

That is a sweet paint job on Sigrid, bro! IMO, your best work I've seen so far (just stuff posted here and on Dust-War Forums). Great idea on the camo on the turned down collars for a reversible jacket look. Very cool.