Embedded Auspex

By signoftheserpent, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Not sure why this is called Embedded Auspex and not Augur Array when it does the same thing.

However, I'm confused as to how this works. It says that it functions the same (craftsmanship notwithstanding) as an Auspex Scanner device. But it also says you need to spend half an action to switch it on, something the Scanner doesn't seem to require (no mention of any requirement to activate it even though presumably that is the case).

It doesn't say how long the implant can remain active either (nor does the device have an operating time either). So surely the first thing a Heretek character will do in the game is switch it on (if he has the implant). Then it simply remains active…forever! There isn't a downside, he doesn't lose certain aspects of perception to gain others thorugh the Auspex. The Heretek also can also start with this as a free good craftsmanship implant which gives him huge benefits, including rerolling all Perception tests.

Am i reading this right? Is it permanently active? Does it require another half action to deactivate (though, why would you?)

I'd rule it that it works as long as you are concentrating on it (let's say half action every round if you want to do anything more complicated than moving, after all with normal auspex you have to look at it's screen to get any info and that takes a few seconds too). Otherwise you'd get yourself a constant radar (MGS style) and then you'd only need a life bar and ammo counter (which can actually be done with weapon MIU).

I don't see how that could work: if you are suggesting that each use requires a half action, how do you adjudicate the passive use, which is what the Awareness Test bonus is for? Whiel active the auspex/augur gives a bonus to all Awareness tests, but that isn't just to actions the heretic undertakes, it's to all tests, such as testing to see if he gets surprised by a monster.

I think i'm going to ask this in the Only War beta section as the rules seem to be the same there.