Infamy. Failing to keep score?

By Vandegraffe, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Okay, this question was prompted by Hand of Corruption, but it could apply to any Compact. What happens if the heretics achieve some of their secondary goals, but then feth things up royally and FAIL the primary compact. (An example would be in Hand of Corruption, failing the ritual to drag the penal colony into the Screaming Vortex.) Do they get Infamy for the secondary goals they did complete, or do they get zero gain to their Infamy score?

Obviously, there may well be other, severe, consequences for botching a compact. (The Ruinous Powers are not noted for forgiveness…) I'm curious what the rules say about gaining infamy.


- V.

When you botch a main quest in compact all players get 1d10+5 corruption. also the gods get pissed.

To answer the actual question, I'd hand out Infamy the moment a goal is achieved (and wouldn't take it back afterwards). It's a nice reminder that the Gods are quick both to reward and to punish, different from the monolithic "You exceeded quota by 100%? That's nice, now continue as before…" Imperium.