Anyone get to play the expansion at the Terrinoth event?

By telengard, in Rune Age

Would love to hear about it.


So I'm assuming the silence on this topic means they either didn't talk about it at all, only mentioned what we already knew, or swore every participant to an oath of secrecy . . .

. . . with threat of an anvil as the pun ishment.

I just reread the Oath and Anvil announcement and read again that they were planning to preview it at the Realms of Terrinoth event. But I never saw it on any of the announcements, so I'm wondering if it was even there. Even if nobody has any other information, can somebody at least say whether it was previewed or not? Or even mentioned at all by FFG?

Budgernaut said:

So I'm assuming the silence on this topic means they either didn't talk about it at all, only mentioned what we already knew, or swore every participant to an oath of secrecy . . .

. . . with threat of an anvil as the pun ishment.

I came here looking for any possible news, and instead found this hilarity! Thank you, Budgernaut, for making my evening :)

But yeah…any news?


The silence on this is spooky. I hope nothing bad has happened to this release. Here's hoping it'll be available at Gen Con this week.

I was at the event. For what I heard, there was a misprint on the copy they received so that no one was able to try it out.