Product Requests

By Bouncer2, in Wings of War

I'm sure these have been requested elsewhere, but I'd like to see the following items to enhance the Wings of War miniatures product line:

A game mat, about 4 feet by 6 feet, printed to match the background of the maneuver cards.


Spare altitude pegs and bases.

Hi Bouncer : I believe that if you look about at some of the other topics, you will see that they are producing exactly that in their upcoming releases happy.gif

Strongly agree on the need for spare bases & altitude pegs.

A light blue felt is inexpensive and works well, I use that at convention and game day meets where I run fairly large furballs (6-14 planes). The planes show up quite nicely and the terrain is not distracting.

I'm making my own bases for now, as I have a number of planes that there are cards but no figures for (eg: Eindecker, SE 5a) but would prefer blank originals, just a wee tad larger (you could slip the plane card into it)


OOOH, I like that idea!

Currently I'm using an old army blanket which I painted (cheap spray paint) in about 6 different colors trying to represent European fields. Bonus: it also works well for miniatures gaming in many scales. And did I mention it was cheap?

If you're looking for a quick, easy and inexpensive game map, a buddy of mine came up with this idea for another game, but it would work well here too.

If you have a basic craft store near, you can buy a 3 x 3 foot piece of green felt for next to nothing. I think even WalMart has a craft section. I've seen these 3 x 3 pieces in basic colors for $3.99. There are also smaller square, one foot pieces of felt for pennies that yopu can buy in dozens of different colors. I've sen these pieces for as little as 17 cents apiece. You can then cut these pieces into smaller squares of various sizes, shapes and colors and glue them on with Elmers or Tacky glue to represent the various shapes and colors of fields and such. it makes a durable, colorful playing area that travels easily, is inexpensive, can be made to whatever size and shape you want, and you can even spice it up with a fan brush and some basic paints that can be found at an equally inexpensive price.

But there are two different game matts coming soon for WoW, as well as barrage balloons. As far as the extra pegs go, I have all the three sets so far, and somewhere in gathering all of those in, I found that the issue of needing extra pegs just kinda seemed to take care of itself.

But for those who don't have all of the planes, there was a company called Litko that made some products, such as flight stands and pegs that were compatible for use with WoW...I hope I'm allowed to say that on here! sonrojado.gif

Individual damage decks and manoeuver decks.

After all, they wear out.

Plus with the miniatures available, why should you have to buy the boxed sets just to get all the damage decks or to replace a lost or damaged damage or manoever deck.

I thought after our last game, that I had lost a deck for an Albatros D111 and that I would have to buy another miniature.

I found it later, luckily.

yup, the next thing on Nexus' list should be damage and movement deck blisters.

Charge a few bucks for each.

I would buy buy 1-2 of every movement deck and a copy or 2 of damage,

that or/and maybe some special card sleeves for the cards (that fit them), Nexus should make them or contact ultra-pro.

The Sundance Kid said:

yup, the next thing on Nexus' list should be damage and movement deck blisters.

Charge a few bucks for each.

I would buy buy 1-2 of every movement deck and a copy or 2 of damage,

that or/and maybe some special card sleeves for the cards (that fit them), Nexus should make them or contact ultra-pro.

I agree about damage decks in boosters, i think everyone would buy them.

Not so sure about extra manuever decks as they come with the miniatures, which is the easiest way to get them, and i am sure there will be at least 3 minis for every manuever deck soon.

As for ultra-pro, perhaps, why not Dragon Sheilds, since that is FFG's own brand of card protectors.


Stand Alone Damage decks would be nice. I'd also like to see some more "control panels". I know that the official limit is 6 planes/players, but I'd like to be able to do a 4v4, especially in WWII game.

Yep, I'd like to see damage decks sold in booster packs. I know this might cut down on the number of boxed game sales, as you can get the rules online.

I'd also like to see flying pegs and maybe even generic flying bases were the card would fit inside like mentioned above.

A big deluxe rulebook with every rule in it, examples of all the rules, scenarios and campaign rules.

All rules collected in one place makes things so much easier and a real bound rulebook is gold worth.

Yes, we will still need to buy all the expansions to get the cards and so on, but a single volume of rules is never a bad idea. happy.gif

I have scanned all of my cards and have printed out extra damage decks on glossy photo paper. You don't have the pretty backs, but you do have extra cards.
