Help with first purchases

By Coldmoonrising, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Hello everyone,

I'm looking to make my first purchases into Dust Tactics and wanted to get suggestions or help with what I should purchase first.

Considering that the original core set is well over the SRP of $99.95, I'm looking into the revised core set and wanted to know if I should pick up the unit card upgrade pack as well as some other suggestions that would bring the revised core set to "roughly" the equivalent of the original core set.

Thanks everyone!

You don't need the cards as the only difference is the points cost in the original set, any models you get now should have the new points. Your next purchase should be a pair of medium walkers, these come with 3 variation of armament so you get more options when you play.

The core set is a good call. As the Major said you can;t go wrong with medium walkers.

As for the cards these two web sites have all of the cards produced. The War Continues Dust Cards and PDX Dust.

Once you play a game or two you should have a feel for it and what units would appeal to you.

Also the game is easy to play but rules are allot more complex than you may realize. I think this site is great for rules questions.