My collection of Dust Warfare - an ongoing project…

By bulldoguk, in Dust Warfare

For the life of me I can't work out how to post text between pictures on thos particular forum nor can I workk out an easy way to port over all my previous work from the Tactics thread so I will just update here when necassary and post a link to my Dust Warfare page!

A link to my ongoing collection of both Axis and Allied forces can be found below, recent addition Alllied Rattler/cobra medium tank, lots of Soviet forces to follow!

My Dust collection

Have fun and if you enjoy your time over there click on a few banners please…every penny towards the website upkeep helps!!!

i like your landing craft.

Wow just WoW!

Love your paintingstyle!

Inspiring work.

Finally found a little time to dive into the growing pile of boxes that are the SSU forces, first batch finished…more to come!

Check 'em out usual spot

Great minis as usual Bulldog. Man, how you pump out so much good looking stuff in such a short time…

SSUsofarjuly121.jpg SSUTransportChopper2.jpg SSUWalkersone1.jpg

I sold my soul many years ago Doom and in return got indestructable brushes and magical paint pots that refill overnight…well worth it I would say at todays prices!

Anyhoo, whipped through the remainder of the SSU stuff, thats the hero, chopper and walkers so that the itch scratched for now, just waiting for FFG dragging their heels and releasing stuff way slower than I can paint them…bah!

May buy another walker box just so I can paint one the big guys up in that nice soviet red scheme shown on the box, they are fun to paint too :)

Pics over at the usual spot also put a few pics up of all the SSU forces to date gathered


Nice to see your big effort is still paying off.

How do the SSU play?

I am still yet to play but at least I have most of the figures I need and am starting to re-paint them.

If only I could get a few more of the characters like Bazooka Joe and Sigrid (?) from the original starter sets. I have not found them anywhere llorando.gif

Thanks for taking the time to share. You work is inspirational aplauso.gif

Happy Gaming,


Hi Allan, try good old eBay mate, there is a chap who breaks the boxes down and has a few of joe and sigrid on right now! (do an international search for 'dust tactics bazooka joe'

They look great… a question about the landing craft. How much work was it to widen the model and how much did you have to widen it by? I was going to buy the landing craft from that looks just like that but if your model is cheaper, I would consider that instead as long as there wasn't too much conversion work needed. If there was alot of work involved, I would probably rather spend the few extra bucks on the official dust model and save my time for other projects.

Easy Peasy strombole. Simply snip off the forward deck lengths, glue the side panels of the cargo bay directly onto the inside of the hull and cut a few spacers to block the gaps (the red card on the pictures on my website) it really is as easy as that! The tank bases fit exactly into the cargo bay….stroke of luck!

have fun :)

Commissar squad and an additonal Close Combat squad added for the double the shotgun trouble using the Commissars special ability!

bulldoguk said:

Easy Peasy strombole. Simply snip off the forward deck lengths, glue the side panels of the cargo bay directly onto the inside of the hull and cut a few spacers to block the gaps (the red card on the pictures on my website) it really is as easy as that! The tank bases fit exactly into the cargo bay….stroke of luck!

have fun :)

I don't suppose you have more pictures of that conversion earlier in the process? That landing craft looks great.

SSUAeroWalker1.jpg SSUAeroWalker5.jpg


Sorry mate I have no more WIP shots but those landing craft really are as simple to convert as they look!

Anyhow in the meantime KV-47 Aero Walker and it's transport

Rest of the forces and some better pictures over at the usual spot

SSUMI-47AttackHelicopter1.jpg SSUMI-47AttackHelicopter7.jpg SSUMI-47AttackHelicopter9.jpg SSUMI-47AttackHelicopter10.jpg


Da da da da da daaaaaa da da da da daaaaaaaaa MI-47 Attack choppers incoming….taaaaaaakkkeee cooooveeerr!

Great work sir Great Work, you've inspired me to pick up the aero walkers. Yours look awesome!!!!

Axis Heavy weapon teams added!




Kill Squads finished, thats the last of the current UK releases finished, come on FFG pull your fingers out, I'm wasting good painting light here!




Couple more added to the growing Dust forces

Axis troop carrier/command vehicle 'Prinzluther'


AA variant 'Sturmprinz' armed with 30mm ZwillingsFlak



SSU KV-3 M 'Babushka' sporting Dual Maxim Gatling guns


SSU Tankhunter variant 'Matrioshka' armed with Dual 152mm ML-20S
