Hi everyone, I have a few questions pertaining boats and ports on this beautiful board game :
- As I begin with the Greyjoys, I have 1 ship on Pyke's port and another in Ironman's bay. Can I move the ship on Pyke's port into "Golden Sound" or "Sunset Sea" in one move or must the other ship in "Ironman's bay" need to have another "move token" ?
- Concerning orders : let's say we are on "Dragonstone" where I have a footman. "Shipbreaker's bay" has one of my ships and I have another on "Dragonstone's" port. Do I have to give a specific order to the ship inside the port ? Or can he receive the same order given to my unit on "Dragonstone' or the same order given to the ship unit on "Shipbreaker's bay" ?
- Can I consolidate power with a ship inside one of my ports ?
- Can ships move more than one area if an allied ship also has a "move action token" ? Like land units do.
- If I have a ship in the "Narrow Sea" and I want to move him inside my "White Harbor" port, do I need a move action token ?
- In fact does a ship inside a port need a move action token to leave it ?
That about sums it up, turns out there doesn't seem to be much I understand about boats
That being said, this is an excellent game and we do have loads of fun playing it (although we tend to disagree on some boat rules, hence the post).
Thanks for the help.