British paratroopers

By somesamurai, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

I like the look of these guys, but anyone have experience with them in battle?

Red Devils, paired with Action Jackson are truly a force to be reckoned with. On their own they're a little tricky to use, being slow and with poor range. But using Action Jackson's Assault they can position themselves properly early on in the game, and then fry anything that comes their way. With 5 individual phasers, the odds of doing at least some damage are much better than with other phaser units. And if you're lucky you can really blow a hole in the ground. I find that they are best used for facing infantry inside buildings, where their range is optimal and the ability to ignore cover very effective.

Thanks for the insight Loophole. I am trying to do some research, on what units to buy after the revised core set.

Grab snipers and a medium mech. Reapers are cool too. I heard Ozzy synchs with the Reapers.

If you want firepower that ignores cover the Red-Devils+Action Jackson are the way to go. If you like the speed of the hammers, stick with the Reapers or TankBusters with Ozz.

I made my own British paras:

wsc3.jpg photo6-1.jpg

photo5-1.jpg photo4.jpg


Those are pretty cool! Hats off to you.

somesamurai said:

Those are pretty cool! Hats off to you.

Thanks Pal, when finished ill post the whole set of them.

The british paras themself (without action jackson) have the same problem as Honey - you never know what the phaser stuff will do! (In my hands it does nothing most of the time) Good thing those guns can't backfire or most of my army would by fried by now prolly…

Nicco said:

Grab snipers and a medium mech. Reapers are cool too. I heard Ozzy synchs with the Reapers.

As a new player myself I would say Grim Reapers and a Medium walker are a must after the revised core set is purchased. Snipers are up there as well. The Reapers give you what the core set lacks for the Allies, range. Their jump packs make them able to move into firing positions with ease. OZZ does not fit with them all that well as he is only effective at close range. You want to keep the Reapers back to mow down squads. Last night I took down a whole squad of zombies in one round of shooting, it was beautiful. The Pounder will serve you well with it's unlimited range. I would skip the phaser troops for now.