Archived Decks: SAS Athena, First Place

By VikramS, in UFS Deck Building

Starting Character: 1x Promo Athena, 7HS 23V, Evil/Fire/Order

Assets ( 8 ):

4x 1/4 Addes Syndicate +2H (Evil)
4x 0/6 Olcadan's Mentoring +0L (Inf)

Actions (13):

3x 5/4 Tag Along (Order)
3x 3/5 Rejection +1L (Evil)
3x 2/5 Kung-Fu Training +1M (Evil/Fire)
4x 1/5 Absurd Strength +1M (Evil/Fire)

Attacks (13):

4x 5/3 Chain Throw (Evil/Fire)
3x 5/2 Tsurane Kiri +3M (Evil)
3x 4/3 Infiltrating +3H (Evil/Order)
3x 3/3 Ichi No Tachi +2M (Evil)

Foundations (41):

4x 2/5 Red Lotus Of The Sun +3L (Evil)
4x 2/5 Blood Runs True +1M (Evil/Order)
4x 2/5 Military Rank (Order)
4x 1/5 Megalomania (Evil/Order)
4x 1/4 Manifest Destiny +1L (Evil/Fire)
3x 4/6 Chester's Backing +1M (Evil)
3x 3/5 Experienced Combatant +2M (Fire/Order)
3x 4/4 Pieces Of Eight +2H (Evil)
3x 2/5 Evil Plans +2M (Evil/Fire/Order)
3x 2/5 Cutting Edge +2M (Evil/Order)
3x 2/5 Revenant's Calling +2M (Evil)
3x 1/5 Unrequited Love +3M (Evil/Fire)

Total Cards: 75 + 1


1x 4/3 Infiltrating +3H
1x 4/6 Chester's Backing +1M
1x 2/5 Kung-Fu Training +1M
1x 3/5 Rejection +1L
1x 5/4 Tag Along
3x 0/4 Pull Of The Tides +2M

I know it's looks weird, and huge, but I'll explain a bit. The idea behind this deck was simple - abuse every power card I could. And I did, between nearly every card being some form of negation and control. the deck chains off Order, Evil, and Fire as convenient and as you can see, there is a lot of crossover between the three resources. The trick was finding the primary resource - in this case Evil - and building off from there.There's no card with pure Fire and only two cards are pure Order, one of which is Tag Along so the resource chaining doesn't matter. Military Rank, the other card, is one of the most important reasons to attempt dual and tri-resource. It lets me fetch back all my kill conditions like Tsurane Kiri/Absurd/KFT, key foundations, Addes and Olcadan's, and Rejection. With a tri-symbol method of chaining it, I get the benefit of Experienced Combatant ON TOP OF all the Evil control and it's seriously insane with Athena's form. So is Revenant's Calling, which won me games due to commiting 3 and 4 copies of cards on my opponent's turn at negligible cost. In one match my opponent had 4x Inhuman Peception on the board versus my one Addes and 2 Revanant's and I was able to force my negations through. Also both abilities on it kill Defender loop decks, which were present in droves as expected. I didn't even pack Grim Stride because Revenant's + Experienced + MegaFest = who cares about Defender? The other new card I was concerned about was Forethought, also present in droves. I solved this issue be having lots of cheap foundations, rolling exceptionally well (only 17% of the deck is attacks, versus the average 27% 16/60) and that paid off well, with hands of entirely one and 0-diff cards all day. Evil Plans is the last card I want to point out - it shares all 3 resouces with Athena, solves the hack issue for my attacks and a backup damage pump with my own BRTs, the action side is great for guaranteeing the second attack after Murderbrick along with trigging Ranks frequently, and finally it can block anything with MegaFest potential all over the place - Order character, I laugh at you. Basically, I can do 25-27 damage to a 6 handsize character in two attacks, and until I'm ready to do that I sit back, control the game as much as possible, and then go for the kill with your answers armed and ready. However, I can win fast - in the Final against JB's Donovan deck, I won the second game on the second turn, heh. The sideboard is anti-Shinobi/Defender/whatever loops or 4th copies of cards that I situationally needed throughout the day.

It was a lot of fun to mess with people's heads with the chaining all day and JJ and Matt inspired me to try my hand at her, independent of their designs but importing some ideas, so thanks guys. I was up against all sorts of aggro and control decks and it held it's own, so I'm proud of my farewell kiss to Block 2, since we're probably going to rotate locally soon after SAS Teams tomorrow. So, enjoy till then!