We have two Abhumans in Only War, I was wondering what the chance of getting more is?
Honestly I would like to see Beastmen make a return from the old school lore into Only War. I think it might just be the setting they have been waiting for. Adding a Beastman would fit well along side an Ogryn IMHO, and you could have them fit with an Explosive Collar reguardless of regiment to show they are still suspect. They'd fit almost perfect in a Penal Regiment. Also since they used to be allowed on the TT as IG troops there could still be "regiments out there" with the way communication is and since they are "still loyal" when they were found they were used and not purged.
Just seeing where everyone else is on the idea? Any thoughts?
I have some rules writen up that I used in Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader and Black Crusade (moded for each system) that I could convert to Only War, but it's on my house desktop and I'm on the road using my laptop for 2 weeks.