Specialist Classes MK2

By ElricOfMelnibone, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Thanks for your feedback, Heart of The Tiger! It was extremely helpful so far! As you may easily understand I HAVEN'T playtested 100 classes, and the same goes for many other creations made by me, so a different point of view comes in very handy, in order to better balance my additions to Anima!

Dual wielding shields is very powerful, but I don't feel like denying it, for there is no real reason why a character shouldn't go around bashing with a couple of shields or full shields (provided enough strength). Besides, dual wielding shields most of the time causes severe Initiative drawbacks along with low damage output, so it works really well only for pure-tank characters, who should invest on Secondary Weapon Defensive Style Module and Guardian Magnus (hence 50Notice) in order to really be "efficient".

Ah, right, playtesting works in any case.

However, what I meant was for story usage, but I've also gotten a group in the works for playing.

Meh, oh well, either way.

So, Iet's talk about the Determinist. I like this idea very much, the class feels like a pure ki mage. The one BIG concern I've got with that variant class is, that it can exploit some of the rules like no other class does. I'm talking about the classes ability to apply the "Technique Pushing" ki ability to maintained or sustained techniques. If you apply that ability to a technique that allows you to raise a ki shield which relies on a constant Zen ability (440) for defense, the automatic defense is increased to 660(!). Normally thtat would be possible, but only for 1 round, after that, the effect would go back to 440. With your ruling, one could maintain it that high for as long as he has ki points. This is game breaking. I know, you need many many ki points to do that, but with this class variant and a 1 CP advantage you can have 360 ki points without ever investing one DP into ki points.

I suggest reducing the effect of that aspect of the Determinist's ability somewhat. Perhaps you should exclude predetermined attack/defense from the allowed maintain/ sustainabe effects.

You've made an interesting point there. I knew from the very beginning when designing this class, that the rule about making forced techniques "maintained" would be his "big-up". Now, as you can easily see, the Determinist isn't definitely going to spend on Attack/Defense, and is DEFINITELY going to fight using Predetermined-Effect Techniques. Hence, eliminating them from the rule isn't a feasible option.

I must say that the Determinist, although looking almost allmighty with his predetermined set of techniques, has the big flaw of being a "supernatural" specialist. Bring him to a place where supernatural powers don't work (anywhere near the Inner Sea or places specifically designed to suppress supernatural powers), and he's definitely done for. Also, when facing a Nemesis specialist (even without using my nemesician class), the Determinist might just take 1 turn too much to raise his/her defences. All in all, the Determinist is very powerful, but at the same time extremely frail at the inside (tsundere?).

Now…forcing a sustained technique sincerely is most times not doable simply because of AMAZING ki cost. Of course the Determinist can afford the cost of a 660Predetermined Shield or Additional Defenses technique, but how many turns are required for that character to pull off such feat?! I don't think even a very HIGH level Determinist might pull off such technique in a single turn, even spending 5 fatigue points to increase his accumulations. I don't think he/she would be able to do so even with a Maintained technique. And the predetermined defense is possibly THE ONLY DEFENSE this character has, so probably the Determinist isn't going anyway to force his defensive technique, for the sole reason that it would cost too much precious time (in addition to a fair amount of ki). Anyway, avoiding "auto-win" situations is always important, hence let's make it like this. When forcing a Maintained or Sustained technique, the effect of Forcing the technique does not vanish abruptly after the first turn, but "fades" at a rate of 10% per turn. Hence a Maintained Forced Technique will have its effects increased by 50% during the turn it's used, then 40% the first time it's maintained (2nd turn of use), then 30% the following turn, and so on. On the sixth turn, the "forced" effect will be completely vanished.

For a 440 Predetermined technique, it goes like this:

1st turn: 660

2nd turn: 616

3rd turn: 572

4th turn: 528

5th turn: 484

And then again, I say we're talking about a technique that in order to be forced probably required no less than 4-6 turns of accumulation.

Any thought about this solution?

To Technique Pushing: Like I understood the ruling is: If I push a maintained (okay, there is nothing about sustained, but I think it works similar) technique at the beginning, it is pushed as long as I maintain it. I can't push an already active and maintained technique. I don't see there a point which states, that the "pushing effect" stops after one round. Perhaps some error in my reading, but I'm not sure.

So long,

F3nr1s said:

To Technique Pushing: Like I understood the ruling is: If I push a maintained (okay, there is nothing about sustained, but I think it works similar) technique at the beginning, it is pushed as long as I maintain it. I can't push an already active and maintained technique. I don't see there a point which states, that the "pushing effect" stops after one round. Perhaps some error in my reading, but I'm not sure.

So long,

It works like this: If you apply technique pushing to a technique that can be maintained/sustained, the effect of technique pushing only exists for the first round, after that the technique has its normal effect. At least that's how read it (english version of Dominus Exxet). The wording is a bit unclear, that's for sure.

As for the diminishing effect… honestly I don't know. On the one hand it's a mathematical solution to the problem, on the other hand it's complicated and clunky to some degree and that's the very last thing this game needs. I have to think about this, maybe I'll come up with something.

I have also havethe english version, and like I said: I don't read it, that the pushing only works in the first round, I read, that I can push the technique only at the activition, and not later. (So I can't push a technique, which I have already maintained for 3 rounds).

But, you are right, the wording is really unclear.

Also to the dimishing effect: I would also say, that this wouldn't make fun, because I must remember, how much turns I have maintained the technique (and I know my players, they love to forget this) and it involves more math for this (okay, most of my players have a calculator with them, when we play).

So long,

I believe the math isn't really a problem here, for the reason that players using a determinist have just to learn a very few numbers in order to apply th diminishing effect even without a calculator. A Determinist usually has a set of techniques. If you're going to take Technique Pushing, all you need is calculate in advance the "values" of the technique when pushed on turn 1-5, you write it down somewhere (back of the sheet?), then you check it when needed. Once again, I don't think a Determinist will push techniques most of the time, due to time issues, but will only do that when really needed, and a piece of paper with already calculated effects will work much better than a calculator in such case, since reading is much faster. It's much like a wizard holding by himself a list of his spells with the effects listed at the various casting levels, after all.

Nice work. I have to ask though, what is an "intelligence" as it refers to a specialization?

Do you mean like an intelligence operative, ie. agent?

Yep. Intellicence Agent, actually. An army man/woman who received both formal training in fighting but was left developing a wide array of knowledges, so he/she could offer logistic support in the most diversified situations.

I didn't have much time lately, sorry. I have some questions for you, along with some concerns about some of your Specialist Classes.

I'm a level 7 Acrobatic Warrior. At level 8 I decide that I want to become a Sword Dancer. How does that work exactly? Do I just add the Sword Dancer's bonus at level 8 instead of the normal bonuses I would get, making me an Acrobatic "Warrior 7/Sword Dancer 1" or do I recalculate all the bonuses from 1 to 7, making me a "Sword Dancer 8"?
If it's the first, I must say there is the cance of enormous abuse with some of the Specialist Classes, especially those, who get cheaper multipliers or trade innate attack or defense for other bonuses.

Special bonuses to attack/defense: I still have my problems with those. My greatest concern is the stacking of the bonuses at high levels. As you know, the average open roll in Anima is ~56. This means, that if the special bonus that some of your classes get, exceeds half that amount, it already is a very huge bonus. That's why I said +25 would be more than enough. That and the fact that this bonus is half the maximum innate class bonus to attack/defense.

True Blade: I still think this class deserves an additional bonus. Doesn't have to be huge. How about something small involvig initiative or something that affects the True Blade's ability to use block instead of dodge? Also, you may consider to take away the True Blade's Sleight of Hand bonus insted of it's Athleticism bonus, I think that would be more fitting. Or you could even give players the choice here.

Magnus Fighter: Do I read that right? This class gets +5 attack, +5 block as innate and +5 attack and block for every 30 or 40DP (you have a typo in the description) it spends on Ars Magnus and Impossible Weapons, AND halves the costs for using those? That's huge. Really huge. Yeah, no Ki Techniques, no Nemesis, but still…

Kensai: I have an awkward feeling reading this. Can't say more at this point.

Ninja/Stalker: Some bonus involving Umbra would be nice.

Acrobatic Warlock: Yeah, giving a mixed Fighter/Mystic class +10 initiative/ level. As if stacking initiative wasn't already overpowered enough. I woudn't have done this.

Bard: I like.

Assassin Mentalist: Ok, this is the same concern as with the Acrobatic Warlock, only on a much greater scale. I probably don't have to tell you, that Warrior Mentalists are alreay on my §$%& list for being able to stack unbelievably huge bonuses like no other class can. Instead. Of. Buying. Secondary. Abilities. For an unlimted amount of time. For almost no cost. +320 acrobatics, +8/4 on all physical stats, +200 initiative, +16 regeneration, Fatigue Elimination (can't be maintained, but spammed every round, I'm looking at you, „Use of Necessary Energy“)… Ok, I'm stopping already, I just don't like such potentially broken classes like the Warrior Mentalist.

I forgot something. At least one of your classes mentiones bonuses it would get at level 18. If you plan to play at levels that high, you should consider a change in the scaling of innate bonuses to attack and defense, or magic and psychic projection will begin to scale higher than attack and defense after level 15.

I let characters spend higher than 50% on Attack/Defense. Easy and fast. Works really good too, since characters with higher Att/Def still HAVE the big flaw of lack of flexibility. Besides at such high levels characters would almost never spend the full 60% on ATT/DEF, since they want to get magnus/martial arts/modules and things that just make their character do something else than basic hack'n'slash. Never had problems of balance with this ruling so far. Of course multi-class characters still hold little lower projection/att/def. But then again, multiclass are supposed to gain in flexibility what they lack in raw power.

Heart of the Tiger said:

I'm a level 7 Acrobatic Warrior. At level 8 I decide that I want to become a Sword Dancer. How does that work exactly? Do I just add the Sword Dancer's bonus at level 8 instead of the normal bonuses I would get, making me an Acrobatic "Warrior 7/Sword Dancer 1" or do I recalculate all the bonuses from 1 to 7, making me a "Sword Dancer 8"?
If it's the first, I must say there is the cance of enormous abuse with some of the Specialist Classes, especially those, who get cheaper multipliers or trade innate attack or defense for other bonuses.

I work the specialization change as retroactive (hence a level 7 acrobatic would become a level 8 sword dancer under all aspects). STILL, it would be just as much sensate making a character consider the new class only beginning with the level you're switching in…Choose the ruling that better fits your games, after all these are home rules anyway.

Since this thread too has lost many updates...here is the most recent version of my Specialist Classes:


A Warrior may choose to “specialize” as an Aytir Champion. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with anyone Aytir House, in order to be or become an Aytir Champion.

An Aytir Champion cannot change his class. An Aytir Champion can have Elan only with a single Aytir House and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Warrior of the same Level. Whenever the Aytir Champion does something that goes against the creed of his patron Aytir House, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

An Aytir Champion does only applies 20MK per Level, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: +20MK/Level. Limited to a Chosen Aytir House Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Barbarian. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior.

A Barbarian applies no Wear Armor Class Innate Bonus and applies only 20MK per Level, but has an extra +15 bonus to Life Points per Level and double his Feats of Strength Class Innate Bonus. Also, either at Character Creation or when switching to the Barbarian Class, a character may choose to apply the Block Class Innate Bonus to Dodge instead of Block.

While using the Berserker Magnus, the Barbarian has a bonus to Attack equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Feats of Strength Ability value.


PENALTIES: +20MK/Level. No +5Wear Armor/Level.

BONUS: +30Life Points/Level. +10Feats of Strength/Level. May trade Class Block Bonus to equal Dodge Bonus. Berserk Attack bonus equal to 1/10 Feats of Strength.


A Warrior may choose to “specialize” as an Intelligence. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior, by spending 40DPs.

An Intelligence spends 2DPs per point on Feats of Strength, but only spends 2DPs per point on Intellectual Secondary Abilities. An Intelligence applies no Class Innate Bonus to Feats of Strength and Wear Armor, and applies only +10 Life Points and +20MK per Level, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to three Secondary Abilities of choice per Level.

An Intelligence is considered a Fighter-Novel Archetype and not a Fighter Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Fighter Archetype. +10Life Points/Level. +20MK/Level. No +5Feats of Strength/Level. No +5Wear Armor/Level. Cost of Feats of Strength: 2.

BONUS: Figher-Novel Archetype. Cost of Intellectuals: 2. 3X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level.


A Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Soldier. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior.

A Soldier spends 2DPs per point in Feats of Strength, applies no Class Innate Bonus to Feats of Strength, and applies only 20MK per Level, but doubles his Class Innate Bonus to Wear Armor, and applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to History (Tactics Specialization) per Level and only spends 2DPs for point of History (Tactics Specialization).

While fighting side by side with an ally, the Soldier can apply each turn a bonus to either Attack or Block equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his History (Tactics Specialization) Ability value.


PENALTIES: +20MK/Level. No +5Feats of Strength/Level. Cost of Feats of Strength: 2.

BONUS: Cost of History (Tactics): 2. +10Wear Armor/Level. +5History (Tactics)/Level. Side by side with ally Attack or Block bonus equal to 1/10 History (Tactics).


A Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Sunderer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior.

A Sunderer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Block and Wear Armor.

A Sunderer applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10Feats of Strength per Level and an extra bonus of +15 Life Points per Level.

While using the Niù Impossible Weapon and a Take Hit or Total Attack Maneuver, a Sunderer applies a bonus to his/her Attack and Defense equal to 1/10 of his Feats of Strength (rounded down at multiples of 5) Ability value.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. No +5Wear Armor/Level.

BONUS: +30Life Points/Level. +10Feats of Strength/Level. Niù Take Hit and Total Attack Attack/Defense bonus equal to 1/10 Feats of Strength.


A Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Vanguard. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior.

A Vanguard spends 3DPs per point on Dodge Primary ability and Subterfuge Secondary abilities, and 2DPs per point on Feats of Strength.

A Vanguard applies an extra bonus of +5MK and Initiative per Level.


PENALTIES: Cost of Dodge: 3. Cost of Feats of Strength: 2. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +30MK/Level. +10Initiative/Level.


A Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Warboar. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior.

A Warboar spends 3DPs per point on Dodge Primary ability and to Subterfuge Secondary abilities.

A Warboar applies an extra Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Wear Armor and applies the Tao DP cost reduction to following Martial Arts: Tae Kwan Do, Pankration, Grappling, Kardad, Lua, Lucha Libre, Sumo Melkaiah, Exelion, Olimpus Mons, Rahab, Ryute.

While using the Zhū Impossible Weapon, a Warboar can make an additional attack as if wielding an additional weapon, suffering only a -10 Attack penalty as if he were ambidextrous for each 120 points of Wear Armor he/she has.


PENALTIES: Cost of Dodge: 3. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. Tao DP cost reduction on selected Martial Arts. +1 Zhū Additional Attack at -10/120Wear Armor.


An Acrobatic Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Desert Chosen. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Acrobatic Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already an Acrobatic Warrior.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Buried Gods, in order to be or become a Desert Chosen.

A Desert Chosen cannot change his class. A Desert Chosen can have Elan only with The Buried Gods and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes an Acrobatic Warrior of the same Level. Whenever the Desert Chosen does something that goes against the creed of Aramense Faith, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Desert Chosen does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Style and Sleight of Hand, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: No +10Style/Level. No +10Sleight of Hand/Level. Limited to Aramense Faith Buried Gods Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


An Acrobatic Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Dueler. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Acrobatic Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already an Acrobatic Warrior.

A Dueller applies no Class Innate Bonus to Athleticism. Also, either at Character Creation or when switching to the Dueler Class, a character may choose to apply the Dodge Class Innate Bonus and cost to Block, and Block’s cost to Dodge.

While fighting alone against a single opponent, a Dueller may choose to apply either an Attack or a Dodge bonus each turn equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Style value.


PENALTIES: No +10Athleticism/Level.

BONUS: One-On-One Attack/Dodge bonus equal to 1/10 Style. Can switch Class Innate Bonus and DP cost of Block and Dodge.


An Acrobatic Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Pirate. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Acrobatic Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already an Acrobatic Warrior.

A Pirate applies no Athleticism Class Innate Bonus and only applies 20MK per Level, but he applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Swim and Navigation Secondary Abilities per Level. Also, a Pirate can each turn apply a bonus equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Navigation to either his Attack or Dodge, while on a ship.


PENALTIES: +20MK/Level. No +10Athleticism/Level.

BONUS: +10Swim/Level. +10Navigation/Level. On ship Attack or Dodge bonus equal to 1/10 Navigation.


An Acrobatic Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Sportsman. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Acrobatic Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already an Acrobatic Warrior.

A Sportsman applies no Class Innate Bonus to Jump and only applies a +20MK bonus per Level.

A Sportsman only spends 1DP per point on Athleticism and Sleight of Hand.

While using the Terra Impossible Weapon, a Sportsman reduces penalties for aimed attacks by 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Athleticism Ability value and increases the difficulty of his targets’ combat related Notice Checks by 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Sleight of Hand Ability value.


PENALTIES: No +10Jump/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Athleticism: 1. Cost of Sleight of Hand: 1. Terra Aimed Attack bonus euqual to 1/10 Athleticism. Terra Notice Check Difficulty bonus equal to 1/10 Sleight of Hand.


An Acrobatic Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Sword Dancer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Acrobatic Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already an Acrobatic Warrior.

A Sword Dancer only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Life Points and Athletics per Level, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Dance per Level.

A Sword Dancer spends 3DPs per point of Wear Armor.

A Sword Dancer doubles penalties to Initiative and halves Defense bonuses of Shields, but applies no Initiative penalty for wielding two weapons of the same size and while dual wielding may choose to apply a Dodge bonus equal to 1/10(round down at multiples of 5) of his Dance value.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level, +5Athletics/Level. Cost of Wear Armor: 3. Shields have double penalties and half bonus.

BONUS: +10Dance/Level. No penalty from dual wielding same sized weapons. Dual wielding Dodge bonus equal to 1/10 Dance.


An Acrobatic Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a Tiger. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Acrobatic Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already an Acrobatic Warrior.

A Tiger does not apply the Class Innate Bonus to Sleight of Hand, and only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Athleticism and Jump per Level, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Dance per Level.

While using the Hǔ Impossible Weapon, a Tiger gains an Attack bonus equal to 1/10 of his/her Dance value.


PENALTIES: No +10Sleight of Hand/Level. +5Jump/Level. +5Athletics/Level.

BONUS: +10Dance/Level. Hǔ Attack bonus equal to 1/10 Dance.


An Acrobatic Warrior may choose to “specialize” as a True Blade. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Acrobatic Warrior or at any level-up if the character is already an Acrobatic Warrior.

A True Blade gains no Class Innate Bonus to Athleticism, and Jump. A True Blade must choose a single melee weapon. For every Even Level, the True Blade reduces by 1 the roll required to score an Open Roll on Attack and Defense rolls, while fighting wielding the chosen weapon.


PENALTIES: No +10Athleticism/Level. No +10Jump/Level.

BONUS: +1%Open Roll/2Levels with chosen weapon.


A Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Banisher. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Paladin.

A Banisher cannot trade his/her Class Innate Bonus to Zeon and Banish for a Class Innate Bonus to Composure and does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Withstand Pain. A Banisher reduces by 5 his/her Class Bonus to Life Points and halves his/her Class Innate Bonus to Wear Armor.

A Banisher applies an extra +50Zeon per Level and reduces time-dependant penalties to Banish Rituals by -5 per Level. A Banisher adds +5 to the maximum Gnosis of creatures he/she can affect with his/her Banish Rituals for each 5 Levels beyond 10. BREAKDOWN:

PENALTIES: Cannot trade +25Zeon and +10Banish for +10Composure. No +10Withstand Pain/Level. +10Life Points/Level. +5Wear Armor/Level.

BONUS: +75Zeon/Level. -5Banish Time Penalties/Level. +5Banish Gnosis Limit/5Levels beyond 10.


A Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Champion. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Paladin.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with anyone Beril, in order to be or become a Champion.

A Champion cannot change his class. A Champion can have Elan only with a single Beril and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Paladin of the same Level. Whenever the Champion does something that goes against the creed of his patron Beril, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Champion spends 2DP per point in Social Secondary Abilities, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost of Social Secondary Abilities: 2. Limited to Chosen Beryl Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Defender. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Paladin.

A Defender must always trade his/her Class Innate Bonus to Zeon and Banish for a Class Innate Bonus to Composure. A Defender spends 2DPs per point on Social Secondary Abilities, but applies an additional +10Life Points per Level and +5Wear Armor per Level.


PENALTIES: Must trade +25Zeon and +10Banish for +10Composure. Cost of Socials: 2.

BONUS: +25Life Points/Level. +15Wear Armor/Level.


A Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Holy Hunter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Paladin.

A Holy Hunter spends 2DPs per point on Withstand Pain. A Holy Hunter applies no Class Innate Bonus to Leadership.

A Holy Hunter applies a bonus of +5 to the Base Damage of Attacks against creatures from a chosen category per Level, and a bonus of +5 to all Resistance checks caused by creatures of the same category per Level. Humanoid Races cannot be chosen as a category.


PENALTIES: No +10Leadership/Level. Cost of Withstand Pain: 2.

BONUS: +5Base Damage/Level VS Chosen Category. +5Resistances/Level VS Chosen Category.


A Paladin may choose to “specialize” as an Icarus. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Paladin.

An Icarus applies no Class Innate Bonus to Withstand Pain and only applies a Class Innate bonus of +5 to Wear Armor per Level. An Icarus spends 2DPs per point on Withstand Pain. An Icarus cannot trade his/her Class Innate Bonus to Banish and Zeon for a Class Innate Bonus to Composure.

An Icarus applies an extra bonus of +5 to MK per Level, and while using the Uranus Impossible Weapon, he/she may add to his/her Attack and Defense a bonus equal to 1/10 of his/her Banish ability, while fighting against Beings Between Worlds.


PENALTIES: No +10Withstand Pain/Level. +5Wear Armor/Level. Cost of Withstand Pain: 2. Cannot trade +25Zeon, +10Banish for +10Composure.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. Uranus Attack and Defense bonus against Beings Between Worlds equal to 1/10 of Banish.


A Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Spellhold. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Paladin.

A Spellhold applies no Class Innate bonus to Leadership and spends 2DPs per point on Social Secondary Abilities, but applies a Spell Immunity against a Zeon value equal to the Wear Armor ability.


PENALTIES: No +10Leadership/Level. Cost of Socials: 2.

BONUS: Zeon Immunity equal to Wear Armor.


A Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a True Shield. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Paladin.

A True Shield spends 2DPs per point on Social Secondary Abilities and only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to his/her Leadership Secondary Ability per Level, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to his/her Sleight of Hand Secondary Ability per Level.

A True Shield halves the Initiative penalties inflicted by Shields. While using the M ǎ Impossible Weapon, a True Shield doubles the Block Bonus of the shield and can make an additional penalty-free defense per turn for each full 120 points of his/her Sleight of Hand Secondary Ability value.


PENALTIES: Cost of Socials: 2. +5Leadership/Level.

BONUS: +5Sleight of Hand/Level. 1/2 Shield Initiative Penalty. M ǎ 2XShield Bonus. +1Additional M ǎ Defense / 120 Sleight of Hand.


A Dark Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Black Bull. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Dark Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Dark Paladin.

A Bull Knight does not apply any Persuasion or Composure Class Innate Bonus, and spends 2DP per point on Composure Secondary Ability.

A Bull Knight gains an extra bonus of +5Life Points per Level and applies an extra Class Innate Bonus of +5 Wear Armor/Level.

While using the Taurus Impossible Weapon, a Bull Knight gains a bonus to his/her Attack equal to 1/10 (rounded down at multiples of 5) of his/her Control ability.


PENALTIES: No +10Composure/Level. No +5Persuasion/Level. Cost of Composure: 2

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. +20Life Points/Level. Taurus Attack bonus equal to 1/10 of Control.


A Dark Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Dark Champion. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Dark Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Dark Paladin.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with anyone Shajad, in order to be or become a Dark Champion.

A Dark Champion cannot change his class. A Dark Champion can have Elan only with a single Shajad and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Dark Paladin of the same Level. Whenever the Dark Champion does something that goes against the creed of his patron Shajad, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Dark Champion spends 2DP per point in Social Secondary Abilities, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost of Social Secondary Abilities: 2. Limited to Chosen Shajad Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Dark Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Dark Master. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Dark Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Dark Paladin.

A Dark Master does not apply any Persuasion or Style Class Innate Bonus, but applies a bonus of +25 Zeon per Level and increases his Zeon Regeneration by ¼.


PENALTIES: No +5Style/Level. No +5Persuasion/Level.

BONUS: +50Zeon/Level. +1/4Magic Regeneration.


A Dark Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Dark Overlord. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Dark Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Dark Paladin.

A Dark Overlord applies no Innate Class Bonus to Attack, but doubles his/her Innate Class Bonus to Wear Armor, Persuasion, and Style, and applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Leadership per Level.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level.

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. +10Style/Level. +10Leadership/Level.


A Dark Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Doombringer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Dark Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Dark Paladin.

A Doombringer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Persuasion, and Style, but applies an extra bonus of +5 to his MK per Level. A Doombringer spends 2DPs per point on Composure.


PENALTIES: No +5Persuasion/Level. No +5Style/Level. Cost of Composure: 2.

BONUS: +25MK/Level.


A Dark Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Mind Fortress. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Dark Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Dark Paladin.

A Mind Fortress applies no Class Innate bonus to Intimidate and spends 2DPs per point on Social Secondary Abilities, but applies a Matrix Immunity against a Difficulty value equal to the Wear Armor ability.


PENALTIES: No +10Intimidate/Level. Cost of Socials: 2.

BONUS: Matrix Immunity equal to Wear Armor.


A Dark Paladin may choose to “specialize” as a Stinger. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Dark Paladin or at any level-up if the character is already a Dark Paladin.

A Stinger only apply a +5 Class Innate Bonus to Intimidate per Level and a +10 bonus to Life Points per Level, and spends 2DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.

A Stinger gains an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level and while using the Scorpio Impossible Weapon, a Stinger gains a bonus to his/her Bade Damage equal to 1/10 (rounded down at multiples of 5) of his/her Style ability.


PENALTIES: +10Life Points/Level. +5Intimidate/Level. Cost of Socials: 2

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. Scorpio Base Damage Bonus equal to 1/10 of Style.


A Weapon Master may choose to “specialize” as a Bearer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Weapon Master or at any level-up if the character is already a Weapon Master.

A Bearer applies no Style Module, Attack or Block Class Innate Bonus unless fighting while wielding an Artifact weapon.

A Bearer spends half DPs and MK to buy Supernatural Combat Modules. A Bearer can buy multiple times Characteristic Technique Module and Major Technique Module to combine the effects into single more powerful Characteristic Techniques.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level with normal weapons. No +5Block/Level with normal weapons. No Style Modules with normal weapons.

BONUS: Cost of Supernatural Modules halved. Can combine any number of Characteristic Techniques and Major Techniques effects into single Characteristic Techniques.


A Weapon Master may choose to “specialize” as a Cuirassier. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Weapon Master or at any level-up if the character is already a Weapon Master.

A Cuirassier spends 2DP per point on Feats of Strength Secondary Ability and gains no benefit from any Style module unless wearing an armor with an Armor Requirement of at least 90 (not including Quality Bonus).

A Cuirassier gains an extra Class Innate Bonus of +5 Wear Armor per Level. While using the Jupiter Impossible Weapon, a Cuirassier gains a bonus to his/her Block ability equal to 1/10 of his/her Wear Armor ability.


PENALTIES: Cost of Feats of Strength: 2. No Style Modules with armors with less than 90 Armor Requirement.

BONUS: +15Wear Armor/Level. Jupiter Block bonus equal to 1/10 of Wear Armor.


A Weapon Master may choose to “specialize” as a Grey Champion. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Weapon Master or at any level-up if the character is already a Weapon Master.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with anyone Grey One, in order to be or become a Grey Champion.

A Grey Champion cannot change his class. A Grey Champion can have Elan only with a single Grey One and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Weapon Master of the same Level. Whenever the Grey Champion does something that goes against the creed of his patron Grey One, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Grey Champion spends 2DP per point in Vigor Secondary Abilities, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost of Vigor Secondary Abilities: 2. Limited to Chosen Grey One Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Weapon Master may choose to “specialize” as a Guardian. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Weapon Master or at any level-up if the character is already a Weapon Master.

A Guardian applies no Class Innate Bonus to Feats of Strength, and only applies the Class Innate Bonus to Attack each Even Level, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Notice per Level. A Guardian spends 2DPs per point on Feats of Strength, but only spends 1DP per point on Notice. A Guardian can cover others as a Passive Action, instead of an Active Action.


PENALTIES: Cost of Feats of Strength: 2. No +5Feats of Strength/Level. +5Attack/2Levels.

BONUS: Cost of Notice: 1. +10Notice/Level. Cover Others as a Passive Action.


A Weapon Master may choose to “specialize” as a Knight. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Weapon Master or at any level-up if the character is already a Weapon Master.

A Knights spends 2DP per point on Feats of Strength secondary ability, but only spends 1DP per point on Ride secondary ability. A Knight does not apply the Feats of Strength Class Innate Bonus, and only applies a bonus of +15Life Points per Level, but applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Ride per Level. A Knight won’t benefit from any Style Module, unless he’s fighting using weapons from the Knight Archetype Module. While mounted, the Knight can apply a bonus each turn either to his Attack or Block Abilities equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Ride Secondary Ability.


PENALTIES: Cost of Feats of Strength: 2. No +5Feats of Strength/Level. Can use Style Modules only with Knight Archetype Module weapons.

BONUS: Cost of Ride: 1. +10Ride/Level. Mounted Attack or Block bonus equal to 1/10 Ride.


A Weapon Master may choose to “specialize” as a Slayer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Weapon Master or at any level-up if the character is already a Weapon Master.

A Slayer cannot wear any Armor nor carry any Shield and hence applies no Class Innate Bonus to Wear Armor, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Composure and Withstand Pain per Level. The Slayer cannot wear any Armor nor use any Shield even after switching to another class. If the Slayer comes from or switches to a Class benefitting from a Class Innate Bonus to Wear Armor, or pertains to a Race with a bonus to Wear Armor, he/she gains a Life Points bonus equal to the non-perceived Wear Armor bonus.

Whenever a Slayer is targeted by an attack, he/she can make a Withstand Pain and a Composure check, gaining a point of Unmodified Physical (Cut, Impact, Thrust, Heat, Electricity, Cold) AT, for each 50 points obtained on the Withstand Pain check and a point of Unmodified Energy AT for each 50 points obtained on the Composure check. When fighting with a melee weapon held Two-Handed, a Slayer cannot apply his/her Strength bonus to reduce the Initiative Penalty. While using Melee Weapons, a Slayer gains a bonus of +10 to his/her Base Damage for each 50 points obtained on a Feats of Strength check.


PENALTIES: No Shield. No Armor or Shield even if switching class. No +10Wear Armor/Level. Cannot reduce Initiative Penalty of Two-Handed weapons with Strength.

BONUS: +10Withstand Pain/Level. +10Composure/Level. Unmodified Physical AT based on Withstand Pain. Unmodified Mystical AT based on Composure. Melee weapons Base Damage Bonus based on Feats of Strength. Trades Wear Armor bonus from Race/Class to Life Points.


A Weapon Master may choose to “specialize” as a Weapon Chainer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Weapon Master or at any level-up if the character is already a Weapon Master.

A Weapon Chainer does not apply the Feats of Strength Class Innate Bonus, and spends 2DP per point on Feats of Strength, but further reduces the cost of Single Weapon Modules, Weapon Class Modules, and Weapon Archetype Modules by 5DPs (up to a minimum of 5DPs per module).

While using the Aries Impossible Weapon, a Weapon Chainer can make an additional attack as if wielding an additional weapon, suffering only a -10 Attack penalty as if he were ambidextrous for each 150 points of Attack he/she has, and an additional penalty-free Defense for each 150 points of Defense he/she has.


PENALTIES: No +5Feats of Strength/Level. Cost of Feats of Strength: 2.

BONUS: Cost of Single Weapon Modules, Archetype Weapon Modules, Class Weapon Modules: -5DP. +1 Aries Additional Attack at -10 /150 Attack. +1 Aries Additional Defense /150Defense.


A Technician may choose to “specialize” as an Atheist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Technician or at any level-up if the character is already a Technician.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with Judas Philosophy, in order to be or become an Atheist.

An Atheist cannot change his class. An Atheist can have Elan only with Judas Philosophy and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Technician of the same Level. Whenever the Atheist does something that goes against the creed of Judas Philosophy, he/she loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

An Atheist spends 3DPs per point of Dodge and applies only +40MK per Level, but applies an extra bonus of +10Life Points per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10Wear Armor per Level.

An Atheist applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: +40MK/Level. Cost of Dodge: 3. Limited to Judas Philosophy Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +15Life Points/Level. +10Wear Armor/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.


A Technician may choose to “specialize” as a Determinist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Technician or at any level-up if the character is already a Technician.

A Determinist applies no Class Innate Bonus to Attack and spends 3DPs for each point on Attack, Block, and Dodge. While Accumulating Ki, a Determinist cannot perform any Active Action except for Attack Techniques and Additional Actions granted by Techniques.

A Determinist cannot apply any Nemesis Ability.

A Determinist applies a bonus of +12Ki points (distributed as desired) per Level and +1Ki Accumulation (on anyone chosen characteristic) per Level.

When using Force Techniques on a Maintained or Sustained Technique, a Determinist applies the Forced bonus as long as the Technique is Maintained or Sustained, although the effect vanishes at a rate of 10% per turn (to disappear completely on the sixth turn of Maintenance/Sustenance).


PENALTIES: Cost of Attack: 3. Cost of Block: 3. Cost of Dodge: 3. No +5Attack/Level. No Non-Technique Active Actions while Accumulating. No Nemesis Abilities.

BONUS: +12Ki/Level. +1Ki Accumulation Multiple/Level. Maintained or Sustained Forced Techniques.


A Technician may choose to “specialize” as an Elementalician. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Technician or at any level-up if the character is already a Technician.

An Elementalician must choose a single element to be bound to and can only use techniques with the Single Elemental Binding toward the chosen element, but spends -5MK for each Level1 technique effect, -10MK for each Level2 technique effect, and -15MK for each Level3 technique effect, up to a minimum of 5MK per technique effect. An Elementalician reduces by -1Ki per characteristic the cost of a Level1 technique, -2Ki per characteristic the cost of a Level2 technique, and -3Ki per characteristic the cost of a Level3 technique.

Air Elementalicians spend 3DPs per point on Block and Wear Armor abilities, but apply an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level. Air Elementalicians have access to following Ki and Nemesis Ablities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Weight Elimination, Levitation, Object Movement, Mass Movement, Flight, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Incremented Initiative, Air Elemental Attack, Incremented Reach, Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Necessities, Electricity Elemental Immunity, Force Techniques, Use of Nemesis, Void Body, Void Movement, Inhumanity (Nemesis), Zen (Nemesis).


PENALTIES: Restricted access to Ki and Nemesis Abilities. Only Techniques with Air Single Elemental Binding. Cost of Block: 3. Cost of Wear Armor: 3.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. Reduced MK cost of technique effects. Reduced Ki cost of techniques.

Darkness Elementalicians spend 3DPs per point on Perception Secondary Abilities, but apply a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Hide and Stealth Secondary Ability, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Ki Occultation Ability per Level. Darkness Elementalicians have access to following Ki and Nemesis Ablities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Darkness Elemental Attack, Use of Necessary Energy, Ki Occultation, Occultation Aura, False Death, Force Techniques, Use of Nemesis, Void Armor, Void Body, Void Shape, Void Essence, No Necessities, Undetectable, Void Aura, Inhumanity (Nemesis), Zen (Nemesis).


PENALTIES: Restricted access to Ki and Nemesis Abilities. Only Techniques with Darkness Single Elemental Binding. Cost of Perception: 3.

BONUS: +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +10Ki Occultation/Level. Reduced MK cost of technique effects. Reduced Ki cost of techniques.

Earth Elementalicians spend 3DPs per point on Dodge, and apply no Class Innate Bonus to Attack, but apply a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Wear Armor Ability, Athleticism and all Vigor Secondary Abilities per Level, and an extra bonus of +10Life Points per Level. Earth Elementalicians have access to following Ki Ablities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Increased Damage, Earth Elemental Attack, Physical Shield, Ki Transmission, Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Necessities, Elimination of Penalties, Recovery, Give Back Others, Characteristics Augmentation, Superior Augmentation, Force Techniques, Physical Dominion, Physical Change, Major Change, Age Control, Inhumanity (Ki), Zen (Ki).


PENALTIES: Restricted access to Ki and Nemesis Abilities. Only Techniques with Earth Single Elemental Binding. Cost of Dodge: 3. No +5Attack/Level.

BONUS: +15Life Points/Level. +5Vigor/Level. +5Athleticism/Level. +5Wear Armor/Level. Reduced MK cost of technique effects. Reduced Ki cost of techniques.

Fire Elementalicians spend 3DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Abilities, but apply a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to the Acrobatics, and Feats of Strength Secondary Abilities per Level. Fire Elementalicians have access to following Ki Ablities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Incremented Damage, Fire Elemental Attack, Incremented Reach, Ki Destruction, Ki Transmission, Life Sacrifice, Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Necessities, Fire Elemental Immunity, Elimination of Penalties, Recovery, Characteristics Augmentation, Superior Augmentation, Force Techniques, Combat Aura, Inhumanity (Ki), Zen (Ki).


PENALTIES: Restricted access to Ki and Nemesis Abilities. Only Techniques with Fire Single Elemental Binding. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +10Acrobatics/Level. +10Feats of Strength/Level. Reduced MK cost of technique effects. Reduced Ki cost of techniques.

Light Elementalicians spend 3DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Abilities, but apply a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to all Perception Secondary Abilities, and Ki Detection Ability per Level. Light Elementalicians have access to following Ki Ablities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Ki Detection, Erudition, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Light Elemental Attack, Energy Armor, Major Energy Armor, Arcane Energy Armor, Energy Absorption, Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Penalties, Recovery, Characteristics Augmentation, Superior Augmentation, Force Techniques, Combat Aura, Inhumanity (Ki), Zen (Ki).


PENALTIES: Restricted access to Ki and Nemesis Abilities. Only Techniques with Light Single Elemental Binding. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +5Perception/Level. +5Ki Detection/Level. Reduced MK cost of technique effects. Reduced Ki cost of techniques.

Water Elementalicians spend 3DPs per point on Poison Secondary Ability, and apply no Class Innate Bonus to Attack, but apply a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to either their Block or Dodge (chosen either at Character creation or when switching class to Water Elementalician) Primary Ability, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to their Swim Secondary Ability per Level. Earth Elementalicians have access to following Ki Ablities:: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Water Elemental Attack, Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Necessities, Cold Elemental Immunity, Ki Transmission, Ki Healing, Superior Ki Healing, Stabilize, Force Techniques, Physical Dominion, Body Multiplication, Major Body Multiplication, Magnitude, Arcane Magnitude, Inhumanity (Ki), Zen (Ki).


PENALTIES: Restricted access to Ki and Nemesis Abilities. Only Techniques with Light Single Elemental Binding. No +5Attack/Level. Cost of Poison: 3.

BONUS: +10Swim/Level. +5Block OR Dodge/Level. Reduced MK cost of technique effects. Reduced Ki cost of techniques.


A Technician may choose to “specialize” as a Magnus Fighter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Technician or at any level-up if the character is already a Technician.

A Magnus Fighter cannot use Nemesis Abilities or Techniques. The Magnus Fighter gains a +5 Block Class Innate Bonus per Level, while fighting employing an Impossible Weapon and/or a Magnus.

A Magnus Fighter halves all costs for using Ars Magnus and Impossible Weapons. While using a Magnus and/or Impossible Weapon, a Magnus Fighter applies an extra +5Attack and Block bonus (which is in addition to Class Innate Bonus) for each 50DPs spent on Ars Magnus and/or Impossible Weapons.


PENALTIES: No Nemesis Abilities. No Techniques.

BONUS: +5Block/Level with Impossible Weapons/Magnus. Half Ki cost for Ars Magnus/Impossible Weapons. Impossible Weapons/Magnus Attack/Block bonus of +5/50DP spent on Ars Magnus/Impossible Weapons.


A Technician may choose to “specialize” as a Monk. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Technician or at any level-up if the character is already a Technician.

A Monk can only use Techniques while fighting with a Pole Weapon.

While using the Hóu Impossible Weapon, a Monk adds a point of Ki Accumulation to each characteristic for every 120 points of Attack and Defense he/she has.


PENALTIES: No Techniques unless using a Pole Weapon.

BONUS: Hóu +1Ki Accumulations/120 Attacks+Defense.


A Technician may choose to “specialize” as a Nemesician. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Technician or at any level-up if the character is already a Technician.

A Nemesician cannot use Ki Abilities or Techniques.

A Nemesiscian can use Nemesis Abilities as prerequisites for Magnus and Martial Arts with the following correspondence.

Use of Nemesis corresponds to Use of Ki and Ki Control.

Void Armor corresponds to Energy Armor, Energy Absorption, and Physical Shield.

Noht corresponds to Major Energy Armor and Arcane Energy Armor.

Void Extrusion corresponds to Ki Transmission, Ki Abilities Depending from it, Presence Extrusion, Ki Destruction, Aura Extension, Incremented Damage, Incremented Speed, Incremented Reach, Elemental Attack. Also Void Extrusion affects as well weapons held by this character.

Void Body corresponds to Physical Dominion.

No Necessities corresponds to Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Necessities and all Ki Abilities depending from it.

Void Movement corresponds to Weight Elimination and all Ki Abilities depending from it.

Void Shape corresponds to Body Moltiplication and all Ki Abilities depending from it.

Void Essence corresponds to Elimination of Penalties and Ki Abilities depending from it.

One With Noting corresponds to Age Control, Physical Change. and Major Physical Change.

Void Aura corresponds to Combat Aura.

Undetectable corresponds to Ki Occultation and Ki Detection and Ki Abilities depending from them.

Effects (not costs or requirements) of Nemesis Abilities are incremented by 5% per Level of the Nemesician.


PENALTIES: No Ki Abilities. No Techniques.

BONUS: Void Extrusion affects user’s Weapons. Nemesis Abilities as prerequisites. +5%Nemesis Effect/Level.


A Technician may choose to “specialize” as a Zealot. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Technician or at any level-up if the character is already a Technician.

A Zealot cannot use Ki Abilities except for Use of Ki and Ki Control.

While using the Pluto Impossible Weapon the Zealot applies a Base Damage bonus equal to 1/10 of his/her MK value.


PENALTIES: No Ki Abilities except for Use of Ki and Ki Control.

BONUS: Pluto Base Damage bonus equal to 1/10 MK.


A Tao may choose to “specialize” as a Heavy Hitter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Tao or at any level-up if the character is already a Tao.

A Heavy Hitter can only apply Martial Arts granting Bonus to Attack, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Moai-Thai, Tae Kuan Do, Xing Quan, Kalaripayat, Ninjutsu and Xingiquan. A Heavy Hitter doesn’t apply bonuses, master bonuses, and advantages from Martial Arts when using Maneuvers that are not meant to kill or severely damage the target. A Heavy Hitter can never use the Defensive Position or Total Defense Maneuvers.

A Heavy Hitter applies an extra bonus of +5Attack, for each +10Attack Bonus he/she gains from a Martial Art on top of the maximum +50Attack Class Innate Bonus.


PENALTIES: Limited Martial Arts Choice. No Martial Arts Bonus and Advantages when not killing. No Defensive Position. No Total Defense.

BONUS: +5Attack/+10Surplus Attack Bonus.


A Tao may choose to “specialize” as an Iron Fist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Tao or at any level-up if the character is already a Tao.

An Iron Fist can only learn following Martial Arts: Aikido, Moai Thai, Boxing, Kempo, Kuan, Judo, Karate, Emp, Seraphite, Godhand, Leminuse, Panzerkunst, and Tekken.

An Iron Fist applies an extra bonus of +10Life Points per Level and a Class Innate bonus of +10Feats of Strength per Level. While using the Mars Impossible Weapon, an Iron Fist gains a bonus to his/her Attack and Block equal to +5 for each Martial Art learned and doubles any Master Bonus granted from Arcane Level Advanced Martial Arts.


PENALTIES: Limited Martial Arts Choice.

BONUS: +10Feats of Strength/Level. +20Life Points/Level. +5Mars Attack/Martial Art. +5Mars Block/Martial Art. 2XMars Master Bonus.


A Tao may choose to “specialize” as an Iron Toe. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Tao or at any level-up if the character is already a Tao.

An Iron Toe can only learn following Martial Arts: Capoeira, Lama, Sambo, Tae Kwon Do, Savate, Takkyeon, Jeet Kune Do, Lama Tsu, Dumah, Enuth, Fahstiz, Shadus, and Valde Orbis.

An Iron Toe applies an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level. While using the Tù Impossible Weapon, an Iron Toe gains a bonus to his/her Attack and Block equal to +5 for each Martial Art learned and doubles any Master Bonus granted from Arcane Level Advanced Martial Arts.


PENALTIES: Limited Martial Arts Choice.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Tù Attack/Martial Art. +5Tù Block/Martial Art. 2XTù Master Bonus.


A Tao may choose to “specialize” as a Kami Servant. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Tao or at any level-up if the character is already a Tao.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with either the Official Temple or The Forbidden Temple, in order to be or become a Kami Servant.

A Kami Servant cannot change his class. A Kami Servant can have Elan only with a single Temple and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Tao of the same Level. Whenever the Kami Servant does something that goes against the creed of his patron Temple, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Kami Servant does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Style and halves the Life Points Class Bonus. A Kami Servant can only combine the bonus of a Martial Art for each 60 points of Attack/Defense, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: No +5Style/Level. +5Life Points/Level. Combines max 1Martial Art/60Attack+Defense. Limited to Chosen Temple Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Tao may choose to “specialize” as a Kensai. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Tao or at any level-up if the character is already a Tao.

A Kensai must choose a single melee weapon and can apply all bonus and rules it gains from Martial Arts to that weapon, but the Kensai can only combine the bonus of a Martial Art for each 60 points of Attack/Defense.


PENALTIES: Combines max 1Martial Art/60Attack+Defense.

BONUS: Applies Martial Arts to single chosen melee weapon.


A Tao may choose to “specialize” as a Mediator. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Tao or at any level-up if the character is already a Tao.

A Mediator can only apply Martial Arts granting Bonus to Block and/or Dodge, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Tae Kuan Do, and Grappling. A Mediator applies bonuses, master bonuses, and advantages from Martial Arts only when using Maneuvers that are not meant to kill the target. A Mediator can never use the Offensive Position or Total Attack Maneuvers.

A Mediator completely removes the Block/Dodge Defense Penalty, applying any Martial Art Bonus to Block to Dodge as well, and vice versa.

A Mediator applies an extra bonus of +5Defense, for each +10Defense Bonus he/she gains from a Martial Art on top of the maximum +50Defense Class Innate Bonus.


PENALTIES: Limited Martial Arts Choice. No Martial Arts Bonus and Advantages when killing. No Offensive Position. No Total Attack.

BONUS: No Block/Dodge Defense Penalty. Bonuses to Block/Dodge apply to Dodge/Block as well. +5Defense/+10Surplus Defense Bonus.


A Tao may choose to “specialize” as a Street Fighter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Tao or at any level-up if the character is already a Tao.

A Street Fighter only applies half Bonus to Attack and Defense from Martial Arts (this does not apply to Master Bonus), and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Style, but spends only 10DPs per Ki Accumulation Multiple and applies an extra bonus of +5 to Initiative and Life Points per Level.


PENALTIES: No +5Style/Level. 1/2 Martial Arts Bonus to Attack and Defense.

BONUS: +15Life Points/Level. +10Initiative/Level. Cost of Ki Accumulation: 10.


A Ranger may choose to “specialize” as an Archer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Ranger or at any level-up if the character is already a Ranger.

An Archer spends 2DPs per point on Animals. An Archer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Animals and Herbal Lore.

An Archer applies an extra bonus of +5 to the Critical Level of all Attacks with Projectile Weapons per Level, and reduces by -5 the Penalties for Aimed Attacks with Projectile Weapons per Even Level.

An Archer doubles the Aiming Bonus to attacks with Projectile Weapons.


PENALTIES: No +5Animals/Level. No +5Herbal Lore/Level. Cost of Animals: 2.

BONUS: +5Critical/Level with Projectile Weapons. -5Aimed Attack Penalty/2Levels with Projectile Weapons. 2XAiming Bonus with Projectile Weapons.


A Ranger may choose to “specialize” as a Bounty Hunter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Ranger or at any level-up if the character is already a Ranger.

A Bounty Hunter does not apply the Animals, Herbal Lore, and Ki Detection Class Innate Bonus. A Bounty Hunter spends 3DP per point on all Intellectual Secondary Abilities, but spends only 2DP per point on Composure. A Bounty Hunter doubles the Trap Lore Class Innate Bonus and applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5Dodge/Level. Also, while in urban territories, a Bounty Hunter applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Hide and Stealth per Level.


PENALTIES: No +5Animals/Level. No +5Herbal Lore/Level. No +10Ki Detection/Level. Cost of Animals: 3. Cost of Herbal Lore: 3. Cost of Medicine: 3.

BONUS: Cost of Composure: 2. +5Dodge/Level. +10Trap Lore/Level. +10Hide/Level in Urban Territories. +10Stealth/Level in Urban Territories.


A Ranger may choose to “specialize” as a Druid. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Ranger or at any level-up if the character is already a Ranger.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Sacred Trees, in order to be or become a Druid.

A Druid cannot change his class. A Druid can have Elan only with the Sacred Trees and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Ranger of the same Level. Whenever the Druid does something that goes against the creed of Lillium, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Druid does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Trap Lore or Ki Detection, halves Life Points per Level, and spends 2DPs per point in Trap Lore Secondary Abilities, but only spends 1DP per point in Herbal Lore Secondary Ability. and applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost of Trap Lore: 2. +5Life Points/Level. No +5Trap Lore/Level. No +10Ki Detection/Level. Limited to Lillium Sacred Trees Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: Cost of Herbal Lore: 1. +5 Sacred Trees Elan Level/Level.


A Ranger may choose to “specialize” as a Exhalted. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Ranger or at any level-up if the character is already a Ranger, by spending 40DPs.

An Exhalted spends 3DPs per point on all Intellectual and all Subterfuge Secondary Abilities, but spends only 2DPs per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities, spends only 1DP per Ki Point and spends only 15DPs per Ki Accumulation Point.

An Exhalted applies no Class Innate Bonus to Notice, Search, Track, Animals, Herbal Lore, and Trap Lore Secondary Abilities, but he/she applies +10 extra MK per Level, +5 extra Initiative per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Style per Level.

An Exhalted is considered a Fighter-Domine Archetype, and not a Fighter-Prowler Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Fighter-Prowler Archetype. Cost of Intellectuals: 3. Cost of Subterfuge: 3. No +10Notice/Level. No +10Search/Level. No +10Track/Level. No +5Trap Lore/Level. No +5Herbal Lore/Level. No +5Animals/Level.

BONUS: Fighter-Domine Archetype. +5Style/Level. +30MK/Level. +10Initiative/Level. Cost of Vigor: 2. Cost of Ki: 1. Cost of Ki Accumulation Multiples: 15.


A Ranger may choose to “specialize” as a Thrower. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Ranger or at any level-up if the character is already a Ranger.

A Thrower only applies the Class Innate Bonus to Attack while using thrown weapons but reduces the total penalties for throwing more than one projectile per turn by -5 per Level. A Thrower applies no class Innate bonus to Animals and Herbal lore and spends 2DP per point on Animals, but spends 1DP per point on Sleight of Hand and has a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Sleight of Hand/Level.

An Archer applies an extra bonus of +5 to the Critical Level of all Attacks with Projectile Weapons per Level, and reduces by -5 the Penalties for Aimed Attacks with Projectile Weapons per Even Level.

While using the Sagittarius Magnus, a Thrower gains a bonus to the Critial Level of attacks equal to 1/10 of his/her Sleight of Hand Ability value.


PENALTIES: No +5Animals/Level. No +5Herbal Lore/Level. Cost of Animals: 2. +5Attack/Level only with Thrown weapons.

BONUS: +10Sleight of Hand/Level. Cost of Sleight of Hand: 1. -5Additional Thrown Projectile Penalty/Level. Sagittarius Critical bonus equal to 1/10 of Sleight of Hand.


A Ranger may choose to “specialize” as a Trick Hunter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Ranger or at any level-up if the character is already a Ranger.

A Trick Hunter spends 3DPs per point on Medicine Secondary Ability and 2DP per point on Animals Secondary Ability.

A Trick Hunter is considered as having an extra ki reserve of 20ki points per Level, which can be used only for using the Yáng Impossible Weapon.


PENALTIES: Cost of Medicine: 3. Cost of Animals: 2.

BONUS: +20 Yáng Ki/Level.


A Ranger may choose to “specialize” as a Warden. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Ranger or at any level-up if the character is already a Ranger.

A Warden does not apply the Attack Class Innate Bonus and spends 3DP per point on Subterfuge Secondary Abilities, and 2DP per point on Trap Lore.

A Warden applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to either Block or Dodge (chosen at character’s creation or when switching class to Warden) per Level and only spends 2DP per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level. Cost of Subterfuge: 3. Cost of Trap Lore: 2.

BONUS: +5Block OR Dodge/Level. Cost of Vigor: 2.


A Shadow may choose to “specialize” as a Commando. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Shadow or at any level-up if the character is already a Shadow.

A Commando only spends 2DPs per point on History (Tactics Specialization). A Commando applies 5 less MK and Initiative points per Level, and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Ki Occultation Ability, but applies an extra bonus of +5Life Points per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Athleticism, History (Tactics Specialization), and Trap Lore per Level.


PENALTIES: +5Initiative/Level. +20MK/Level. No +5Ki Occultation/Level.

BONUS: +10Life Points/Level. +10Athleticism/Level. +10History (Tactics)/Level. +10Trap Lore/Level. Cost of History (Tactics): 2.


A Shadow may choose to “specialize” as an Exterminator. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Shadow or at any level-up if the character is already a Shadow.

An Exterminator spends 3DPs per point on Social Secondary Abilities. An Exterminator applies no Class Innate Bonus to Ki Occultation and halves the Class Innate Bonus to Notice and Search, but applies an extra bonus of +5MK per Level and +5Life Points per Level, as well as a Class Innate Bonus of +5Wear Armor per Level.


PENALTIES: No +5Ki Occultation/Level. +5Notice/Level. +5Search/Level. Cost of Socials: 3.

BONUS: +10Life Points/Level. +5Wear Armor/Level. +30MK/Level.


A Shadow may choose to “specialize” as a Nailer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Shadow or at any level-up if the character is already a Shadow.

A Nailer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Notice, Search, and Ki Occultation, but applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Medicine per Level. A Nailer spends 3DP per point on Creative Secondary Abilities except for Sleight of Hand.

A Nailer benefits from Tao DP cost reduction to following Martial Arts: Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Xing Quan, Soo Bahk, Kalaripayat, Ninjutsu, Xingyiquan, Suyanta, Velez, Asakusen, Mushin, Hanja, and Shunsatsu. While using the Capricornius Impossible Weapon a Nailer gains a bonus to Base Damage equal to 1/10 of his/her Medicine Secondary Ability value. If benefitting from Capricornius Magister Martial Arts advantage, a Nailer can add Velez and Asakusen to the Martial Arts that can be used in combination with Capricornius.


PENALTIES: No +10Notice/Level. No +10Search/Level. No +5Ki Occultation/Level. Cost of Creative except Sleight of Hand: 3.

BONUS: +10Medicine/Level. Cost of Medicine: 2. Tao DP cost reduction on selected Martial Arts. Capricornius Base Damage Bonus equal to 1/10 Medicine. Velez and Asakusen added to Capricornius Magister Martial Arts.


A Shadow may choose to “specialize” as a Ninja. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Shadow or at any level-up if the character is already a Shadow, by spending 40DPs.

A Ninja spends 3DPs per point in Wear Armor and Social Secondary Abilities, but gains 30MK per Level and spends only 15DPs per Ki Accumulation Multiple.

A Ninja is not considered a Fighter-Prowler Archetype, but a Domine-Prowler Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Fighter-Prowler Archetype. Cost of Social: 3. Cost of Wear Armor: 3.

BONUS: Domine-Prowler Archetype. +30MK/Level. Cost of Ki Accumulation Multiple: 15.


A Shadow may choose to “specialize” as a Panther. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Shadow or at any level-up if the character is already a Shadow.

A Panther does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Secondary Abilities while in urban territory, but while in wilderness territories applies a +10Class Innate Bonus per Level to Track, Animals, Herbal Lore and Trap Lore.


PENALTIES: In urban territories: No +10Notice/Level. No +10Search/Level. No +10Hide/Level. No +10Stealth/Level.

BONUS: In wilderness territories: +10Track/Level, +10Animals/Level, +10Herbal Lore/Level, +10Trap Lore/Level.


A Shadow may choose to “specialize” as a Spider. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Shadow or at any level-up if the character is already a Shadow.

A Spider applies no Class Innate Bonus to Notice and Search, but applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Trap Lore per Level.

While using the Cancer Impossible Weapon, a Spider can add a Difficulty Level to Notice and Search checks to oppose Almost Invisible Cancer rule for each Difficulty Level his/her Trap Lore ability base value reaches beyond Difficult.


PENALTIES: No +10Notice/Level. No +10Search/Level.

BONUS: +10Trap Lore/Level. +1Cancer Notice e Search Difficulty Level/Trap Lore Difficulty Level beyond Difficult.


A Shadow may choose to “specialize” as a Stalker. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Shadow or at any level-up if the character is already a Shadow.

A Stalker spends 3DPs per point on Wear Armor. A Stalker applies no Class Innate Bonus to Search.

A Stalker spends only 1DP per point on Hide and Stealth.


PENALTIES: No +10Search/Level. Cost of Wear Armor: 3.

BONUS: Cost of Hide: 1. Cost of Stealth: 1.


A Thief may choose to “specialize” as a Cutthroat. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Thief or at any level-up if the character is already a Thief.

A Cutthroat spends 3DPs per point on Appraisal.

A Cutthroat applies no Class Innate Bonus to Ki Concealment, and halves the Class Innate Bonus to Theft, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Hide and Stealth. When attacking from behind, a Cutthroat may apply to his Attack a bonus equal to 1/10 of his Hide Secondary Ability and to his Damage a bonus equal to 1/10 of his Stealth Secondary Ability.


PENALTIES: Cost of Appraisal: 3. +5Theft/Level. No +5Ki Concealment/Level.

BONUS: +10Hide/Level. +10Stealth/Level. Backstab Attack Bonus equal to 1/10 Hide. Backstab Damage Bonus equal to 1/10 Stealth.


A Thief may choose to “specialize” as an Gadgeteer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Thief or at any level-up if the character is already a Thief.

A Gadgeteer spends 2DPs per point on Athletics and Subterfuge Secondary Abilities, except for Lock Picking and Trap Lore, but spends only 1DP per point in Intellectual Secondary Abilities.

A Gadgeteer applies no Sleight of Hand, Theft, Notice, Hide, Stealth, and Ki Concealment Class Innate Bonus, but doubles his Trap Lore Class Innate Bonus and applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Lock Picking and a +5 Class Innate Bonus to Science and Forge.


PENALTIES: Cost of Athletics: 2. Cost of Subterfuge: 2. No +5Sleight of Hand/Level. No +10Theft/Level. No +5Notice/Level. No +5Hide/Level. No +5Stealth/Level. No +5Ki Concealment/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Intellectual: 1. Cost of Lock Picking: 1. Cost of Trap Lore: 1. +10Trap Lore/Level. +10Lock Picking/Level. +5Science/Level. +5Forge/Level.


A Thief may choose to “specialize” as a Gardener. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Thief or at any level-up if the character is already a Thief.

The Gardener spends 3DPs per point of Appraisal and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Notice, Search, Hide, Stealth, Theft, and Ki Occultation.

The Gardener applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Attack and Herbal Lore per Level. The Gardener only spends 2DP per point of Herbal Lore.

While using the Jī Impossible Weapon, a Gardener benefits from a bonus to Critical Level equal to 1/10 of his/her Herbal Lore Secondary Ability value.


PENALTIES: Cost of Appraisal: 3. No +5Search/Level. No +5Notice/Level. No +5Hide/Level. No +5Stealth/Level. No +10Theft/Level. No +5Ki Occultation/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Herbal Lore: 2. +5Attack/Level. +5Herbal Lore/Level. Jī Base Damage bonus equal to 1/10 Herbal Lore.


A Thief may choose to “specialize” as a Jester. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Thief or at any level-up if the character is already a Thief.

A Jester spends 3DPs per point on Appraisal. A Jester applies no Class Innate Bonus to Notice, Search, and Trap Lore and halves the Class Innate Bonus to Theft, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Acrobatics and Sleight of Hand per Level and an extra bonus of +5Life Points per Level. A Jester may always add 1/10 of his Acrobatics value (round down at multiples of 5) to his/her Dodge value.


PENALTIES: No +5Notice/Level. No +5Search/Level. No +5Trap Lore/Level. +5Theft/Level. Cost of Appraisal: 3.

BONUS: +10Acrobatics/Level. +10Sleight of Hand/Level. +10Life Points/Level. Bonus to Dodge equal to 1/10 of Acrobatics.


A Thief may choose to “specialize” as a Performer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Thief or at any level-up if the character is already a Thief.

A Performer spends 2DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Abilities, but only spends 1DP per point on Creative Secondary Abilities.

A Performer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Notice, Search, Hide, Stealth, Trap Lore, Theft, and Ki Occultation Abilities, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Sleight of Hand, and applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Acrobatics, and Style per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Jump, Music, Art, and Dance per Level.


PENALTIES: Cost of Subterfuge: 2. No +5Notice/Level. No +5Search/Level. No +5Hide/Level. No +5Stealth/Level. No +5Trap Lore/Level. No +10Theft/Level. No +5Ki Occultation/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Creative: 1. +10Acrobatics/Level. +10Style/Level. +5Jump/Level. +5Music/Level. +5Art/Level. +5Dance/Level.


A Thief may choose to “specialize” as a Treasurer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Thief or at any level-up if the character is already a Thief.

The Treasurer spends 3DPs per point on Dodge Primary Abilities and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge, but spends only 2DPs per point on Block Secondary Ability and applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5Block per Level.

A Treasurer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Hide, Stealth, Notice, Sleight of Hand, and Ki Occultation, but applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Trap Lore and Lock Picking. While using the Māo Impossible Weapon, a Treasurer is always considered each turn as if employing an additional 200 Gold Coins per Level.


PENALTIES: Cost of Dodge: 3. No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Notice/Level. No +5Hide/Level. No +5Stealth/Level. No +5Sleight of Hand/Level. No +5Ki Occultation/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Block: 2. +5Block/Level. +10Trap Lore/Level. +10Lock Picking/Level. +200Māo Gold Coins/Level.


A Thief may choose to “specialize” as a Trickster. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Thief or at any level-up if the character is already a Thief.

The Trickster spends 2DPs per point on Athletics Secondary Abilities, but spends only 1DP per point on Social Abilities.

Also a Trickster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Trap Lore, Ki Concealment, and Theft, but he applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to the Persuasion and Disguise Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: Cost of Athletics: 2. No +5Trap Lore/Level. No +5Ki Concealment/Level. No +10Theft/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Social: 1. +10Disguise/Level. +10Persuasion/Level.


An Assassin may choose to “specialize” as an Agent. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Assassin or at any level-up if the character is already an Assassin.

An Agent applies no Class Innate Bonus to Attack, Poisons, and Trap Lore, but applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Acrobatics, Persuasion, Appraisal and Disguise per Level, and only spends 2DPs per point on Intellectual Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +10Trap Lore/Level. No +10Poisons/Level. No +5Attack/Level.

BONUS: +10Acrobatics/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. +10Appraisal/Level. +10Disguise/Level. Cost of Intellectuals: 2.


An Assassin may choose to “specialize” as a Bane. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Assassin or at any level-up if the character is already an Assassin.

A Bane spends 3DPs per point on Memorize, and 2DPs per point on Perception Secondary Abilities, but only spends 2DPs per point on Magic Appraisal, which he/she can develop regardless of having The Gift or See Supernatural.

A Bane applies no Class Innate Bonus to Poison and Trap Lore, and halves the Class Innate Bonus to Composure, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Magic Appraisal per Level, +5 to Ki Occultation Ability per Level, and a special Bonus of +5 to all Resistance Checks against Mystical Detections and Illusion Effects per Level.

A Bane reduces the Blind penalty for defending against Mystical Powers by a quantity equal to a quarter (rounding up at multiples of 5) of his/her Magic Appraisal value.

A Bane inflicts extra Damage to Supernatural Shields equal to a quarter (rounding up at multiples of 5) of his/her Magic Appraisal value.


PENALTIES: Cost of Perception: 2. Cost of Memorize: 3. +5Composure/Level. No +10Poison/Level. No +10Trap Lore/Level.

BONUS: Can always use Magic Appraisal. Cost of Magic Appraisal: 2. +10Magic Appraisal/Level. +5Ki Occultation/Level. +5Resistances VS Detection and Illusions/Level. Blind VS Mystical Powers Penalty reduction equal to Magic Appraisal/4. Base Damage VS Supernatural Shields Bonus equal to Magic Appraisal/4.


An Assassin may choose to “specialize” as a Hooded One. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Assassin or at any level-up if the character is already an Assassin.

A Hooded One spends 3DPs per point on Dodge Primary Ability and Memorize Secondary Ability, and 2DPs per point on Perception Secondary Abilities, but only spends 2DPs per point on Block, and 1DP per point on Hide.

A Hooded One has no Class Innate Bonus to Notice, Search, and Trap Lore, and Poison, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Block per Level, and applies an extra bonus of +5MK per Level.

While using the Aquarius Impossible Weapon, a Hooded One gains an extra bonus of +5Initiative per even Level.


PENALTIES: Cost of Perception: 2. Cost of Memorize: 3. Cost of Dodge: 3. No +10Notice/Level. No +10Search/Level. No +10Trap Lore/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Hide: 1. +5Block/Level. +25MK/Level. +5Aquarius Initiative/2Levels.


An Assassin may choose to “specialize” as an Inspector. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Assassin or at any level-up if the character is already an Assassin.

The Inspector halves Class Innate Bonus to Hide and Stealth, and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Attack, and spends 2DPs per point in Stealth Secondary Ability, but applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Track, Disguise and all Intellectual Secondary Abilities per Level.


PENALTIES: Cost of Stealth: 2. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. No +5Attack/Level.

BONUS: +10Track/Level. +10Disguise/Level. +10Intellectuals/Level.


An Assassin may choose to “specialize” as a Snake. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Assassin or at any level-up if the character is already an Assassin.

A Snake spends 2DPs per point on Perception Secondary Ability, but only spends 1DP per point on Poison.

A Snake is considered as having an extra ki reserve of 10ki points per Level, which can be used only for using the Shé Impossible Weapon.


PENALTIES: Cost of Perception: 2.

BONUS: Cost of Poison: 1. +5Shé Ki/Level.


An Assassin may choose to “specialize” as a Sniper. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Assassin or at any level-up if the character is already an Assassin.

The Sniper only applies his Attack Innate Bonus to Ranged Attacks. The Sniper spends 2DP per point in Stealth Secondary Ability, but only spends 1DP per point in Hide Secondary Ability. The Sniper gains a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Disguise Secondary Ability per Level. Finally, a Sniper may add 1/10 of his Notice value (round down at multiples of 5) to his Attack Ability, when making Ranged Attacks.


PENALTIES: Cost of Stealth: 2. No +5Attack/Level on Melee.

BONUS: Cost of Hide: 1. +5Disguise/Level. Ranged Attack bonus equal to 1/10 Notice.


An Assassin may choose to “specialize” as a Whisper. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Assassin or at any level-up if the character is already an Assassin, by spending 40DPs.

A Whisper spends 3DPs per point on Composure and Memorize, and 2DPs per point on Stealth. A Whisper applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to three Secondary Abilities of choice per Level.

A Whisper is not considered a Prowler Archetype, but a Prowler-Novel Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Prowler Archetype. Cost of Stealth: 2. Cost of Composure: 3. Cost of Memorize: 3.

BONUS: Prowler-Novel Archetype. 3X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level.


A Wizard may choose to “specialize” as an Animist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard.

An Animist can only use the Shamanic, Vodoun, or Natural Magic Theorem and must choose to take the Animism specialization for Magic Appraisal. An Animist always uses Power instead of Intelligence for calculating his maximum Casting Level and cannot use Grimoires.

An Animist spends 3DPs per point on Science and Appraisal Secondary Abilities, but only spends 2DP per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities. When using Animism in order to forge an Artifact, on a successful Animism check, an Animist is granted additional PPs of the highest Level used in the imbuing process equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Animism Secondary Ability value. If the Artifact is a tattoo, it’s granted a Presence (for hosting powers purposes) bonus equal to 1/3 of the result of the Animism check, instead of 1/4.


PENALTIES: Must use Shamanic, Vodoun or Natural Magic. Cannot use Grimoires. Must use Animism Specialization. Cost of Science: 3. Cost of Appraisal: 3.

BONUS: Cost of Vigor: 2. Bonus PP to Animism forged Artifacts equal to 1/10 Animism. Artifact Tattoo Presence Bonus equal to 1/3 of Animism check result.


A Wizard may choose to “specialize” as a Morpher. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard.

Halve the Intelligence value of a Morpher (round down) for calculating his Maximum Casting Level. Also, a Morpher only applies 1/2 of his actual ML. A Morpher cannot use Natural Magic Theorem.

A Morpher rolls, in addition to his normal character sheet, a second character sheet, called Morphed Form, which is that of a supernatural creature, using the rules for Creatures Creation, with the following exceptions.

1- The Morpher cannot buy The Gift or Access to Psychic Disciplines as Essential Abilities for his Morphed Form.

2- The Morpher can buy Abilities and Powers for his Morphed Form as a Creature with Gnosis 30, but he gets no other bonuses from its Gnosis, except from using this Gnosis to determine what it can affect with its attacks and the additional DPs (which he/she cannot convert in CPs). The Gnosis increases by 5 each 10Level the Morpher has, but the same rules apply.

3- The Morphed Form has Attack and Defense (choose between Dodge and Block, unless it uses Damage Accumulation) equal to Morpher’s Magic Projection, but the DPs spent by the Morpher on Magic Projection (half of them if the Morphed Form has Damage Accumulation), are deducted from those allocated to the Morphed Form. Also, the Morphed Form has the same Zeon value of the Morpher and DPs spent by the Morpher on Zeon points are deducted from those allocated to the Morphed Form.

4- The Morphed Form has the same Advantages and Disadvantages of the Morpher.

Whenever the Morpher gets a Level, so does its Morphed Form. The Morpher can turn into its Morphed Form as a Passive Action by spending a number of Zeon Points equal to triple character’s Presence. Maintaining the Morphed Form in following turns has a cost in Zeon points equal to half the character’s Presence (round up at multiples of 5). Lost Life Points and effects of Criticals are transferred from a form to the other, but in case of creatures with Damage Accumulation, lost life points are multiplied by the Accumulation Multiple when turning into the Morphed Form and divided by it when reverting to the original form.


PENALTIES: 1/2 Intelligence for Casting Level. 1/2 ML. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: Can Morph in same Level Creature with 30+ Gnosis.


A Wizard may choose to “specialize” as a Sage. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard.

A Sage can only learn spells from a single chosen Magic Path and cannot use Natural Magic Theorem. If the chosen Path is a Higher Path, he/she can also learn spells from a single chosen compatible Subpath. If the chosen Path is a Lower Path, he/she can also learn spells from two chosen compatible Subpaths. The Sage cannot unbalance Offensive and Defensive Magic Projection, except as a consequence of his special bonus.

Whenever a Sage acquires a Sphere from the Arcana Sephira, he/she can allocate one of the following bonus to his/her magic abilities: +5Defensive Magic Projection (Max+15), +5Offensive Magic Projection (Max+15), +5MR Difficulty (Max+20), +5Damage (Max+30) +5Final MA (Max+100), +25Zeon (Max+600), +5Max Zeon Value of Innate Spells (Max+40).

The Sage can also apply to spells cast with Predetermined Magic Projection the aforementioned Magic Projection Bonuses and bonuses from Offensive Erudition and Defensive Erudition metamagic Spheres.


PENALTIES: Can only cast spells from a single Higher Path/Lower Path+Subpath. Cannot unbalance Magic Projection. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: Magic Abilities Bonuses from Arcana Sephira Spheres. Magic Projection Bonus to Predetermined Magic Projection.


A Wizard may choose to “specialize” as a Saint. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard.

A Saint cannot use Natural Magic Theorem nor any Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum except for Defensive Erudition and Improved Shields and can only cast Light, Creation, Air, Water, Earth, Essence, and Peace Spells but spends only half Zeon to cast Peace Spells.

A Saint can never unbalance his/her Magic Projection toward Offensive Magic Projection.

A Saint has an extra +10 Bonus per Level to the maximum Zeon Value of his Innate Spells from Peace Subpath and to his Healing Spells.


PENALTIES: No Natural Magic. No Bellum Domini Archanum except for Improved Shields and Defensive Erudition. Only Light, Creation, Air, Water, Earth, Essence, and Peace Spells. Cannot unbalance Magic Projection toward Offensive.

BONUS: +10Innate Peace and Healing Spell Zeon/Level. Half Zeon cost for Peace Spells.


A Wizard may choose to “specialize” as a Scholar. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard.

A Scholar cannot use Natural Magic Theorem nor any Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum and spends 3DPs per point on Dodge Primary Ability and Athletics and Subterfuge Secondary Abilities. If a Scholar takes a Path, he/she must take the Knowledge Subpath along with the first Path chosen, but spends only half Zeon to cast Knowledge Spells.

A Scholar is granted an extra bonus of +10ML per Level.


PENALTIES: No Natural Magic. No Esoteros Archanum. Must take Knowledge Subpath if has a Path. Cost of Dodge: 3. Cost of Athletics: 3. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +10ML/Level. Half Zeon cost for Knowledge Spells.


A Wizard may choose to “specialize” as a Spellcrusher. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard.

A Spellcrusher applies only half the ML and cannot use the Natural Magic Theorem.

As a Passive Action, a Spellcrusher can dispel any spell cast, whether it’s being cast in that same moment or it’s being maintained. Dispelling a spell requires the Spellcrusher to have sufficient Intelligence to cast that spell at the same Casting Level it’s been cast, and spend the same Zeon spent in its casting. Finally, in order to dispel a spell, a Spellcrusher must pass a Magic Appraisal check against one Difficulty Level for each 10Levels (rounding up at multiples of 10) of the Spell. A Spellcrusher may dispel each turn a total number of Spell Levels that does not exceed half his/her total ML value and cannot dispel High or Divine Magic until he/she is capable of casting them.


PENALTIES: 1/2 ML. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: Can Dispel.


A Wizard may choose to “specialize” as a Vizier. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Kalih, in order to be or become a Vizier.

A Vizier cannot change his class. A Vizier can have Elan only with The Kalih and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Wizard of the same Level. Whenever the Vizier does something that goes against the creed of Enneath, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Vizier can never use the Necromancy, Chaos, Sin, Blood, Dreams, Time, or Void spells.

A Vizier spends 2DP per point in Magic Appraisal Secondary Ability, and halves Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost of Magic Appraisal: 2. +5Magic Appraisal/Level. No Chaos, Sin, Blood, Dreams, Time, Shadow, Void spells. Limited to Enneath Kalih Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Warlock may choose to “specialize” as an Alternate Warlock. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warlock or at any level-up if the character is already a Warlock.

There are five types of Alternate Warlocks: Acrobatic Warlock, Dark Warlock, Paladin Warlock, Shadow Warlock, Tank Warlock.

An Acrobatic Warlock halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. An Acrobatic Warlock does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Acrobatics, Style, and Sleight of Hand Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Acrobatics/Level. +5Style/Level. +5Sleight of Hand/Level.

A Dark Warlock does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Intimidate, and Composure Secondary Abilities. A Dark Warlock spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +5Composure/Level. +5Intimidate/Level. Cost of Social: 1.

A Paladin Warlock does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Leadership, and Withstand Pain Secondary Abilities. A Paladin Warlock spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level.

BONUS: +5Withstand Pain/Level. +5Leadership/Level. Cost of Social: 1.

A Shadow Warlock halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. A Shadow Warlock does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Hide, and Stealth Secondary Abilities and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Ki Occultation Ki Ability, if developed.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +5Ki Occultation/Level.

A Tank Warlock doubles the Class Life Points bonus. A Tank Warlock does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to the Wear Armor Primary Ability. A Tank Warlock spends 3DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Ability, but spends 1DP per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +20Life Points/Level. +10Wear Armor/Level. Cost of Vigor: 1.


A Warlock may choose to “specialize” as an Archlock. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warlock or at any level-up if the character is already a Warlock.

There are two types of Archlocks: Kendama Archlocks, and Yo-Yo Archlocks.

A Kendama Archlock halves the Class Life Points bonus, does not apply the Class Innate Bonus to Block, and spends 3DPs per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +100 to Zeon and +10 to Sleight of Hand per Level. A Kendama Archlock applies a special bonus of +5ML per Level.

While using the Shǔ Impossible Weapon, a Kendama Archlock can apply the Feint Maneuver to Attack and Spiritual Spells cast as well as melee attacks.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level. Cost of Vigor: 3.

BONUS: +100Zeon/Level. +10Sleight of Hand/Level. +5ML/Level. Shǔ Feint with Attack and Spiritual Spells.

A Yo-yo Archlock halves the Class Life Points bonus, does not apply the Class Innate Bonus to Block, and spends 3DPs per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +100 to Zeon and +10 to Sleight of Hand per Level. A Yo-yo Archlock applies a special bonus of +5Initiative per Level.

While using the Piscis Impossible Weapon, a Yo-yo Archlock can apply to characteristic checks caused by Attack and Spiritual Spells cast a bonus equal to 1/20 of his/her Sleight of Hand value.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level. Cost of Vigor: 3.

BONUS: +100Zeon/Level. +10Sleight of Hand/Level. +5Initiatie/Level. Yo-yo Characteristic Checks Bonus to Attack and Spiritual Spells equal to 1/20 Sleight of Hand.


A Warlock may choose to “specialize” as an Chronomancer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warlock or at any level-up if the character is already a Warlock.

A Chronomancer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Block, but applies an extra +5 bonus to Initiative per Level and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Memory and History per Level. A Chronomancer can only use spells from Light, Darkness, Creation, Destruction, and Earth Paths, as well as any Subpath, but they must always buy at least one Time Spell. A Chronomancer spends only half Zeon to cast Time Spells.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Only Light, Darkness, Creation, Destruction, Earth, and Subpath Spells. Must take a Time Spell.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5History/Level. +5Memory/Level. Half cost for Time Spells.


A Warlock may choose to “specialize” as a Cleric. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warlock or at any level-up if the character is already a Warlock.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with anyone Beril, Shajad, or Grey One in order to be or become a Cleric.

A Cleric cannot change his class. A Cleric can have Elan only with a single Beril/Shajad/Grey One and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Warlock of the same Level. Whenever the Cleric does something that goes against the creed of his patron Beril/Shajad/Grey One, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Cleric applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.

Also, each Cleric has different characteristics depending on the Beril/Shajad/Grey One he’s aligned with, hence follows a description of each of them. No Cleric can use Natural Magic Theorem. A Cleric ignores the Forbidden Bond rule of Subpaths.

A Michael Cleric does not apply the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to the Wear Armor and Medicine Abilities per Level. A Michael Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Creation, Water, and Essence Paths, as well as Protection and Peace Subpaths. A Michael Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum and can never apply Spheres of Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Light, Creation, Water, Essence, Protection, Peace spells. Must have Sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Michael Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. +10Medicine/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Zemial Cleric does not apply the +5 Block or Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Feats of Strength, Withstand Pain, and Athleticism per Level. A Zemial Cleric also applies an extra +10Life Points per Level and +5MK per Level. A Zemial Cleric can only use Spells from the Darkness, Destruction, Fire, Necromancy Paths, as well as the Blood and Void Subpaths. A Zemial Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply spheres of Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Block/Level. Use only Darkness, Destruction, Fire, Necromancy, Blood, Void spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Zemial Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +20Life Points/Level. +10Withstand Pain/Level. +10Feats of Strength/Level. +10Athleticism/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Uriel Cleric does not apply the +5 Attack or Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Acrobatics, Jump, and Ki Concealment Abilities, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Hide and Stealth Abilities per Level. An Uriel Cleric also applies an extra +5 Initiative per Level. An Uriel Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Air, Water, and Illusion, as well as the Chaos and Divination Subpaths. An Uriel Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level. No +5Block/Level. Use only Light, Air, Water, Illusion, Chaos, Divination spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Uriel Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +10Acrobatics/Level. +10Jump/Level. +10Ki Concealment/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Jedah Cleric does not apply the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Wear Armor, and all Social Secondary Abilities per Level. A Jedah Cleric can only use Spells from the Darkness, Creation, Illusion, and Necromancy Paths, as well as the Letters and Nobility Subpaths. A Jedah Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Darkness, Creation, Illusion, Necromancy, Letters, Nobility spells. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Esoteros Archanum. Limited to Jedah Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5Wear Armor/Level. +5Socials/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Gabriel Cleric does not apply the +5 Attack Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Art, Music, and Persuasion Secondary Abilities per Level. A Gabriel Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Creation, Air, and Essence Paths, as well as the Peace and Music Subpaths. A Gabriel Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level. Use only Light, Creation, Air, Essence, Peace, Music spells. Must have sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Gabriel Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Art/Level. +10Music/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Noah Cleric does not apply the +5 Dodge and Magic Appraisal Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate bonus of +10 to Wear Armor, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Withstand Pain, and Feats of Strength Secondary Abilities per Level. A Noah Cleric also applies an extra +5Life Points per Level. A Noah Cleric can only use Spells from the Darkness, Destruction, Fire, and Earth Paths, as well as the War and Blood Subpaths. A Noah Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Use only Darkness, Destruction, Fire, Earth, War, Blood spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Noah Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. +5Withstand Pain/Level. +5Feats of Strengh/Level. +15Life Points/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Raphael Cleric does not apply the +5 Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Animals, Herbal Lore, and Medicine Secondary Abilities per Level. A Raphael Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Water, Earth, and Essence paths, as well as the Animal and Plant Subpath. A Raphael Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Light, Water, Earth, Essence, Animal, Plant spells. Must have sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Raphael Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Animals/Level. +10Herbal Lore/Level. +10Medicine/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Erebus Cleric does not apply the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Occult per Level. An Erebus Cleric also applies a bonus of +5ML per Level. They can only use Spells from the Darkness, Creation, Essence, and Illusion Paths, as well as the Dreams and Shadow Subpaths. An Erebus Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Darkness, Creation, Essence, Illusion, Dreams, Shadow spells. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Esoteros Archanum. Limited to Erebus Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5ML/Level. +10Occult/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Azrael Cleric does not apply the +5 Dodge and Magic Appraisal Class Innate Bonus, but applies an Innate Class Bonus of +5 to Wear Armor, and Leadership per Level. An Azrael Cleric also applies an extra +5MK per Level. An Azrael Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Destruction, Fire, and Air Paths, as well as the War and Guardian Subpaths. An Azrael Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Use only Light, Destruction, Fire, Air, War, Guardian spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Azrael Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +5Wear Armor/Level, +5Leadership/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Abaddon Cleric does not apply the +5 Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate bonus of +5 to Wear Armor, and a +10 Class Innate Bonus to Persuasion and Occult per Level. An Abaddon Cleric can only use Spells from the Darkness, Fire, Essence, and Necromancy paths, as well as the Sin and Animal Subpaths. An Abaddon Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Darkness, Fire, Essence, Necromancy, Sin, Animal spells. Must have sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Abaddon Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5Wear Armor/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. +10Occult/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Barakiel Cleric does not apply the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Wear Armor per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Style, and Science per Level. A Barakiel Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Creation, Essence, Necromancy Paths, as well as the Nobility and Law Subpaths. A Barakiel Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Light, Creation, Essence, Necromancy, Nobility, Law spells. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Esoteros Archanum. Limited to Barakiel Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5Wear Armor/Level. +10Science/Level. +10Style/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Eriol Cleric does not apply the +5 Attack or Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Hide, Stealth, and Ki Concealment Abilities per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Acrobatics, and Jump per Level. An Eriol Cleric also applies an extra +5 Initiative per Level. An Eriol Cleric can only use Spells from the Darkness, Air, Fire, and Illusion Paths, as well as the Chaos and Dreams Subpaths. An Eriol Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level. No +5Block/Level. Use only Darkness, Air, Fire, Illusion, Chaos, Dreams spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Eriol Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +10Hide/Level. +10Stealth/Level. +5Acrobatics/Level. +10Ki Concealment/Level. +5Jump/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Edamiel Cleric does not apply the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Wear Armor per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Persuasion, and Composure per Level. An Edamiel Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Destruction, Water, and Necromancy Paths, as well as the Void and Sin Subpaths. An Edamiel Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Light, Destruction, Water, Necromancy, Void, Sin spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Edamiel Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5Wear Armor/Level. +10Composure/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Meseguis Cleric does not have the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Withstand Pain and Composure Secondary Abilities per Level. A Meseguis Cleric also applies an extra +5MK per Level. A Meseguis Cleric can only use Spells from the Darkness, Destruction, Earth, and Necromancy Paths, as well as the Death and Protection Subpaths. A Meseguis Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Darkness, Destruction, Earth, Necromancy, Death, Protection spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Meseguis Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +5Composure/Level. +5Withstand Pain/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Shala Cleric does not have the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, and the +5Magic Appraisal Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Wear Armor and Withstand Pain per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Composure Secondary Abilities per Level. A Shala Cleric can only use Spells from the Creation, Fire, Earth, and Essence Paths, as well as the Guardian and Law Subpaths. A Shala Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Use only Creation, Fire, Earth, Essence, Guardian, Law spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Shala Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. +5Composure/Level. +10Withstand Pain/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Maat Cleric does not have the +5 Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Appraisal per Level and doubles the Magic Appraisal Class Innate Bonus. A Maat Cleric also applies an extra +5ML per Level. A Maat Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Darkness, Essence, and Necromancy Paths, as well as the Balance and Plant Subpaths. A Maat Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Light, Darkness, Essence, Necromancy, Balance, Plant spells. Must have sphere from Cognos to use Archana Sephira. No Eoteros Archanum. Limited to Maat Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5ML/Level. +10Magic Appraisal/Level. +5Appraisal/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Ishtar Cleric does not have the +5 Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Persuasion, Hide, and Stealth per Level. An Ishtar Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Darkness, Air, and Necromancy Paths, as well as the Balance and Shadow Subpaths. An Ishtar Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Light, Darkness, Air, Necromancy, Balance, Shadow spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Ishtar Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Persuasion/Level. +10Hide/Level. +10Stealth/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Dhaman Cleric does not have the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to all Intellectual Secondary Abilities per Level. A Dhaman Cleric can only use Spells from the Light, Air, Water, and Essence Paths, as well as the Letters and Knowledge Subpaths. A Dhaman Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Light, Air, Water, Essence, Letters, Knowledge spells. Must have sphere from Cognos to use Archana Sephira. No Eoteros Archanum. Limited to Dhaman Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Intellectuals/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Urania Cleric does not have the +5 Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to History and Memory per Level. An Urania Cleric also applies an extra +5Initiative per Level. An Urania Cleric can only use Spells from the Creation, Destruction, Illusion, and Necromancy Paths, as well as the Time and Divination Subpaths. An Urania Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Creation, Destruction, Illusion, Necromancy, Time, Divination spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Urania Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5History/Level. +5Memory/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Ymir Cleric does not have the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Wear Armor per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Science and Forge per Level. An Ymir Cleric can only use Spells from the Fire, Water, Earth, and Air Paths, as well as the Music and Knowledge Subpaths. An Ymir Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Music, Knowledge spells. Must have sphere from Potestas to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Ymir Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5Wear Armor/Level. +10Science/Level. +10Forge/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Ades Cleric does not have the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Hide and Stealth per Level. An Ades Cleric also applies an extra +10Life Points per Level. An Ades Cleric can only use Spells from the Darkness, Destruction, Earth, and Illusion Paths, as well as the Death and Time Subpaths. An Ades Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Darkness, Destruction, Earth, Illusion, Death, Time spells. Must have sphere from Potestas to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Ades Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Hide/Level. +10Stealth/Level. +20Life Points/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.


A Warlock may choose to “specialize” as a Pantheon Cleric. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warlock or at any level-up if the character is already a Warlock.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with anyone Pantheon (or 20 points of Elan with Ormuz & Ahriman) in order to be or become a Pantheon Cleric.

A Pantheon Cleric cannot change his class. A Pantheon Cleric can have Elan only with a single Pantheon and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25 (or 20 for Ormuz & Ahriman), it automatically becomes a Warlock of the same Level. Whenever the Pantheon Cleric does something that goes against the creed of his patron Pantheon, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Pantheon Cleric applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.

Also, each Pantheon Cleric has different characteristics depending on the Pantheon he’s aligned with, hence follows a description of each of them. A Pantheon Cleric ignores the Forbidden Bond rule of Subpaths.

A Lillium Cleric does not apply the +5 Block Class Innate Bonus, but a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Animals and Herbal Lore per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Poison, and Music Secondary Abilities per Level. A Lillium Cleric must always use the Shamanic Magic Theorem and can only use Spells from the Earth, Air, Water, and Essence Paths, as well as Music, Balance, Animal, and Plant Subpaths. A Lillium Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum and can never apply any Sphere of Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Shamanic Magic. Use only Earth, Air, Water, Essence, Music, Balance, Animal, Plant spells. Must have Sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Lillium Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +10Animals/Level. +10Herbal Lore/Level. +5Poison/Level. +5Music/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Shukyokami Official Temple Cleric does not apply the +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Style per Level. A Shukyokami Offical Temple Cleric also applies an extra +5MK per Level. A Shukyokami Official Temple Cleric must always use the Onmyodo Magic Theorem and can only use Spells from the Light, Darkness, Air, and Water Paths, as well as the Nobility, Guardian, War, and Law Subpaths. A Shukyokami Official Temple Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Onmyodo Magic. Use only Light, Darkness, Air, Water, Nobility, Guardian, War, Law spells. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Esoteros Archanum. Limited to Shukyokami Official Temple Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +10Style/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Shukyokami Forbidden Temple Cleric does not apply the +5Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Persuasion per Level. A Shukyokami Forbidden Temple Cleric also applies an extra +5MK per Level. A Shukyokami Forbidden Temple Cleric must always use the Onmyodo Magic Theorem and can only use Spells from the Darkness, Destruction, Fire, and Illusion Paths, as well as the Chaos, Sin, Void, and Shadow Subpaths. A Shukyokami Forbidden Temple Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Onmyodo Magic. Use only Darkness, Destruction, Fire, Illusion, Shadow, Void, Sin, Chaos spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Shukyokami Forbidden Temple Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Aytir Valdr Cleric does not apply the +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Wear Armor per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Notice and Search per Level. An Aytir Valdr Cleric must always use the General Magic Theorem and can only use Spells from the Light, Air, Earth, and Essence Paths, as well as the War, Nobility, Balance and Divination Subpath. An Aytir Valdr Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only General Magic. Use only Light, Air, Earth, Essence, War, Nobility, Balance, Divination spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Aytir Valdr Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. +5Notice/Level. +5Search/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Aytir Njordt Cleric does not apply the +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 Theft per Level. An Aytir Njordt Cleric applies an extra bonus of +5ML per Level. An Aytir Njordt Cleric must always use the General Magic Theorem and can only use Spells from the Darkness, Water, Fire, and Essence Paths, as well as the Time, Plant, Protection, and Sin Subpaths. An Aytir Njordt Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only General Magic. Use only Darkness, Water, Fire, Essence, Time, Protection, Sin, Plant spells. Must have sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Aytir Njordt Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Theft/Level. +5ML/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Aytir Valhein Cleric does not apply the +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 Wear Armor per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Ride and Animals per Level. An Aytir Valhein Cleric must always use the Shamanic Magic Theorem and can only use Spells from the Creation, Water, Earth, and Air Paths, as well as the Dreams, Shadow, Animal, Peace Subpaths. An Aytir Valhein Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Shamanic Magic. Use only Creation, Water, Earth, Air, Dreams, Peace, Animal, Shadow spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Aytir Valhein Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Wear Armor/Level. +10Ride/Level. +10Animals/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Aytir Beasts Cleric does not apply the +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus, nor the +5 Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Hide and Stealth per Level. An Aytir Beasts Cleric applies an extra +5 bonus to Life Points and MK per Level. An Aytir Beasts Cleric must always use the Natural Magic Theorem and can only use the Destroyer, Controller, Animist, and Elementalist Specialization spells. An Aytir Beasts Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Use only Natural Magic. Use only Destroyer, Controller, Animist, Elementalist spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Aytir Beasts Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +15Life Points/Level. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +25MK/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Enneath Cleric does not apply the +5Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Intimidate, Persuasion, and History per Level. An Enneath Cleric must always use the Vodoun Magic Theorem and can only use Spells from the Light, Creation, Destruction, and Essence Paths, as well as the Death, Letters, Knowledge, and Shadow Subpaths. An Enneath Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Vodoun Magic. Use only Light, Creation, Destruction, Essence, Death, Letters Knowledge, Shadow spells. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Esoteros Archanum. Limited to Enneath Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +10Intimidate/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. +10History/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Oposium Cleric does not apply the +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus, and only applies half of his Magic Level, but increases to +75 his/her Class Innate Bonus to Zeon Points per Level. An Oposium Cleric has automatic knowledge of Paths of Magic opposite to those he already knows for free, and applies the Elemental Compatibility Advantage to a Path as well as its opposite without applying any disadvantage. An Oposium Cleric cannot use the Necromancy Path nor the Natural Magic Theorem. An Oposium Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. ML/2. No Necromancy. No Natural Magic. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Oposium Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 10.

BONUS: +75Zeon/Level. Free ML on a Path equal to ML on opposite Path. Applies Elemental Compatibility positive only effects on opposite Paths. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Arium Cleric does not apply the +5Attack and Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to all Summoning Abilities per Level. An Arium Cleric applies an extra +5ML and MK per Level. An Arium Cleric can never use the Necromancy Path or the Natural Magic Theorem. An Arium Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Esoteros Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level. No +5Dodge/Level. No Necromancy. No Natural Magic. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Esoteros Archanum. Limited to Arium Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5ML. +25MK/Level. +5Summoning Abilities/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Aramense Cleric does not apply the +5Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Athleticism. An Aramense Cleric applies an extra bonus of +5 to Initiative. An Aramense Cleric must always use the Vodoun Magic Archetype and can only use Spells from the Creation, Destruction, Earth, and Essence Paths, as well as the Death, Time, Animal, Plant Subpaths. An Aramense Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Bellum Domini Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Vodoun Magic Archetype. Use only Creation, Destruction, Earth, Essence, Death, Time, Animal, Plant spells. Must have sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Bellum Domini Archanum. Limited to Aramense Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Initiative/Level. +10Athleticism/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

An Ascended Cleric does not apply either the +5Block or +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus (depending on the worshipped Ascended), but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to tree Secondary Abilities (depending on the worshipped Ascended) per Level. An Ascended Cleric must always use the Natural Magic Archetype and can only use Creator, Transmuter, Healer, and Illusionist Specialization spells. An Ascended Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Cognos Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level or No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Natural Magic Archetype. Use only Creator, Transmuter, Healer, Illusionist spells. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Cognos Archanum. Limited to Enneath Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: 3X+10Secondary Ability/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Judas Cleric does not apply the +5 Class Innate Bonus to Dodge and Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Wear Armor and Science per Level. A Judas Cleric applies an extra +5MK per Level. A Judas Cleric can only use Subpath and Free Access Spells, but can acquire 3 Subpaths at once, following the same rules for a Lesser Path, hence gaining three different Subpath Spells and 2 Free Access Spells per 10 points of ML spent (following normal Level Limitations for buyng Paths).


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Use Subpath and Free Access spells. Limited to Children of Judas Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +5Wear Armor/Level. +5Science/Level. Buys 3 Subpaths as a Lesser Path. +5Elan Level/Level.

A Primeval Gods Cleric does not apply the +5Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Intimidate, and Occult as well as an extra bonus of +5ML per Level. A Primeval Gods Cleric must always use the Vodoun Magic Archetype and can only use Spells from the Darkness, Destruction, Fire, and Necromancy Paths, as well as the Chaos, Sin, Blood, Shadow Subpaths. A Primeval Gods Cleric cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, and can never apply any Sphere of Potestas Archanum.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Vodoun Magic Archetype. Use only Darkness, Destruction, Fire, Necromancy, Chaos, Sin, Blood, Shadow spells. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. No Potestas Archanum. Limited to Primeval Gods Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5ML/Level. +5Intimidate/Level. +5Occult/Level. +5Elan Level/Level.


A Warlock may choose to “specialize” as a Theorem Fighter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warlock or at any level-up if the character is already a Warlock.

A Theorem Fighter can only use a single Theorem, which can never be changed and depending on chosen Theorem is granted different bonuses and penalties as following.

A General Theorem Fighter spends 3DPs per point on Athletic Secondary Abilities, and does not apply the +5 Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies a special bonus of +5ML per Level, a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Occult, History and Science per Level, and a total Class Innate Bonus of +50Zeon per Level. A General Theorem Fighter can cast spells from Grimoires at any Casting Level.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only General Magic. Cost of Athletics: 3.

BONUS: +50Zeon/Level. +5Occult/Level. +5History/Level. +5Science/Level. +5ML/Level. Can cast from Grimoires at any Casting Level.

An Onmyodo Theorem Fighter spends 3DPs per point on Summoning Primary Abilities, and does not apply the +5 Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a special bonus of +5Initiative per Level, an extra bonus of +5MK per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Art (Ritual Calligraphy Specialization) per Level. When using Ritual Calligraphy in order to forge an Artifact, an Onmyodo Theorem Fighter is granted additional PPs of the highest Level used in the imbuing process equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Ritual Calligraphy Secondary Ability value. Also, the Artifact is granted a Presence (for hosting powers purposes) bonus equal to 1/4 of the result of the Ritual Calligraphy check. An Onmyodo Theorem Fighter can imbue Divine Magic into an Ofuda by achieving a Ritual Calligraphy check of 490.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Onmyodo Magic. Cost of Summon: 3. Cost of Control: 3. Cost of Bind: 3. Cost of Banish: 3.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +10Art(Ritual Calligraphy)/Level. +10Initiative/Level. Bonus PP to Ritual Calligraphy forged Artifacts equal to 1/10 Ritual Calligraphy. Presence Bonus equal to 1/4 of Ritual Calligraphy check result. Can imbue Divine Magic in Ofuda.

A Vodoun Theorem Fighter spends 3DPs per point on Social Primary Abilities, and does not apply the +5 Attack Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Hide, Stealth, Theft, and Disguise per Level. A Vodoun Theorem Fighter increases the MR difficulty of Spells cast by +5 each 4 Levels.


PENALTIES: No +5Attack/Level. Use only Vodoun Magic. Cost of Socials: 3.

BONUS: +10Hide/Level. +10Stealth/Level. +10Theft/Level. +10Disguise/Level. +5MR Difficulty/4Levels.

A Shamanic Theorem Fighter does not apply the +5Dodge Class Innate Bonus, and spends 3DP per point of Wear Armor and Science, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Animals, Withstand Pain and Herbal Lore per Level, and an extra bonus of +10Life Points per Level. A Shamanic Theorem Fighter spends half the required Zeon for Calling Spirits in order to improve the Spiritual Zone and can improve the Spiritual Zone by up to 2 Levels.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Use only Shamanic Magic. Cost of Wear Armor: 3. Cost of Science: 3.

BONUS: +20Life Points/Level. +10Animals/Level. +10Herbal Lore/Level. +10Withstand Pain/Level. 1/2 Zeon for Calling Spirits. Can Improve Spiritual Zone by 2 Levels.

A Natural Theorem Fighter does not apply the +5Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies a total Class Innate Bonus of +50 Zeon per Level, doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal per Level, and applies an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level. A Natural Theorem Fighter applies a bonus of +1 to Power checks for Casting Natural Spell Effects for each 4 Levels.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Use only Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +50Zeon/Level. +10Magic Appraisal/Level. +1PowChecks/4Levels.


A Warlock may choose to “specialize” as a Warcanist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warlock or at any level-up if the character is already a Warlock.

A Warcanist ignores the Forbidden Bond rules of Subpaths. There are eight types of Warcanists: Beastcasters, Bloodcasters, Esocasters, Guardcasters, Necrocasters, Plantcasters, Shieldcasters, Warcasters.

A Beastcaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge or Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Animals per Level and an extra bonus of +15Life Points per Level. A Beastcaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Potestas Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, a Beastcaster must always take the Animal Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast Animal Spells. A Beastcaster only spends 1DP per point on the Bind Summoning Ability, but can use his Summoning Abilities only on all non-humanoid Natural Beings.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Must have sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take Animal Subpath if has a Path. Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds.

BONUS: +10Animals/Level. +25Life Points/Level. 1/2 Cost of Potestas Archanum. 1/2Zeon for Animal Spells. Cost of Bind: 1. Can use Summoning Abilities on non-humanoid Natural Beings.

A Bloodcaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Block or Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Medicine per Level and an extra bonus of +20Life Points per Level. A Bloodcaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Esoteros Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, a Bloodcaster must always take the Blood Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast Blood Spells. A Bloodcaster only spends 1DP per point on the Control Summoning Ability, but can use his Summoning Abilities only on Undeads.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take Blood Subpath if has a Path. Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds.

BONUS: +5Medicine/Level. +30Life Points/Level. 1/2 Cost of Esoteros Archanum. 1/2Zeon for Blood Spells. Cost of Control: 1. Can use Summoning Abilities on Undead.

An Esocaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Block or Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Occult per Level and an extra bonus of +5ML per Level. An Esocaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Esoteros Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, an Esocaster must always take the Dream Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast Dream Spells. A Esocaster only spends 1DP per point on the Summon Summoning Ability.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Must have sphere from Esoteros Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take Dream Subpath if has a Path.

BONUS: +5ML/Level. +5Occult/Level. 1/2 Cost of Esoteros Archanum. 1/2Zeon for Dream Spells. Cost of Summon: 1.

A Guardcaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge or Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Wear Armor per Level, +10 Notice per Level, and an extra bonus of +5Life Points per Level. A Guardcaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Potestas Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Potestas Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, a Guardcaster must always take the Guardian Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast Guard Spells. A Guardcaster only spends 1DP per point on the Bind Summoning Ability, but can use his Summoning Abilities only on all non-undead Construct creatures.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Must have sphere from Potestas Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take Guardian Subpath if has a Path. Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds.

BONUS: +5Wear Armor/Level. +10Notice/Level. +15Life Points/Level. 1/2 Cost of Potestas Archanum. 1/2Zeon for Guard Spells. Cost of Bind: 1. Can use Summoning Abilities on non-undead Constructs.

A Plantcaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Block, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Herbal Lore, Medicine, and Poison. A Plantcaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Cognos Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, a Plantcaster must always take the Plant Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast Plant Spells. A Plantcaster only spends 1DP per point on the Summon Summoning Ability, but can use his Summoning Abilities all non-humanoid Natural Beings.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take Plant Subpath if has a Path. Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds.

BONUS: +10Medicine/Level. +10Herbal Lore/Level. +10Poisons/Level. 1/2 Cost of Cognos Archanum. 1/2Zeon for Plant Spells. Cost of Summon: 1. Can use Summoning Abilities on non-humanoid Natural Beings.

A Necrocaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Block, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to all Intellectual Secondary Abilities, cumulative with the +5Magic Appraisal Class Innate Bonus. A Necrocaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Cognos Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Cognos Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, a Necrocaster must always take the Death Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast Death Spells. A Necrocaster only spends 1DP per point on the Banish Summoning Ability, but can use his Summoning Abilities only on all Undead creatures.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Must have sphere from Cognos Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take Death Subpath if has a Path. Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds.

BONUS: +5Intellectuals/Level. +10Magic Appraisal/Level. 1/2 Cost of Cognos Archanum. 1/2Zeon for Death Spells. Cost of Banish: 1. Can use Summoning Abilities on Undeads.

A Shieldcaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Vigor Secondary Abilities per Level. A Shieldcaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Bellum Domini Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, a Shieldcaster must always take the Protection Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast Protection Spells. A Shieldcaster only spends 1DP per point on the Banish Summoning Ability.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take Protecton Subpath if has a Path.

BONUS: +5Vigor/Level. 1/2 Cost of Bellum Domini Archanum. 1/2Zeon for Protection Spells. Cost of Banish: 1.

A Warcaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge or Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Wear Armor per Level and an extra bonus of +5Life Points per Level. A Warcaster cannot benefit from Spheres from the Arcana Sephira unless he/she has at least one Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum, but spends half ML to acquire Spheres from the Bellum Domini Archanum (round up at multiples of 5). If using a Path, a Warcaster must always take the War Subpath, but spends half Zeon to cast War Spells. A Warcaster only spends 1DP per point on the Control Summoning Ability, but can use his Summoning Abilities only on all non-undead Construct creatures.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Must have sphere from Bellum Domini Archanum to use Archana Sephira. Must take War Subpath if has a Path. Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds.

BONUS: +10Wear Armor/Level. +15Life Points/Level. 1/2 Cost of Bellum Domini Archanum. 1/2Zeon for War Spells. Cost of Control: 1. Can use Summoning Abilities on non-undead Constructs.


An Illusionist may choose to “specialize” as a Bard. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Illusionist or at any level-up if the character is already an Illusionist.

A Bard only applies half his Hide and Stealth Innate Class Bonus, and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Disguise and Theft, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Acrobatics and Music per Level.

A Bard cannot use Spells from the Destruction, Fire, Earth, and Necromancy Paths, nor apply any Sphere from the Bellum Domini Archanum branch of the Arcana Sephira, but can use a free spell from the Music Subpath for each 10 points of Magic Level, applying the normal Gnosis Limits for High and Divine Magic. A Bard cannot use Natural Magic Theorem.

A Bard can use Offensive Magic Projection 140+, instead of Attack140+, as a prerequisite for using the Virgo Impossible Weapon and can choose to fight with it using Magic Projection, instead of normal Attack/Defense values. A Bard spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Music Subpath Spells.


PENALTIES: +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. No +5Theft/Level. No +5Disguise/Level. No Destruction, Fire, Earth, Necromancy spells. No Bellum Domini Archanum. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +10Acrobatics/Level. +10Music/Level. 1Music Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Music spells. Can use Magic Projection as Prerequisite and Attack/Defense for Virgo Impossible Weapon.


An Illusionist may choose to “specialize” as a Freecaster. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Illusionist or at any level-up if the character is already an Illusionist, by spending 40DPs.

A Freecaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Hide, Stealth, Magic Appraisal, Disguise, Theft, Sleight of Hand, and Persuasion, and spends 2DPs per point in Persuasion and Sleight of Hand.

A Freecaster applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to 5 chosen Secondary Abilities per Level.

A Freecaster may always use an additional Free Access Spell for each Free Access Spell he/she possesses, which must be the same Level.

The Freecaster is considered a Mystic-Novel Archetype, instead of Mystic-Prowler Archetype.


PENALTIES: Cost of Persuasion: 2. Cost of Sleight of Hand: 2. No Mystic-Prowler Archetype. No +10Hide/Level. No +10Stealth/Level. No +5Disguise/Level. No +5Persuasion/Level. No +10Sleight of Hand/Level. No +5Theft/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level.

BONUS: Mystic-Novel Archetype. 5X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level. 1Free Access Spell for each Free Access Spell.


An Illusionist may choose to “specialize” as a Mirrorer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Illusionist or at any level-up if the character is already an Illusionist.

A Mirrorer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Sleight of Hand and spends 2DP per point on Sleight of Hand, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Appraisal and Style per Level.

A Mirrorer cannot use Spells from the Darkness, Earth, Essence, and Necromancy Paths, but can use a free spell from the Nobility Subpath for each 10 points of Magic Level, applying the normal Gnosis Limits for High and Divine Magic.

A Mirrorer can use Defensive Magic Projection 140+, instead of Block140+, as a prerequisite for using the Venus Impossible Weapon and can choose to fight with it using Magic Projection, instead of normal Attack/Defense values. Finally, a Mirrorer spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Nobility Subpath Spells.


PENALTIES: No +10Sleight of Hand/Level. Cost of Sleight of Hand: 2. No Darkness, Earth, Essence, Necromancy spells.

BONUS: +10Style/Level. +10Appraisal/Level. 1Nobility Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Nobility spells. Can use Magic Projection as Prerequisite and Attack/Defense for Venus Impossible Weapon.


An Illusionist may choose to “specialize” as a No Face. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Illusionist or at any level-up if the character is already an Illusionist.

A No Face applies no Class Innate Bonus to Theft and Sleight of Hand, and spends 2DPs per point on Sleight of Hand, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Hide, Disguise, and Stealth.

A No Face cannot use Spells from the Light, Creation, Earth, Fire, Illusion, and Essence Paths, but can use a free spell from the Void Subpath for each 10 points of Magic Level, applying the normal Gnosis Limits for High and Divine Magic. A No Face spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Void Subpath Spells.


PENALTIES: No +10Sleight of Hand/Level. No +5Theft/Level. Cost of Sleight of Hand: 2. No Light, Creation, Illusion, Fire, Essence, Earth spells.

BONUS: +10Hide/Level. +10Disguise/Level. +10Stealth/Level. 1Void Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Void spells.


An Illusionist may choose to “specialize” as a Puppeteer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Illusionist or at any level-up if the character is already an Illusionist.

A Puppeteer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal and Theft, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Science and Forge per Level.

A Puppeteer cannot use Spells from the Light, Destruction, Fire, and Essence Paths, nor apply any Sphere from the Esoteros Archanum branch of the Arcana Sephira, but can use a free spell from the Umbral Subpath for each 10 points of Magic Level, applying the normal Gnosis Limits for High and Divine Magic. A Puppeteer cannot use Natural Magic Therem.

A Puppeteer can use Magic Projection instead of normal Attack/Defense value, when fighting using the Gemini Impossible Weapon. A Puppeteer spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Umbral Subpath Spells.


PENALTIES: No +5Theft/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. No Light, Destruction, Fire, Essence spells. No Esoteros Archanum. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: +5Science/Level. +5Forge/Level. 1Umbral Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Umbral spells. Can use Magic Projection as Attack/Defense for Gemini Impossible Weapon.


An Illusionist may choose to “specialize” as a Quickdrawer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Illusionist or at any level-up if the character is already an Illusionist.

A Quickdrawer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Hide, Stealth, Disguise and Theft, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Art (Ritual Calligraphy Specialization) per Level and an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level. A Quickdrawer spends 2DPs per point on Sleight of Hand, but only spends 1DP per point on Art.

A Quickdrawer cannot use Spells from the Destruction, Water, Essence, and Necromancy Paths, but can use a free spell from the Letters Subpath for each 10 points of Magic Level, applying the normal Gnosis Limits for High and Divine Magic. A Quickdrawer must use the Onmyodo Magic Theorem.

A Quickdrawer can use Offensive Magic Projection 140+, instead of Attack140+, as a prerequisite for using the Gǒu Impossible Weapon and can choose to fight with it using Magic Projection, instead of normal Attack/Defense values. Finally, a Quickdrawer spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Letters Subpath Spells.


PENALTIES: No +10Hide/Level. No +10Stealth/Level. No +5Theft/Level. No +5Disguise/Level. Cost of Sleight of Hand: 2. No Destruction, Water, Essence, Necromancy spells. Onmyodo only.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +10Art(Ritual Calligraphy)/Level. Cost of Art: 1. 1Letters Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Letters spells. Can use Magic Projection as Prerequisite and Attack/Defense for Gǒu Impossible Weapon.


An Illusionist may choose to “specialize” as a Sinner. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Illusionist or at any level-up if the character is already an Illusionist.

A Sinner applies no Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal and Sleight of Hand, and spends 2DPs per point on Sleight of Hand, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Theft, Disguise, and Persuasion.

A Sinner cannot use Spells from the Light, Essence, Water, and Earth Paths, but can use a free spell from the Sin Subpath for each 10 points of Magic Level, applying the normal Gnosis Limits for High and Divine Magic. A Sinner spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Sin Subpath Spells.


PENALTIES: No +10Sleight of Hand/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Cost of Sleight of Hand: 2. No Light, Water, Essence, Earth spells.

BONUS: +10Theft/Level. +10Disguise/Level. +10Persuasion/Level. 1Sin Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Sin spells.


A Wizard Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as an Elementalist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard Mentalist.

An Elementalist must choose and specialize on a single element among: Light, Darkness, Fire, Earth, Water, Air.

An Air Elementalist can only cast spells from the Air Path, with Animal or Void Subpaths, or Air Elementalist Specialization, and use Psychic Powers from Electromagnetism, Chances, and Teleport Disciplines.

A Darkness Elementalist can only cast spells from the Darkness Path with Shadow Subpath or Darkness Elementalist Specialization, and use Psychic Powers from Telepathy, Energy, and Telemetry Disciplines.

An Earth Elementalist can only cast spells from the Earth Path with War and Protection Subpaths or Earth Elementalist Specialization, and use Psychic Powers from Physical Increase, Psychokinesis, and Telemetry Disciplines.

A Fire Elementalist can only cast spells from the Fire Path with either War and Animal Subpaths or Fire Elementalist Specialization, and use Psychic Powers from Pyrokinesis, Physical Increase and Light Disciplines.

A Light Elementalist can only cast spells from the Light Path with Peace Subpath or Light Elementalist Specialization, and use Psychic Powers from Hypersensitivity, Teleport, and Light Discipline.

A Water Elementalist can only cast spells from the Water Path with Void and Protection Subpaths or Water Elementalist Specialization, and use Psychic Powers from Cryokinesis, Chances, and Telepathy Disciplines.

An Elementalist has an extra +10 Bonus per Level to the maximum Zeon Value of his Innate Spells and to the Base Psychic Potential value used to calculate the difficulty at which his/her Innate Psychic Powers are maintained.


PENALTIES: Limited access to Paths and Disciplines.

BONUS: +10Innate Spell Zeon/Level. +10Innate Psychic Power Potential/Level.


A Wizard Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Gambler. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard Mentalist.

A Gambler must always take Chances as his/her first Psychic Discipline and must always take at least a Lesser Path with Chaos and Law as his/her first Subpaths. A Gambler applies no Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal. A Gambler spends double the Psychic Points normally required to learn Disciplines and Powers from Disciplines out of the Chances Discipline, as well as for acquiring temporary access to Powers out of the Chances Discipline.

A Gambler spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Chaos and Law Subpath Spells and doubles the effects of Free Psychic Points spent for temporarily increasing Psychic Potential employed in using powers from Chances Discipline. A Gambler can use Offensive and Defensive Magic Projection or Offensive and Defensive Psychic Projection 250+, instead of Attack and Defense 250+, as a prerequisite for using the Chaos Meister Magnus.


PENALTIES: No +10Magic Appraisal/Level. Must take Chances Discipline. Must take Chaos and Law as first Subpaths along with a Lesser Path. 2XPP cost of non-Chances Disciplines and Powers. 2XPP cost of Temporary Access of non-Chances Powers.

BONUS: Half Zeon cost for Chaos and Law spells. 2XChances Temporary Psychic Potential Bonus from Free PP. Can use Magic or Psychic Projection as Prerequisite for Chaos Meister Magnus.


A Wizard Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as an Oposier. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard Mentalist.

A character must have at least 20 points of Elan with Ormuz & Ahriman, in order to be or become an Oposier.

An Oposier cannot change his class. An Oposier can have Elan only with Ormuz & Ahriman and should his Elan Level ever fall below 20, it automatically becomes a Wizard Mentalist of the same Level. Whenever the Oposier does something that goes against the creed of Oposium, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

An Oposier gains no Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal and Occult, only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +75Zeon Points per Level, and can apply only half of his Magic Level (excluding Natural Knowledge of Paths), but gains a free Balance Spell for each 10 points of ML, applying the Gnosis Limits to High and Divine Magic, and spends half the required Zeon for casting Balance Spells. An Oposier applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.

An Oposier has automatic knowledge of Paths of Magic opposite to those he already knows for free (except for Necromancy) and applies the Elemental Compatibility Advantage to a Path (or a Branch) as well as its opposite (except Necromancy) without applying any disadvantage. An Oposier can never apply the Madness Mind Set, but whenever he/she gets another Mind Set, he/she automatically gains use of the opposite Mind Set as well for free, gaining advantages of both, but ignoring disadvantages. An Oposier cannot use Natural Magic Theorem.


PENALTIES: No +5Occult/Level. No +10Magic Appraisal/Level. +75Zeon/Level. 1/2ML. No Madness Mind Set. Limited to Oposium Ormuz & Ahriman Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 10. No Natural Magic.

BONUS: Free ML on a Path equal to ML on opposite Path except Necromancy. Applies Elemental Compatibility positive only effects on opposite Paths except Necromancy. 1Balance Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Balance spells. 1Applies Mind Set opposite to any bought Mind Set. Applies no disadvantages of Mind Sets. +5Elan Level/Level.


A Wizard Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Phoenix. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard Mentalist.

A Phoenix only applies must always take Pyrokinesis as his/her first Discipline and must always buy the Fire Path of Magic (with any chosen Subpath and Free Access Spells). A Phoenix spends double ML to learn Spells out of the Fire Path and spends double PPs to learn Disciplines and Powers out of the Pyrokinesis Discipline.

A Phoenix can use Offensive Magic Projection or Offensive Psychic Projection 100+, instead of Attack100+, as a prerequisite for using the Mercury Impossible Weapon and can choose to fight with it using Magic or Psychic Projection, instead of normal Attack/Defense values. A Phoenix may apply to all his Fire Attack Spells and Pyrokinesis Attack Psychic Powers the following Mercury and Mercury Magister rules: Burning Surge, Designate Ignition, Fiery Weapon, Call of The Phoenix, Greater Ignition, Immolating Surge, Relentless Blaze.


PENALTIES: Must take Pyrokinesis Discipline. Must take Fire as first Path. 2XML cost of non-Fire Path Spells. 2XPP cost of non Pyrokinesis Disciplines and Powers.

BONUS: Can use Magic or Psychic Projection as Prerequisite and Attack/Defense for Mercury Impossible Weapon. Can apply some Mercury and Mercury Magister rules to Fire Attack Spells and Pyrokinesis Attack Psychic Powers.


A Wizard Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as an Psymmoner. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard Mentalist.

A Psymmoner halves the Class Innate Bonus to Zeon Points and applies no Magic Appraisal Class Innate Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to all Summoning Abilities. A Psymmoner spends 3DPs per point on Magic Projection and 60DPs per Magic Accumulation Multiple, but spends only 1DP per point on all Summoning Abilities.


PENALTIES: Cost of MA Multiple: 60DP. Cost of Magic Projection: 3. No +10Magic Appraisal/Level. +50Zeon/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Summoning Abilities: 1. +10Summoning Abilities/Level.


A Wizard Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Seer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard Mentalist.

A Seer only applies half the Class Innate Bonus to Zeon Points and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Occult, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Notice per Level and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Search per Level. A Seer spends 60DPs per MA Multiple and 3DPs per point on Subterfuge and Athletic Secondary Abilities, but spends 1DP per point on Perception Secondary Abilities. A Seer gains one free Divination Spell per 10 points of ML and spends half the required Zeon cost for casting Divination Spells.

A Seer applies an extra bonus of +5 to the Difficulty of Resistance Checks to resist his/her Detection and Divination Spells and Detection Psychic Powers per Even Level.


PENALTIES: +50Zeon/Level. No +5Occult/Level. Cost of MA Multiple: 60. Cost of Subterfuge: 3. Cost of Athletics: 3.

BONUS: +5Notice/Level. +10Search/Level. +5Resistance Difficulty/2Levels for Detections and Divinations. Cost of Perception: 1. 1Divination Spell/10ML. Half Zeon cost for Divination spells.


A Wizard Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Technomancer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Wizard Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Wizard Mentalist.

A Technomancer applies no Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Science (Technomagic Specialization) per Level.

A Technomancer cannot cast Essence, Illusion, Chaos, Sin, Blood, Dreams and Umbral spells and must always use the General Theorem. A Technomancer cannot use the Telepathy, Sentience, Chance, and Hipersensitivity Psychic Powers.

When using Technomagic in order to forge an Artifact, on a successful Technomagic check, a Technomancer is granted additional PPs of the highest Level used in the imbuing process equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Technomagic Secondary Ability value. Also, the Artifact is granted a Presence (for hosting powers purposes) bonus equal to 1/4 of the result of the Technomagic check.


PENALTIES: No +10Magic Appraisal/Level. No Essence, Illusion, Chaos, Sin, Blood, Dreams, Umbral. Use only General Theorem. No Telepathy, Sentience, Chance, Hypersensitivity.

BONUS: +10Science (Technomagic)/Level. Bonus PP to Technomagic forged Artifacts equal to 1/10 Technomagic. Artifact Presence Bonus equal to 1/4 of Technomagic check result.


A Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Breaker. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Summoner.

A Breaker cannot deal any Pact and hence he/she cannot use any Invocation (although he/she can perform Incarnations as normal), but can use an average of 160+ on his Summon, Control and Banish Summoning Abilities, instead of Attack160+, and Defense160+ as a prerequisite for using the Asteroids Impossible Weapon and can choose to make a Fragment Spry with it using the average of his Summon, Control and Banish, instead of normal Attack value. Also, a Breaker can choose Zeon Points instead of Ki points to use Asteroids in combat at a ratio of 10 Zeon Points per Ki Point.


PENALTIES: No Invocations.

BONUS: Can use average of Summon, Control, and Banish as Prerequisite and Attack for Asteroids Impossible Weapon. Can use Zeon instead of Ki for Asteroids with 10/1 ratio.


A Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Gate Master. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Summoner.

There are two kinds of Gate Master: Gatekeeper and Gatecrasher.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Nexus, in order to be or become a Gatekeeper.

A Gatekeeper cannot change his class. A Gatekeeper can have Elan only with The Nexus and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Summoner of the same Level. Whenever the Gatekeeper does something that goes against the creed of Arium, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Gatekeeper spends 2DPs per point on Occult Secondary Ability, halves the Class Innate Bonus to Occult and gains no Class Innate Bonus to Zeon and Magic Appraisal, but only spends 2DP per point on Magic Projection, and applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost of Occult: 2. No +50Zeon/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. +5Occult/Level. Limited to Arium Nexus Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: Cost of Magic Projection: 2. +5Elan Level/Level.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Primeval Gods, in order to be or become a Gatecrasher.

A Gatecrasher cannot change his class. A Gatecrasher can have Elan only with The Primeval Gods and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Summoner of the same Level. Whenever the Gatecrasher does something that goes against the creed of The Primeval Gods, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Gatecrasher spends 2DPs per point on Banish and applies no Class Innate Bonus to Magic Appraisal and only half Class Innate Bonus to Zeon, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost of Banish: 2. +25Zeon/Level. No +5Magic Appraisal/Level. Limited to Primeval Gods Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Summoner may choose to “specialize” as an Invoker. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Summoner.

An Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. An Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.


A Summoner may choose to “specialize” as an Occultist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Summoner.

An Occultist halves his Class Innate Bonus to Zeon and all Summoning Primary Abilities, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Mystic Rituals.

When using Occult in order to forge an Artifact, on a successful Occult check, an Occultist is granted additional PPs of the highest Level used in the imbuing process equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Occult Secondary Ability value. Also, the Artifact is granted a Presence (for hosting powers purposes) bonus equal to 1/4 of the result of the Occult check.


PENALTIES: +25Zeon/Level. +5Summon/Level. +5Control/Level. +5Bind/Level. +5Banish/Level.

BONUS: 1/2 Zeon cost for Mystic Rituals. Bonus PP to Occult forged Artifacts equal to 1/10 Occult. Artifact Presence Bonus equal to 1/4 of Occult check result.


A Summoner may choose to “specialize” as an Owner. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Summoner.

An Owner can only Bind creatures as his own Familiars, and use the Control on his own Familiars or for Mystic Empowering of his Sheele, but halves the Zeon cost for performing Familiar Binding rituals and Sheele Binding Rituals, as well as the Zeon cost of all Sheele abilities requiring a Zeon cost, except for Spells they cast.


PENALTIES: Can use Bind and Control only for his own Familiars and Sheele Mystic Empowering.

BONUS: 1/2 Zeon cost for Binding Familiars and Sheele, and using Sheele Abilities.


A Summoner may choose to “specialize” as an Swordmoner. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Summoner.

A Swordmoner cannot use the Bind summoning ability on any creature, but can use an average of 250+ on his Summon, Control and Bind Summoning Abilities, instead of Attack250+, as a prerequisite for using the Ophiucos Impossible Weapon and can choose to fight with it using the average of his Summon, Control and Bind, instead of normal Attack/Defense values. Also, a Swordmoner can choose Zeon Points instead of Ki points to seal the sword inside himself/herself or to use it in combat at a ratio of 10 Zeon Points per Ki Point.


PENALTIES: No Creature Binding.

BONUS: Can use average of Summon, Control, and Banish as Prerequisite and Attack/Defense for Ophiucos Impossible Weapon. Can use Zeon instead of Ki for Ophiucos with 10/1 ratio.


A Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Variant Master. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Summoner.

A Variant Master cannot use his Summoning Abilities on normal Being Between Worlds just like other Summoners, but becomes able to use his Summoning Abilities on a specific category of creatures that Summoners are not normally allowed to affect with their Summoning Abilities. There are three types of Variant Masters: Beast Masters, Golem Masters, and Undead Masters.

A Beast Master can use the Summoning Abilities on all non-humanoid Natural Beings. A Beast Master applies no Class Innate Bonus to Occult, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Animals per Level.


PENALTIES: Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds. No +10Occult/Level.

BONUS: Can use Summoning Abilities on non-humanoid Natural Beings. +10Animals/Level.

A Golem Master can use the Summoning Abilities on all non-undead Constructs. A Golem Master applies no Class Innate Bonus to Occult, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Science and Forge per Level.


PENALTIES: Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds. No +10Occult/Level.

BONUS: Can use Summoning Abilities on non-undead Contructs. +5Science/Level. +5Forge/Level.

An Undead Master can use the Summoning Abilities on all Undeads. An Undead Master only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Occult, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Medicine per Level.


PENALTIES: Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds. +5Occult/Level.

BONUS: Can use Summoning Abilities on Undeads. +5Medicine/Level.


A Warrior Summoner may choose to “specialize” as an Alternate Warrior Summoner. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Summoner.

There are ten types of Alternate Warrior Summoners: Acrobatic Summoner, Acrobatic Invoker, Dark Summoner, Dark Invoker, Paladin Summoner, Paladin Invoker, Shadow Summoner, Shadow Invoker, Tank Summoner, Tank Invoker, Pala.

An Acrobatic Summoner halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. An Acrobatic Summoner does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Acrobatics, Style, and Sleight of Hand Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Acrobatics/Level. +5Style/Level. +5Sleight of Hand/Level.

An Acrobatic Invoker halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. An Acrobatic Invoker does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Acrobatics, Style, and Sleight of Hand Secondary Abilities.

An Acrobatic Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. An Acrobatic Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level. Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Acrobatics/Level. +5Style/Level. +5Sleight of Hand/Level. 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.

A Dark Summoner does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Intimidate, and Composure Secondary Abilities. A Dark Summoner spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +5Composure/Level. +5Intimidate/Level. Cost of Social: 1.

A Dark Invoker does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Intimidate, and Composure Secondary Abilities. A Dark Invoker spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.

A Dark Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. A Dark Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: +5Composure/Level. +5Intimidate/Level. Cost of Social: 1. 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.

A Paladin Summoner does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Leadership, and Withstand Pain Secondary Abilities. A Paladin Summoner spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level.

BONUS: +5Withstand Pain/Level. +5Leadership/Level. Cost of Social: 1.

A Paladin Invoker does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Leadership, and Withstand Pain Secondary Abilities. A Paladin Invoker spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.

A Paladin Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. A Paladin Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: +5Withstand Pain/Level. +5Leadership/Level. Cost of Social: 1. 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.

A Shadow Summoner halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. A Shadow Summoner does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Hide, and Stealth Secondary Abilities and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Ki Occultation Ki Ability, if developed.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +5Ki Occultation/Level.

A Shadow Invoker halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. A Shadow Invoker does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Hide, and Stealth Secondary Abilities and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Ki Occultation Ki Ability, if developed.

A Shadow Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. A Shadow Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level. Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +5Ki Occultation/Level. 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.

A Tank Summoner doubles the Class Life Points bonus. A Tank Summoner does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to the Wear Armor Primary Ability. A Tank Summoner spends 3DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Ability, but spends 1DP per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +20Life Points/Level. +10Wear Armor/Level. Cost of Vigor: 1.

A Tank Invoker doubles the Class Life Points bonus. A Tank Invoker does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to the Wear Armor Primary Ability. A Tank Invoker spends 3DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Ability, but spends 1DP per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities.

A Tank Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. A Tank Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Cost of Subterfuge: 3. Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: +20Life Points/Level. +10Wear Armor/Level. Cost of Vigor: 1. 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.


A Warrior Summoner may choose to “specialize” as an Dragon Summoner. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Summoner.

A Dragon Summoner can only use his Summon, Control, and Bind Summoning Abilities on Dragons, regardless if they are Natural Beings or Beings Between Worlds, and considers Dragons as being 2 Levels lower, when using Summoning abilities on them.

A Dragon Summoner and does not apply the Class Innate Bonus to Dodge, but applies an extra bonus of +5MK per Level and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Summon and Banish Abilities per Level.

A Dragon Summoner only spends half the required Zeon to use any Spiritual Attack with the Lóng Impossible Weapon.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Can only use Summon, Control, Bind on Dragons.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +10Summon/Level. +10Banish/Level. Can use Summoning Abilities on Natural Being Dragons. -1Level to Dragons for purpose of Summoning. 1/2 Zeon cost for Lóng Spiritual Attacks.


A Warrior Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Gate Warmaster. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Summoner.

There are four types of Gate Warmasters: Warkeeper Summoners, Warkeeper Invokers, Warcrasher Summoners, and Warcrasher Invokers.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Nexus, in order to be or become a Warkeeper Summoner or Warkeeper Invoker.

A Warkeeper Summoner or Warkeeper Invoker cannot change his class. A Warkeeper Summoner or Warkeeper Invoker can have Elan only with The Nexus and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Warrior Summoner of the same Level. Whenever the Warkeeper Summoner or Warkeeper Invoker does something that goes against the creed of Arium, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Warkeeper Summoner gains no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Control and Bind, and applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Limited to Arium Nexus Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level. +10Control/Level. +10Bind/Level.

A Warkeeper Invoker gains no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Summon and Banish, and applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.

A Warkeeper Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. A Keeper Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Limited to Arium Nexus Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level. +10Summon/Level. +10Banish/Level. 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Primeval Gods, in order to be or become a Crasher Summoner or Crasher Invoker.

A Warcrasher Summoner or Warcrasher Invoker cannot change his class. A Warcrasher Summoner or Warcrasher Invoker can have Elan only with The Primeval Gods and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Warrior Summoner of the same Level. Whenever the Warcrasher Summoner or Warcrasher Invoker does something that goes against the creed of The Primeval Gods, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

A Warcrasher Summoner gains no Class Innate Bonus to Block, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Control and Bind, and applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Limited to Primeval Gods Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level. +10Control/Level. +10Bind/Level.

A Warcrasher Invoker gains no Class Innate Bonus to Block, but doubles the Class Innate Bonus to Summon and Banish, and applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.

A Warcrasher Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. A Crasher Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level. Limited to Primeval Gods Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25. Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level. +10Summon/Level. +10Banish/Level. 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.


A Warrior Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Samsara Guardian. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Summoner, by spending 40DPs.

A Samsara Guardian applies no Class Innate Bonus to Attack, and Dodge, but applies an extra +10MK per Level. A Samsara Guardian spends 15DPs per Ki Accumulation Multiple. A Samsara Guardian needs to accumulate half the required Ki points to open Invocation Seals.

A Samsara Guardian is considered a Domine-Mystic Archetype and not a Fighter-Mystic Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Fighter-Mystic Archetype. No +5Attack/Level. No +5Dodge/Level.

BONUS: Domine-Mystic Archetype. +30MK/Level. Cost of Ki Accumulation Multiple: 15. 1/2 Ki cost for Invocation Seals.


A Warrior Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Shifter. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Summoner.

A Shifter applies no Class Innate Bonus to Dodge, and can only use his Summon Ability for Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he/she pays only half the required Zeon cost for Incarnations and is considered as 1 Level higher for the purpose of Synchronization. A Shifter can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.

A Shifter applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Summon and History per Level, and +50Zeon per Level.

While using the Libra Impossible Weapon, a Shifter can take the best out of his own weapon and any weapon summoned during an Incarnations, choosing which characteristics of each applies to his/her attacks each turn, prior to applying any Libra bonus.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Can only use Summon for Incarnations and Alchemy.

BONUS: 1/2 Zeon cost for Incarnations. +1Level for Incarnation Synchronization. +10Summon/Level. +10History/Level. +50Zeon/Level. Libra applies best characteristics between user’s weapons and Incarnation weapons.


A Warrior Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Variant Warmaster. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Summoner.

A Variant Warmaster cannot use his Summoning Abilities on normal Being Between Worlds just like other Warrior Summoners, but becomes able to use his Summoning Abilities on a specific category of creatures that Warrior Summoners are not normally allowed to affect with their Summoning Abilities. There are three types of Variant Warmasters: Beast Warmasters, Golem Warmasters, and Undead Warmasters.

A Beast Warmaster can use the Summoning Abilities on all non-humanoid Natural Beings. A Beast Warmaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Occult, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Animals per Level.


PENALTIES: Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds. No +5Occult/Level.

BONUS: Can use Summoning Abilities on either non-humanoid Natural Beings. +5Animals/Level.

A Golem Warmaster can use the Summoning Abilities on all non-undead Constructs. A Golem Master applies no Class Innate Bonus to Occult, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Science per Level.


PENALTIES: Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds. No +5Occult/Level.

BONUS: Can use Summoning Abilities non-undead Constructs. +5Science/Level.

An Undead Warmaster can use the Summoning Abilities on all Undeads. An Undead Warmaster applies no Class Innate Bonus to Occult, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Medicine per Level.


PENALTIES: Cannot use Summoning Abilities on normal Beings Between Worlds. No +5Occult/Level.

BONUS: Can use Summoning Abilities on Undeads. +5Medicine/Level.


A Warrior Summoner may choose to “specialize” as a Warrior Invoker. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Summoner or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Summoner.

A Warrior Invoker can use his Summon Primary Ability only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy, but he pays only half the required Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations. A Warrior Invoker can still Control, Bind, and Banish creatures as normal.


PENALTIES: Can use Summon only for Invocations, Incarnations, and Alchemy.

BONUS: 1/2 Zeon cost for Invocations and Incarnations.


A Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as an Academic. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Mentalist, by spending 40DPs.

An Academic halves the number of Free Psychic Points.

An Academic can apply a Class Innate bonus of +10 to three chosen Secondary Abilities per Level.

An Academic is considered a Psychic-Novel Archetype and not a Psychic Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Psychic Archetype. 1/2 Free Psychic Points.

BONUS: Psychic-Novel Archetype. 3X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level.


A Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Bomber. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Mentalist.

A Bomber can only use Psychic Powers requiring a Psychic Projection roll. A Bomber cannot spend Free Psychic Points to gain Temporal Access to a Power, Improve an Innate Power, or Erase Fatigue. A Bomber spends 3DPs per point on Athletics Secondary Abilities.

A Bomber is considered as having an extra ki reserve of 10ki points per Level, which can be used only for using the Haley Impossible Weapon and suppress radioactive material inside his/her own body. A Bomber reduces by 5 points the Life Points Sacrifice and the DR check Difficulty for ingesting radioactive material each even Level.


PENALTIES: Only Projected Psychic Powers. Limited Free Psychic Points use. Cost of Athletics: 3.

BONUS: +10Hailey Ki/Level. -5Hailey Life Points Sacrifice/2Levels. -5Hailey DR Difficulty/2Levels.


A Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Focuser. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Mentalist.

A Focuser can only make use of a single Psychic Discipline and a single Mind Set. Whenever a Focuser spends Free Psychic Points to increase Psychic Potential, increase Psychic Projection, or Strengthen an Innate Psychic Power, he gains an extra +5 per Free Psychic Point spent. A Focuser doubles the bonuses as well as penalties from any chosen Mind Set.


PENALTIES: Only 1 Psychic Discipline. Only 1 Mind Set. Double Penalties from Mind Set.

BONUS: Double Bonus from Mind Set. +5 to Bonus from Free Psychic Points to Psychic Potential, Psychic Projection, Innate Psychic Powers.


A Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Madman. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Mentalist.

A Madman automatically gets the Madness Mind Set for free which it cannot erase. A Madman adds +1 to its rolls on the Madness Table (up to a maximum of 10) and applies the result also to Psychic Projection rolls for those Powers that use it.


PENALTIES: Always have Madness Mind Set which cannot be erased.

BONUS: +1Rolls on Madness Table (Max10). Apply result of Madness Table to Psychic Projection.


A Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Matrix Surfer. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Mentalist.

A Matrix Surfer spends 2PP to acquire the Affinity to Psychic Disciplines and to acquire temporary access to a Power from a Psychic Discipline, but gains a bonus of +5 to the Psychic Potential per Level when using Matrix Powers. Also a Matrix Surfer is always considered as achieving an additional Level of Difficulty when using the Destroy Matrix Power and on a Zen Difficulty Level (not considering the additional Level of Difficulty granted by class) becomes able to destroy Zen-Level Powers.


PENALTIES: Cost of Affinity to Psychic Disciplines: 2PP. Cost of Temporary Access to a Non-Matrix Psychic Power: 2PP.

BONUS: +5Psychic Potential/Level on Matrix Powers. +1Difficulty Level on Destroy Matrix. Can Destroy Zen Level Powers.


A Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Psypocalypse. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Mentalist.

A Psypocalypse can never use Psychic Points for: Affinity to a Psychic Discipline, Dominate a Power, Strengthen a Power.

A Psypocalypse can acquire Temporal Access to a Power even if he/she has not Affinity to the required Discipline, by spending 2 Free Psychic Points per Power Level. A Psypocalypse can use Innate slots for Temporarily Accessed Powers, but only for a number of turns equal to his/her Willpower value, and can strengthen them as normal.

A Psypocalypse benefits from an extra bonus of +5 to the Psychic Potential per Level and doubles the Bonuses and Penalties of Mind Sets.


PENALTIES: No Affinity to Psychic Disciplines. No Dominate a Power. No Strengthen a Power. 2XMind Set Penalties.

BONUS: Temporary Access to any Power by spending 2PP/Power Level. Can Maintain Temporarily Accessed Psychic Powers for number of turns equal to Willpower. +5Psychic Potential/Level. 2XMind Set Bonuses.


A Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Worldbender. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Mentalist.

A Worldbender can only use the Telekinesis Psychic Discipline, but benefits from an extra bonus of +5 to the Psychic Potential per Level.

A Worldbender can use Psychic Projection 200+, instead of Attack200+ and Defense200+, as a prerequisite for using the Mundus Magnus and can choose to fight with it using Psychic Projection, instead of normal Attack/Defense values, including incrementing it by spending PPs.


PENALTIES: Only Telekinesis Psychic Discipline.

BONUS: +5Psychic Potential/Level. Can use Psychic Projection as Prerequisite and Attack/Defense for Mundus Magnus. Can spend PPs to increase Projection while using Mundus.


A Warrior Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as an Alternate Mentalist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Mentalist.

There are five types of Alternate Mentalists: Acrobatic Mentalist, Dark Mentalist, Paladin Mentalist, Shadow Mentalist, Tank Mentalist.

An Acrobatic Mentalist halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. An Acrobatic Mentalist does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Acrobatics, Style, and Sleight of Hand Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Acrobatics/Level. +5Style/Level. +5Sleight of Hand/Level.

A Dark Mentalist does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Intimidate, and Composure Secondary Abilities. A Dark Mentalist spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +5Composure/Level. +5Intimidate/Level. Cost of Social: 1.

A Paladin Mentalist does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Leadership, and Withstand Pain Secondary Abilities. A Paladin Mentalist spends 1DP per point on Social Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level.

BONUS: +5Withstand Pain/Level. +5Leadership/Level. Cost of Social: 1.

A Shadow Mentalist halves the Class Life Points bonus, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus. A Shadow Mentalist does not apply the Class Block Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Hide, and Stealth Secondary Abilities and a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to the Ki Occultation Ki Ability, if developed.


PENALTIES: +5Life Points/Level. No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +5Ki Occultation/Level.

A Tank Mentalist doubles the Class Life Points bonus. A Tank Mentalist does not apply the Class Dodge Bonus, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to the Wear Armor Primary Ability. A Tank Mentalist spends 3DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Ability, but spends 1DP per point on Vigor Secondary Abilities.


PENALTIES: No +5Dodge/Level. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +20Life Points/Level. +10Wear Armor/Level. Cost of Vigor: 1.


A Warrior Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Prowler Mentalist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Mentalist, by spending 40DPs. A Prowler Mentalist is considered a Prowler-Psychic Archetype and not a Figher-Psychic Archetype.

There are two types of Prowler Mentalists: Assassin Mentalist and Thief Mentalist.

An Assassin Mentalist does not apply any Block or Dodge Class Innate Bonus, but applies an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Hide, Stealth, Poison, and Composure per Level.


PENALTIES: No Fighter-Psychic Archetype. No +5Block/Level. No +5Dodge/Level.

BONUS: Prowler-Psychic Archetype. +10Initiative/Level. +10Hide/Level. +10Stealth/Level. +10Poison/Level. +10Composure/Level.

A Thief Mentalist does not apply any Attack or Block Class Innate Bonus, but applies an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level, a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Hide, Stealth, Trap Lore, and Sleight of Hand, and a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Theft.


PENALTIES: No Fighter-Psychic Archetype. No +5Attack/Level. No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: Prowler-Psychic Archetype. +10Initiative/Level. +5Hide/Level. +5Stealth/Level. +5Trap Lore/Level. +5Sleight of Hand/Level. +10Theft/Level.


A Warrior Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Mental Bender. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Mentalist, by spending 40DPs.

A character must have either the Elemental Bending or the Elemental Avatar Advatage in order to become a Mental Bender.

A Mental Bender does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Attack and Block, but applies an extra +10MK per Level and only spends 15DP per Ki Accumulation Multiple.

A Mental Bender has access only to restricted Psychic Disciplines depending on his Elemental Bending Abilities, but halves the Ki cost for using Bending Powers.

A Mental Airbender has access to Psychokinesis and Teleport.

A Mental Earthbender has access to Physical Increase and Telemetry.

A Mental Firebender has access to Pyrokinesis and Electromagnetism.

A Mental Waterbender has access to Cryokinesis and Matrix Powers.

A Mental Avatar has access to Energy and Chance.

A Mental Bender is considered a Domine-Psychic Archetype, and not a Fighter-Psychic Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Fighter-Psychic Archetype. No +5Attack/Level. No +5Block/Level. Restricted Disciplines Access.

BONUS: Domine-Psychic Archetype. +30MK/Level. Cost of Ki Accumulation Multiple: 15. Half Ki cost for Elemental Bending.


A Warrior Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Perfectionist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Mentalist, by spending 40DPs.

A Perfectionist does not apply any Attack, Block, or Dodge Class Innate Bonus and only gains +5Life Points per Level, but applies an extra +15MK per Level, and only spends 10DPs per Ki Accumulation Multiple and per Psychic Point.

A Perfectionist is considered a Domine-Psychic Archetype and not a Figher-Psychic Archetype.


PENALTIES: No Fighter-Psychic Archetype. No +5Attack/Level. No +5Block/Level. No +5Dodge/Level. +5Life Points/Level.

BONUS: Domine-Psychic Archetype. +35MK/Level. Cost of Ki Accumulation Multiples: 10. Cost of Psychic Points: 10.


A Warrior Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Jedi Knight. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Mentalist.

A Jedi Knight does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Dodge. A Jedi Knight must always take Energy as his/her first Psychic Discipline and Energy Creation as his/her first Psychic Power.

A Jedi Warrior applies a Class Innate Bonus of +25Martial Knowledge per Level, and +5 to Style Secondary Ability per Level. While using the Sun Impossible Weapon, a Jedi Warrior can make an additional attack as if wielding an additional weapon, suffering only a -10 Attack penalty as if he were Ambidextrous for each 90 points of Psychic Potential he/she has.


PENALTIES: No Dodge. Must have Energy. Must have Energy Creation.

BONUS: +5Style/Level. +25MK/Level. +1 Sun Additional Attack at -10/90 Psychic Potential.


A Warrior Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Spinner. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Mentalist.

A Spinner applies no Class Innate Bonus to Block, but doubles the Class Initiative Bonus.

While using the Saturn Impossible Weapon, a Spinner can increase the Critical Level of Attacks by 10 and inflict an extra penalty of -1 to targets’ AT for each PP spent up to a maximum of 5PPs per Attack.


PENALTIES: No +5Block/Level.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +10Critical and -1AT with Saturn per PP spent up to 5.


A Warrior Mentalist may choose to “specialize” as a Warrior Madman. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Warrior Mentalist or at any level-up if the character is already a Warrior Mentalist.

A Warrior Madman automatically gets the Madness Mind Set for free which it cannot erase. A Warrior Madman adds +1 to its rolls on the Madness Table (up to a maximum of 10) and applies the result also to Psychic Projection rolls for those Powers that use it.


PENALTIES: Always have Madness Mind Set which cannot be erased.

BONUS: +1Rolls on Madness Table (Max10). Apply result of Madness Table to Psychic Projection.


A Freelancer may choose to “specialize” as an Alchemist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.

Switching to an Alchemist Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Alchemists to switch to other classes.

An Alchemist only spends 1DP per Summon point and per 5Zeon points. An Alchemist applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Summon and Science. An Alchemist can use the Summon Primary ability, as well as his Zeon Points, only for Alchemy Rituals (not for Summoning creatures or using Invocations or Incarnations), but spends only half the required Zeon Points for Alchemy Rituals.

An Alchemist only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to 2 Secondary Abilities of Choice per Level.


PENALTIES: Cost for switching class: 40DP. Summon and Zeon usable only for Alchemy. 2X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level.

BONUS: Cost of Summon: 1. Cost of 5Zeon Points: 1. 1/2 Zeon cost of Alchemy. +10Science/Level. +10Summon/Level.


A Freelancer may choose to “specialize” as an Ascender. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.

A character must have at least 25 points of Elan with The Path of Ascension, in order to be or become an Ascender.

Switching to an Ascender Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes.

An Ascender cannot change his class. An Ascender can have Elan only with The Path to Ascension and should his Elan Level ever fall below 25, it automatically becomes a Freelancer of the same Level. Whenever the Ascender does something that goes against the creed of The Ascended, he loses twice the usual amount of Elan points.

An Ascender only applies a Class Innate Bonuses of +10 to 4 Secondary Abilities of Choice per Level, but applies a special bonus of +5Elan per Level. This Elan bonus does not grant any additional power nor eligibility to higher level powers, but is taken into account when calculating the effects of Elan Powers that refer to the Elan Level of the character, and for this purpose only, the character can be considered as having Elan higher than 100.


PENALTIES: Cost for switching class: 40DP. 4X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level. Limited to Path to Ascension Elan. Cannot change class. Loses class if Elan drops below 25.

BONUS: +5Elan Level/Level.


A Freelancer may choose to “specialize” as a Gunslinger. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.

Switching to a Gunslinger Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Gunslingers to switch to other classes.

A Gunslinger spends 3DPs per point on Block Primary Ability, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Science per Level. A Gunslinger only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to 3 Secondary Abilities of Choice per Level, but applies an extra bonus of +5Initiative per Level.

While using a Neptune Impossible Weapon a Gunslinger applies a bonus to the Base Damage equal to 1/10 of his/her Science Ability value.


PENALTIES: Cost for switching class: 40DP. 3X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level. Cost of Block: 3.

BONUS: +10Initiative/Level. +10Science/Level. Bonus to Neptune Base Damage equal to 1/10 of Science.


A Freelancer may choose to “specialize” as an Imitator. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.

Switching to an Imitator Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Imitators to switch to other classes.

An Imitator does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Secondary Abilities, but applies an extra bonus of +5MK, and +5ML per Level. An Imitator gains 1 Psychic Point each Level.

An Imitator spends double the required MK, ML, and PPs to learn Techniques, Spells, and Psychic Powers normally, but can imitate Techniques, Spells, and Psychic Powers he’s witnessed for no additional cost, using the following rules. When an Imitator has enough MK, ML, or PPs, he/she can spend them permanently to copy any appropriate supernatural Power witnessed in the past, regardless of any requisite not related to Gnosis or Blood Bonds, except he/she must have Use of Ki in order to be able to imitate Techniques, the Gift (no Incomplete Gift) in order to imitate Spells, and Free Access to Psychic Disciplines in order to imitate Psychic Powers. If an Imitator has the Technique Imitation Ki Ability, he/she applies the MK cost reduction to imitated Techniques.


PENALTIES: Cost for switching class: 40DP. No 5X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level. Double MK/ML/PP cost for learning Techniques/Spells/Psychic Powers.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. +5ML/Level. +1Psychic Point/Level. Can imitate witnessed Techniques/Spells/Psychic Powers.


A Freelancer may choose to “specialize” as an Improviser. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.

Switching to an Improviser Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Improvisers to switch to other classes.

An Improviser does not apply any Class Innate Bonus to Secondary Abilities and Zeon Points, but applies an extra bonus of +5MK per Level.

An Improviser only applies a -10 penalty for using untrained Secondary Abilities. An Improviser spends only 15DPs per Ki Accumulation Multiple and halves cost to buy the Improvised Weapons module, Luna Impossible Weapon Magnus and Luna Magister Magnus.

If the Improvised Techniques Ki Ability has been developed, an Improviser can use as many Improvised Techniques as his Ki Accumulations and Ki Points allow each turn. An Improviser only spends the Primary Effect cost for using Improvised Techniques and can distribute the cost among optional characteristics. An Improviser can use Level 2 Effects and optional Advantages for Improvised Techniques.

While using Luna, an Improviser can add +1 to rolls for Quality each full 10 Levels and adds +1% each 5 full Levels to the chances of finding an Artifact through the Forgotten Legends Ability.

An Improviser is considered a Domine-Novel Archetype, and not a Novel Archetype.


PENALTIES: Cost for switching class: 40DP. No 5X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level. No +25Zeon/Level.

BONUS: +25MK/Level. Cost of Ki Accumulation Multiple: 15. 1/2 Cost of Improvised Weapons Module, Luna Magnus, Luna Magister Magnus. Untrained Secondary Abilities have Base -10. Bonus on Improvised Techniques. Luna +1 to rolls for Quality/10Levels. Luna +1% to roll for Forgotten Artifact/5Levels.


A Freelancer may choose to “specialize” as a Janissary. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.

Switching to a Janissary Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Janissaries to switch to other classes.

A Janissary spends 3DPs per point on Subterfuge Secondary Abilities, but applies a Class Innate Bonus of +5 to Attack per Level. A Janissary only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to 3 Secondary Abilities of Choice per Level, but applies an extra bonus of +5Life Points per Level.

A Janissary applies the Weapon Master DP cost reduction to following weapon modules: Swords, Lance, Maces, Arquebus, Pistol, Cannon, Firearm. While using a Leo Impossible Weapon a Janissary applies a bonus of +1 to Attack and Block dice rolls for each 2 Levels.


PENALTIES: Cost for switching class: 40DP. 3X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level. Cost of Subterfuge: 3.

BONUS: +10Life Points/Level. +5Attack/Level. Weapon Master DP cost reduction on selected Weapon Modules. +1Leo Attack and Defense dice rolls/2 Levels.


A Freelancer may choose to “specialize” as a Runesmith. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.

Switching to a Runesmith Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Runesmiths to switch to other classes.

A Runesmith only spends 1DP per Forge point. A Runesmith applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to Forge (Rune Specialization) and must always take the Rune Specialization for Forge.

When using Runes in order to forge an Artifact, on a successful Runes check, a Runesmith is granted additional PPs of the highest Level used in the imbuing process equal to 1/10 (round down at multiples of 5) of his Runes Secondary Ability value. If the Artifact is a weapon or armor, it’s granted a Presence (for hosting powers purposes) bonus equal to 1/4 of the result of the Runes check.

A Runesmith only applies a Class Innate Bonus of +10 to 2 Secondary Abilities of Choice per Level.


PENALTIES: Cost for switching class: 40DP. 2X+10Secondary Ability of Choice/Level. Must take Runes Specialization.

BONUS: Cost of Forge: 1. +10Forge (Rune Specialization)/Level. Bonus PP to Runes forged Artifacts equal to 1/10 Runes. Artifact Weapons/Armors Presence Bonus equal to 1/4 of Runes check result.

As many of you might notice there are several classes making reference to either unknown subpaths (I'm posting them today) and various Elans. For the Elan stuff you'll have to be a bit patient...but I'll post it too soon.

Man has it been a while since I have been on these forums. I hope everyone is well. Anywho onto my point in general. It has to do with the Nemesician specialization. My biggest quip with it is the inability to develop ki abilities or ki techniques. This limits the technician pretty greatly on his versatility. i understand the bonuses to the nullification and armors is okay... but it is only okay as far as i see. By eliminating ki techniques you remove a HUGE portion of a technicians versatility and "move pool" i suppose you could say in exchange for arbitrary and fixed bonuses that only mean anything significant in the late game (and even then its significance can be called into question). Whats more, on top of it all, you only have access to magni, limits (which in this case has limited uses due to having such few options to use up ki), and nemesis abilities. If we exclude magni for a moment and just consider nemesis abilities the following comes to mind. While Nemesis abilities have a steep MK cost, there are not that many. This causes overflow of the technicians MK at higher levels as they no longer have anything else in that tree to vent it into. This makes you wonder if taking the specialization would be worth it. I have played around with several magni in my time playing the game, and on the topic of impossible weapons; unless you are going for endgame magni that on their own are powerful, you almost always need ki techniques to supplement and aid in them. From my experience cancer is in need of this the most as late game i find its abilities to be VERY low for the level at which it tries to compete.... at least alone.

Then comes the topic of ki accumulations, all you would be dumping your DP into for this is increased null powers. And that would be just about it, no other benefit aside from being able to pool up your ki quickly that would then be vented because you have no proper focus for it. So the reduced costs for ki accumulation seem very diminished in value. Then there is ki pool increases in general, this particular specialization makes most of this useless as there are very few abilities in nemesis that even use ki. So outside of magni you have very few things you need to power. In the end significantly reducing the value of the technicians most impressive cost reductions.

Again this may just be me nitpicking at the whole thing, but to me it seems like a greater sacrifice to specialize in nemesician than it would be to just go as a normal tech that uses both nemesis and ki in unison. I am open to input as this is my opinion and speculation on the whole Nemesician idea in general. I am sorry for this long (and possible redundant, as i tend to repeat myself sometimes) criticism.