Still in its infant stage, i want to hear your opinions.
Raven Host(name can be changed later)
A Blood Angels descendant chapter formed almost 6000 years ago in the planet of Moros. Since it's birth it's geneseed mutated and changed. First Omophagea gene changed so that the one who possess it must feed blood regularly. It's Progenoids are no longer functioning so a new Space Marine cannot be created by regular means. But the chapter's blood priests found method for creating new members. Blood of the marines with a special ritual can create a ''fledgling'' These individuals can only be changed to a Marine after a 100+ year of living as the blood of the Raven Host changes the fledgling to a degree that the body of the host accept the other implants. And finally it has been found that the this method can only be used individuals who has a connection with the Warp (psykers, wyrds etc.) and finally the geneseed blood turns the fledling's mind to a degree that a hungery ravaging bestial side appears (similar to Vampire The Masquerade/Requiem) (i will be giving logical and mystical explanations to this later)
Chapter's organization
High Council: 7 High Priests of Blood who rules the Chapter. The Chapter has 7 Companies and each High Priest leads one.
Blood Priests: Each High Priest has a retinue of 7 Blood Priests who aids rituals and oversees Dukes
Dukes: Almost all of the high population and important planets of Aetherian Sector has these individuals. Covered in darkness, these individuals rules Raven Host fledgling populations of planets.
Barons: These individuals working under Dukes rules continents and sections of cities. There are some shadow wars between these individuals to gain control of resources etc.
Fledgling: These are the masses that the blood of Raven Hosts given but not transformed in to a marine yet. These ''vampires'' can be found in many corners of the cities. Some of them have strong positions in cities
Chapter Doctrine
Simple, ''we don't exist'' There is a masquerade game going and no one ever knows about this chapter(maybe the most influenced Inquisiton or Adepta members knows about this chapter). Even Moros itself erased from records and no warp route has been drawn to there. The Chapter uses stealth operations instead of open warfare (They mostly does their duty by ''operating from shadows'' and using their fledgling pawns) and Terminators, Devastators, Scouts, Chaplains and Librarians does not exist. All these duties are covered by Blood Priests. As a Chapter full of psykers they will have specific rituals and psychic powers.
That's all for now as you can guess i was a fan of Vampire The Masquerade until i met Warhammer 40000
And i said 'why not put all these together?''
Any opinion and feedback ( common sense or going too opposite to fluff/canon etc. ) are welcome!