It must have been those "GW" comments above, they may rake in the cash, but nobody like to be compaired to them.
Wow, ANOTHER misprint. In the recent waves we've had:
- Rattler with wrong AA attack value.
- Yakov without "Flame Weapon".
- Jnetzi without improved cover.
- Nabludatyel without improved cover.
- Nikita without Reload.
- Drakoni without C weapon.
- Derzhavin without C weapon.
- Fonvizin without C weapon.
- Sumarokov without C weapon.
- Tredyakovski without C weapon.
- Karamzin without C weapon.
That's… quite a few mistakes.
The commisars multiply the problem:D
Sounds like they need to be providing an SSU unit card fix-pack.
This does make me glad I'm not jumping on the SSU train - hopefully they learn how to prevent these issues by time the Vril come out. :-)
Loophole Master said:
Wow, ANOTHER misprint. In the recent waves we've had:
- Rattler with wrong AA attack value.
- Yakov without "Flame Weapon".
- Jnetzi without improved cover.
- Nabludatyel without improved cover.
- Nikita without Reload.
- Drakoni without C weapon.
- Derzhavin without C weapon.
- Fonvizin without C weapon.
- Sumarokov without C weapon.
- Tredyakovski without C weapon.
- Karamzin without C weapon.
That's… quite a few mistakes.
Rattler has wrong AA attack value, I didnt know that? Whats its value suppose to be? Thanks!!
Yeah clearly they need a new card pack for all of these mistakes cause now its just getting ridiculous to keep track of all of this.
The Rattler-AMP has the right value, but the regular version is misprinted. Against Aircraft Armor 1, it should be 5/1
And the interesting question…I can buy the Commissars one by one to add to individual squads…But if I have five squads to add them to, can I buy them as a squad an then pass them out for the 5 point savings?
No, the squad cost is for the squad deployed as a whole.
Absolutely, there's no "bundle discount".
Darn. Okay thanks, I'd have found out for myself but I'm having to scramble to get GW stuff right now. New Edition, Rules Changes, the tournament that was going to be the last 5th is now the first 6th because of the much earlier than expected release. Oh and GW decided to FUBAR the FAQ, so not only were the reserve rules changed, but my Marines (Black Templar) now seem to be the only Marines that cannot use Drop Pods. Yes, I was running a Drop list.
Algesan said:
Darn. Okay thanks, I'd have found out for myself but I'm having to scramble to get GW stuff right now. New Edition, Rules Changes, the tournament that was going to be the last 5th is now the first 6th because of the much earlier than expected release. Oh and GW decided to FUBAR the FAQ, so not only were the reserve rules changed, but my Marines (Black Templar) now seem to be the only Marines that cannot use Drop Pods. Yes, I was running a Drop list.
What? GW wouldn't make an army list obsolete! That doesn't sound like them at all…..
Please no mention of the eeeevil empire GW! We hates them forever!
The forum's have been tainted! Call the Hell Boys!
I have all of the SSU sets but have not opened them yet. Its good to know there are so many issues!!!!!!! I am very disappointed in this as I hoped Dust would not be a repeat of AT43 type issues. Only time will tell. I hope they pull it together but like At43 and many other games once you have the rules/pieces the company almost becomes obsolete.
I missed the whole AT-43 thing, was it handaled the same way?
Panzer soldier said:
I missed the whole AT-43 thing, was it handaled the same way?
Oh god no. 180 times worse. Rackham didn't have to worry about small typo's. They had problems with logistics between China and distribution. Good concepts for models that didn't always translate. Then they went into French bankruptcy, tried to get FFG to control their distribution, burned bridges with them, tried distribution on their own again but were so strapped for funds that they were rushing product out so fast that it couldn't be playtested and balance was horribly mismanaged making the game not even playable really. Then they just finally fizzled out. Had it been handled correctly from the beginning, AT43 could have been a gaming power. it was a great concept ruleswise, they just blew it from the beginning.
That is great infoe thanks. I hope something like that does not happen to Dust,
Ok good news is that FFG know they've ****** up, and have quickly fixed the problem via erata in the FAQ
While it is a tad lame that they shipped misprinted cards, it's good that they were quick to point out what was done incorrectly. This helps inform us on how to play the unit properly, which is better than how Games Workshop handle these sorth of things…