
By Panzer soldier, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

So I could not help but notice that the commissars were released today. Does anyone out here have info, or even better pics of the stat cards?

Yes, please post pics of the individual commissar stat cards.

I ordered them and should have a review this weekend. I will posted it when I get them in.

Follow this link…

"Drakoni" SSU Commissar Squad

And select the photo on the right to get a full sized shot of the card in the pic window

So, as individuals, one MG, one Bazooka, three SMGs with UGLs and they all have Assault and Badass?

Algesan said:

So, as individuals, one MG, one Bazooka, three SMGs with UGLs and they all have Assault and Badass?

It doesn't seem like it will be like that. It would seem the MG and Bazooka have no special skills, but we don't know if the other 3 are identical or not. Considering we have five differente names for the individual Commissars (Derzhavin, Fonvizin, Karamzin, Sumarokov, Trediakovsky) it would seem each one is unique.

You are supposed to be split each commissar of to join other units. One has to assume that their must be individual cards for each commissar. The Dust Tactics Portland League site has had the two that have been released up for at least a week. But that still leaves us with four unseen cards.

just follow this link to see the other Commissar cards. Nothing too shocking with these cards and a little disappointed with the fact that two of them are exactly the same, would of liked to see one of the Commissars at least have both Assault and Badass for more points at least to give you more options.







Pretty much what I expected. There were bound to be at least 2 identical commissars. Though the Badass commissars are only really useful attached to the Fakyeli or to a full Drakoni squad.

Hum, you can really make an awesome Fakyeli squad by attaching the Derzhavin and Red Yana, for 53AP.

Loophole Master said:

Pretty much what I expected. There were bound to be at least 2 identical commissars. Though the Badass commissars are only really useful attached to the Fakyeli or to a full Drakoni squad.

Hum, you can really make an awesome Fakyeli squad by attaching the Derzhavin and Red Yana, for 53AP.

Yeah I just think it would of been cool if one of them would of had both Assault and Badass for like 15 AP just to give you few more options, seems like a waste to have 2 with the exact same guns and abilities, at least give Badass to two guys with different guns for different points. But yes your Fakyeli with the Derzhavin and Red Yana is really sick unit in this game happy.gif

Having 2 identical with assault would be better, SSU needs more movement and it would help them alot.

But as we all know FFG needs to earn money so you will have to buy 2 sets of Drakoni to get 2 assaults, and you will have 4 comissars with baddas.

Just the same way that you need to buy Helicopter + Mech to get artillery.

No knives? Another FU?

Wow, yeah, no knives or any other form of close combat. That's the first squad not to have any C weapons!

I don't think it's a FU in terms of them forgetting to include it. What's more likely is that they didn't include a C line for layout reasons: no unit has more than 4 weapon lines.

Either way, enemies will be pouncing on these guys with impunity.

Trouble is that they make so many mistakes in the cards now, you don't know what to believe. Plenty of room on the individuals for knives. Don't think I'd actually field the commisars as a unit, they only kick out 12 dice damage V A2.

I sent a message to the rules boys asking if the lack of close combat weapons is by accident or design.
The way they have produced the SSU just seems sloppy to me. I will post the answer as soon as I receive it.

This is strange. Why break up the game mechanic and not give them fists at least. The more stuff they release after RCS the less proffesionall it seems. Missprints, airlifted arty, no reload problem, now no CC on a inf squad. I don't like the way it's heading.

Still no responce from FFG. I suspect some finger pointing and head scratching may be going on.

Between this and the sniper card misprints, it sounds like they are going to need to be sending out card replacements to those who have bought SSU units.

Here is the response from FFG.

You recently asked a question about Dust Tactics:

Rule Question:

We noticed that none of the comissars have close combat weapons. Is this a mistake? This would be the only infantry unit in the game without close combat weapons if it is not a mistake.

It's no mistake. Commissars are not equipped with close combat weapons. :)

I hope this has answered your question. Happy Gaming!

Zach Tewalthomas

Assoc. Miniatures Games Producer

Fantasy Flight Games

This response has confused me even more!

So is a unit composed entirely of Commissars completely defenseless in close combat? It seems they would at least be able to use their weapons as clubs. This is just #*^$ weird.

So I shot FFG back another e-mail saying as much. I don't get it!

Well, you might not agree with it, but there's nothing confusing about the answer. The stat card is supposed to be right. Commissars have no C weapon line, therefore they get no C attacks or counterattacks. Simple. Of the weird stuff they've done in the Zverograd phase, this is the one I find the least problematic.

You won't get a response on game design issues, well I never have. It now sounds like that due to the embarrasing amount of printing errors, FFG will now say that any mistakes on cards are not mistakes and that's how its meant to be - it's happened before with GW.

Major Mishap said:

You won't get a response on game design issues, well I never have. It now sounds like that due to the embarrasing amount of printing errors, FFG will now say that any mistakes on cards are not mistakes and that's how its meant to be - it's happened before with GW.

Let's pray to the dice gods they don't become GW. If they do I'm out…

It's a I've been looking into it since answering your initial question, because it does seem odd that the Commissars wouldn't have any close combat capabilities. As it turns out, there is a misprint on the Commissar cards. They should have a Close Combat weapon line of "Knife & Grenade - C - 2/1 - 1/1 - 1/1 - 1/1 - 1/1 - 1/1". We are currently working to address this issue; hopefully it hasn't caused too much confusion.

All the best,

Zach Tewalthomas

Assoc. Miniatures Games Producer

Fantasy Flight Games

miracle FFG e-mailed me this today.

Yes! Thier may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Now if they will only realize how fubar the transport choppers are we are in buisness.