What skill to pilot a guncutter?

By Gregorius21778, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Greetings, brethern

I am wondering what skill should be requiered to fly a guncutter.

The vehicle is a flyer, very similiar in every aspect to a mid-sized transporter --> points to "Pilot (Civilian Craft)"
The vehicle is "void cabable" --> points to "Pilot (Space craft)"
As the name implies, a guncutter is heavly armed --> point to "Pilot (Military Craft)"

To make things worse...

Image a guncutter used for the following manouver during a "Purification"

Disengaging from void ship and going down to enter planets atmosphere
Flying to target at high speed and low altitude
Opening up fire on target while starting to hover in place to allow the dozen soldier onboard a "combat landing".

So, are my meager akolythes expected to "switch chair" in mid-flight or does a guncutter pilot have to have at least to skills ? (Military Craft and Space Craft).

The gun cutter is almost certainly not a Civil Craft. I assume the difference between (military) and (civil) piloting to lie in the amount of automatization, acceptable safety margins and maneuverability. They're exchangeable only under very good flight conditions.

I'd consider it both a Space and a Military craft, meaning you'll need the Space skill while you're outside an athmosphere and the Military while inside (well, as long as you want to do anything more than take-off, straight flying and possibly landing). Vehicles behave a little differently when there's no gravity and no air friction around.

Guncutters are custom-designed heavily armed shuttles and landers, often favoured by Rogue Traders, explorers, and less savoury
elements. They are also serious firepower mounts, designed for space, though many can also make shuttle runs planetside as well.
They are clearly combat-ready and usually covered with heavy weaponry. As such, they immediately project an intimidating
appearance, and are often useful for dangerous negotiations and smuggling operations. Most can only carry a small crew and a
limited number of passengers or hive value cargo, sacrificing capacity for speed, armament and protection.
Type: Military Craft
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Hull 25
Traits: Anti-Grav, Void Capable, some will have Interface Controls
Narrative Speed: 500 kmph/2500 kmph
Combat Speed: 50/850/1700/2550/3400
Handling Modifier (Pilot (Military Craft): 0
Armaments: Multiple heavy mounts (e.g. Prow mounted quad las-cannon, wing mounted missile launchers armed with krak
and frag missiles etc.)
Crew: 1 (Pilot), 1 (Gunner/Co-pilot) Passengers: 12
Access Points: Two forward hatches to cockpit and rear cargo/boarding hatch

(Info from the old BI forum, source DH-Apocrypha)

So to answer your question: Pilot (Militairy)

I assume Pilot (Spacecraft) is more referring to giant space vessels rather than one-man craft.

Cifer said:

The gun cutter is almost certainly not a Civil Craft . I assume the difference between (military) and (civil) piloting to lie in the amount of automatization, acceptable safety margins and maneuverability . They're exchangeable only under very good flight conditions.

While I stick with you about the "Space Craft", you somewhat pointed out my dilemma. Of course, a guncutter would obivous be considered a "military craft" for its arment and propose. But if I ask myselve "what will this thing look like?" I am much closer to a transporter with gunturrets and side arment then to a fighter or even a bomber. As far as I read in novells, this things have small bunk cabins.

This would normally be (due to size) among the more unmaneuverable crafts...weren´t it for the anti-grav-technologie. Therefor, I am a little unsure.

But all in all, the Military Craft does make more sense. So, if one of the group is meant to be the "all around pilot", he´ll better be a void born with the pilot skill for Military craft.

Pilot (Space Craft) seems to be more for the 1 km + spacecraft, those who make long journey through space...

Santiago said:

Pilot (Space Craft) seems to be more for the 1 km + spacecraft, those who make long journey through space...

Is their anything in the skill description that points to "1km and longer"? I do not have my book with me right at the moment.

No, but most ships capable of traveling vast distances, the ones you need Pilot (Space Craft) to pilot, are 1km+

Santiago said:

No, but most ships capable of traveling vast distances, the ones you need Pilot (Space Craft) to pilot, are 1km+

There are some smaller ones (Inquisition War Trilogy, Eye of Terror) but they do tend to be behemoths.