Aptitude Cost Calculator

By Surak, in Only War Beta

Hi all,

I was doing a little bit of playing with character creation the other day and got a little bit bored of re-calculating the costs of the various attributes, skills, and talents each time. As a result I decided to make Excel do the legwork for me.


you will need to save this to your computer for it to work properly as it involves some fairly complex nested IF statements, it has also only been tested on Excel 2010 so I'm not sure how well it will work with older versions/open office/etc.

Its quite simple to use, select your Aptitudes at the top of the Talents Tab (don't worry it does stats and skills as well) and it should automatically adjust the costs for you.

Feed back is welcome



Hey man, I just registered so I could thank you for this calculator. It's been a boon to my group, and really helped me as the GM get everything organized. Finally we can focus on the game instead of scratching our heads and going back and forth through the book to find the costs for everything.

I was about to make a WordPad file with all the costs for everything, but this is much simpler and more effective.

Thanks again

As with MajorMurray, I would have registered just to thank you for this, but luckily I was already registered, haha.

Seriously, this is awesome and you are also awesome.

This will save me and my group a load of time.

You sir, have my thanks.

Thanks to both of you,

If you have any feedback on using the calculator please let me know and I'll try and adjust the sheet, I'm glad it has saved people time as that was the main drive for me making it gui%C3%B1o.gif

I'm also working on another version of this calculator that brings the Only War experience cost in line with Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader, but this is still being tested by my players to make sure we have got the balance right.



Ok hot off the press the Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader experience compatible version (for those of you who , like me, like to mix-and-match the game systems.

Basically this takes into account the fact that Only War characters were designed for twice the experience gain of DH/RT by reducing the cost of upgrades to the same level as found in DH/RT, It functions exactly the same way as the first sheet but the costs are significantly different.


Enjoy and let me know if anyone has any suggestions/feedback on either version.



it doesn't seem to work ok for me. I put in the aptitudes of a rattling, and it doesn't take finesse into account:

Ballistic Skill Finesse 1 0 1 600 xp

if you give me your email, I email you my current sheet.

vogue69 said:

it doesn't seem to work ok for me. I put in the aptitudes of a rattling, and it doesn't take finesse into account:

Ballistic Skill Finesse 1 0 1 600 xp

if you give me your email, I email you my current sheet.

PM sent with my e-mail, hopefully its just a formatting error on the sheet




As suspected it was a formatting error in the calculation table which will have effected anyone with the Finesse Aptitude. It was not replicated on the DH compatiblity version so that version is un-changed for the moment

I have fixed it in the Only War version and the new link is here


Any more problems let me know.



off the back of vogue69's error i've found about 20 skills and talents that were not calculating properly, I've now updated both of the documents so if you notice any problems try re-downloading the sheet before reporting the problem.



This is a wonderful tool. I'm thankful you had the time on your hands to pull it off. While it is not necessary, it would be nice if you made a drop down bar at the beginning with all the specialties, so it would infill their aptitudes. Then you simply add those that you gain from your regiment. But great work, I'm not complaining just putting in a pug for the lazy people out there.

Hi Rhoaran,

Glad your liking the sheet.

As for pre-selecting aptitudes I did try it but it made the sheet far to complex for older versions of Excel to handle so in the interests of compatibility I'm going to leave it unchanged for now.

As for the version of this I've built to bring the upgrade costs more in-line with Dark Heresy we did some play-testing this weekend, and at least as far as my gaming group feels, the change is an improvement over the standard Only War costs.



The OW values have been changes as per the Week Two update :)

Ah yes thank you for the gentle reminder :)

Interestingly enough my 'DH compatability' version of the calculator is now almost in-sync with the official points costs.

I shall endeavour to update the costs to bring them in-line with the new values and update the file. For simplicity I will re-post the link once i'm done.



Hi all,

I've updated the file on the link above to include the aptitude changes from the week 4 update.



Great work, the calculator is really useful.


If they make any changes on release I will try and keep it up-to-date

