Diagnostor Functons

By Eradico Pravus, in Game Mechanics

A diagnostor helps detect/determine ailment. What other functions might it have (if any)?

For example does the Medic's diagnostor have the ability to detect poison in plants?

It doesn't appear to have any other functions. I can't imagine why it would detect poisonous plants.

OK, thanks for the response. Just checking to make sure the thing isn't like Spock's tri-corder. happy.gif

I would imagine though, that it would determine that a patient was poisoned, most likely by a plant.

So… comrades, ho!

Eradico Pravus said:

OK, thanks for the response. Just checking to make sure the thing isn't like Spock's tri-corder. happy.gif

I think it's more like McCoy's little cylindical medical scanner. I've always been under the impression that the Auspex is the closer analog to Spock's tri-corder.


Diagnostor=Medical Tricorder

in RT it could also give out the cure/antitode to any desease/aiminet suufered