DH Rituals & Sorcery in BC

By Thwarg, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

From some of the Rituals I've looked at they seam to port over well but what I was just wonder ing what other peoples thought on this was, and if anyone has an thoughts on DH style non-psyker sorcery?

I actually was planning on posting something about this in the house rules section eventually but basically it was all going to work off of blasphemous incantations a sorcery talent that grants you a phantom psyker trait and psy rateing of zero and required Blasphemous incantations to actually use any powers add one more talent that allows you to increase the psy level added through blasphemous incantations limiting it to no more than corruption rating. then end result would be individuals who can with effort use some lower end powers but who would never really reach the hights a psyker who studies theses things can reach.

In DH, Sorcery rules served two purposes:

1. They showcased the seductive power of Chaos by letting anyone draw on them if they were so inclined.

2. They let you introduce a lot of "witches" without introducing an unrealistic number of naturally gifted psykers.

Both points are moot in BC. Characters are already seduced by the power of Chaos from the get go, and the game states outright that they cover both natural psychic talents and learned sorcerers with the same set of rules, so there's no problem with the numbers.