Complete CCG collection for sale

By BorisKarloff, in CoC Trade Forum


I'm taking offers on my collection of the Cthulhu CCG. It is very complete collection, one of every card, a playset of most cards, all the promos. The cards are in excellent shape, I always used sleeves and hard shell boxes at tournaments. The cards are in ultrapro pages in binders by factions, I'll include those if you want them. I will be at GenCon if you want to pick them there instead of trying to ship them. I haven't priced the cards for a while, so make a reasonable offer. I'm not selling individual cards.

Here the link to card list in open office spreadsheet format

and in excel made from open office

PM me with any questions. Thanks.

Edit: links seems to working oddly



After looking at Blood helmet's ebay auctions, I've figured the price for the collection to be $900.00 + shipping.

How about $800.00?

hello, I'm just interested in editing their expansions Arkham … Complete only if all its promotional cards included … if you are not interested

and tell me …
**sorry my English is not very good and I am using the google translator, I hope we can figure out here … a greeting.**

I am looking for a copy of the promo card The Nameless City.
Do you still have any?
My email is mikmor73 at hotmail dot com