Expansions after Khazadum

By Tyberius_Deangelo, in Player community

I wanted to aske what expansions have come out after Khazadum. That was the last set I bought and I am looking to purchase the sets that have come out since. Thank you for your help!

The next cycle after Kazhad-Dûm is the Dwarrowdelf cycle. It consists of six new expansions, of which five have been already released:

1. The Redhorn Gate (awesome)

2. Road to Rivendell (ok)

3. The Watcher in the Water (very good)

4. The Long Dark (ok)

5. Foundations of Stone (awesome)

6. Shadow and Flame (not yet released)

In brackets you can find my own opinion about each pack.

You can also check out what is in each pack at lotrlcg.com