I don't think the Alchemy system I posted on the forums was "updated" with the Artifact System in Prometheum Exxet. I recently reworked the Transmutation-Catalysis Fruits so it is now fully compatible. I'm posting the update right now.
Class creation
I'm wondering if anyone has tried to do something like this with the anima beyond science, see how well the two mesh or if they would at all…. I've had a few players express interest in mixing some of the stuff from the one system to the stuff from that player made system…
Just curiosity, but still wonder if it is worth while to see.
Anyone willing to look this over please do so and tell me whatyou think.
i'm looking into meshing the Fantasy system with the Science system. I'm also hoping that What I've done with some feeed back from one of my players is to keep both systems as intact as they can be while using both. Of course no class in ether system has the same focus except in some skills. Out side of that one has supernatural and magic while the other dominantly has Technology. So I created another field called technological ability just like Supernatural Ability and Psychic Ability. And with some help from my friend tried to have a buy-in for technology abilities. To give you a quick run down of what is all in the excel sheet I have included the class CP costs that was created in the forum "class creation". That way anyone using it would be able to buy up or down abilities to create a custom class. IN that area I also included some of the Technology abilities and buy-in costs. The last page in that sheet is one that shows estimates of classes from fantasy and my friends estimate of beyond science. For my game I have few players that will be expected to handle greater and greater problems, including mundane. I assigned a total of 50 CP for creating custom class. While that number is higher than the fantasy estimates it is below the top end for science classes. Now to explain the first two pages in the excel sheet. First page that has a lot of green fields are active running calculations. If you change the level in the red field, everything that is based on your level will change. This is great for getting an idea on how much and where you have spent your points quickly. Think of the first page like a tally page. It does the work for the information you input on the second page. In the second page I have red field that are required for input. You would put in the cost of skills, abilities, or numbers, modifiers, stats, ect. And orange field representing the amounts you spend in development points each level. Also the yellow fields represent a number that will be a bonus each level you go up. Near the skills area I have 2 fields like this. 1) is right across from the skill and every time you go up a level it will be modified. 2) the area right across from the skill field (ie subterfuge, vigor, perception, creative, technology). If you enter a number in this field it will apply it to every skill in the field. I made the sheet with a bit of inputing work however the trade off in this is you can edit costs, buy down's/up's and change per level bonus's. Where in most sheets you can not. I tried to take into account module bonuses to mk as well as those that cost mk. It is easy enough to clear off everything from the values.cost page then save it as blank-ready to use class creator sheet. OH by the way another page that is on there is one that can help you keep track of what and where you got bonus cp from and where you spent your cp. it is more or less the rough blueprint of the custom class.
Be it positive or negative feed back please tell me what you think. But this is Everything I could put together.
Bleakheart26 said:
Anyone willing to look this over please do so and tell me whatyou think.
i'm looking into meshing the Fantasy system with the Science system. I'm also hoping that What I've done with some feeed back from one of my players is to keep both systems as intact as they can be while using both. Of course no class in ether system has the same focus except in some skills. Out side of that one has supernatural and magic while the other dominantly has Technology. So I created another field called technological ability just like Supernatural Ability and Psychic Ability. And with some help from my friend tried to have a buy-in for technology abilities. To give you a quick run down of what is all in the excel sheet I have included the class CP costs that was created in the forum "class creation". That way anyone using it would be able to buy up or down abilities to create a custom class. IN that area I also included some of the Technology abilities and buy-in costs. The last page in that sheet is one that shows estimates of classes from fantasy and my friends estimate of beyond science. For my game I have few players that will be expected to handle greater and greater problems, including mundane. I assigned a total of 50 CP for creating custom class. While that number is higher than the fantasy estimates it is below the top end for science classes. Now to explain the first two pages in the excel sheet. First page that has a lot of green fields are active running calculations. If you change the level in the red field, everything that is based on your level will change. This is great for getting an idea on how much and where you have spent your points quickly. Think of the first page like a tally page. It does the work for the information you input on the second page. In the second page I have red field that are required for input. You would put in the cost of skills, abilities, or numbers, modifiers, stats, ect. And orange field representing the amounts you spend in development points each level. Also the yellow fields represent a number that will be a bonus each level you go up. Near the skills area I have 2 fields like this. 1) is right across from the skill and every time you go up a level it will be modified. 2) the area right across from the skill field (ie subterfuge, vigor, perception, creative, technology). If you enter a number in this field it will apply it to every skill in the field. I made the sheet with a bit of inputing work however the trade off in this is you can edit costs, buy down's/up's and change per level bonus's. Where in most sheets you can not. I tried to take into account module bonuses to mk as well as those that cost mk. It is easy enough to clear off everything from the values.cost page then save it as blank-ready to use class creator sheet. OH by the way another page that is on there is one that can help you keep track of what and where you got bonus cp from and where you spent your cp. it is more or less the rough blueprint of the custom class.
Be it positive or negative feed back please tell me what you think. But this is Everything I could put together.
Ok, The Custom class area has been cleaned up, with a little help guide writen in. So hopefully it is detailed enough to look over see what I did, and then anyone could do that to make their own. After going back over the skills area I found a bunch of the formulas were linked to my test sheet. So I'm very sorry for any trouble on that. I really thought I had it ready to be tested on. So Now with those two areas in a functionable state, I emplore you once more if you have time please look it over and see if it is something you or anyone you know Might like to use. I deleted the old file and reposted the repaired file in this link… again sorry if i'm not very effective at presenting something like this.
I hope this is works, and is something that can be used. TY.
Beadle said:
Yeah, there are a few obvious combos missing.
Mentalist-Prowler, Domine-Mentalist, Domine-Wizard, and Domine-Prowler are the ones that leap out. But in some cases there might be a reason for this. If you've noticed how dangerous a Warrior-Mentalist can get, you'll realise that a Domine-Mentalist or Domine-Wizard could get very broken, very quickly.
Having picked up the GMs Toolkit confirmed a suspicion I had which may answer why those combos aren't listed… Because they are too expensive to run without feeling worse than the Freelancer! Apparently ANY spellcaster has to take "The Gift" advantage (2 cp), which leaves 1 cp to spend before you are forced to buy disadvantages for more decent Mystical Advantages to go with it. So with so many points being spread around, I don't think those class combos are "broken" in so much as hard to feel like you can accomplish anything. Same with Mystics, to play a Mentalist, you have to take the Psychic version of The Gift.
Having played GURPS and that one version of AD&D 2.x, where you build with points and abuse Hybrid-class building, I do agree that any pure point building system is easy to exploit. Example, the Sploitz of GURPS is max your Dex and IQ, as 90 percent of your skills are based off those 2 (of 4) attributes. Any points spent after that is cake.
So, that said, how many folks think it is strange to have to buy The Gift for an actual Mystic class? After all, all the other costs are scaled towards spell casting, one would think The Gift is more a "boost" than a pre-requisite. The difference between a mage with natural and instinctive spell casting and the wizard who literally has to beat his or her forehead against tomes and chalkboards to imprint those annoying spells into their brains. Has anyone else intrepreted this the same way? Or am I reading too much into it and The Gift is just a boost for Mystics and not a requirement?
No it is a requirement… No Gift, no magic…… unless you are a summoner.
No, apparently even the straight Summoner has to have "The Gift", as exemplified in the DMs Toolkit under the 20 example classes. Bleh.
Not exactly. Summoners can get away with Incomplete Gift (from Arcana Exxet) or even no Gift, but if they choose the latter they will have extremely limited zeonic regeneration. Incomplete Gift combined with a point or two in Superior Zeonic Recovery and then most of the magic levels spent on zeon regeneration stuff on the Metamagic tree will be very useful to the high costs of zeon for Summoners, especially Invokers.