BC Rule for RT/DH/DW

By ciryon_, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Hello all

I have read the rules of BC and see somme modifications of the previous rule : standard attack now give +10, semi-auto and auto fire have changed too, the righteous fury/zealous hatred mechanics is different, untrained skill check is now -20 instead of half…

Are they worth using them in a Dark Heresy Game or a RT one ?

I think they are and my group are currently working on the transference. Someone has also written up the DH powers under BC psykic rules as well. Don't have the link to hand but I'm sure someone else does.

We switched, and found it a change for the better. The same changes are also in the rules for Only War, which is another 40K rpg about "regular people" (ie not Space Marines or Chaos Heretics).

Well, it is the summer and I made a break from my regular Mutants & Masterminds campaign to run Rogue Trader during july and august in my RPG association. I have Rogue Trader in french so I do not want to mix French RT rules and BC english rules (it will be translated soon) to keep thing simples. I and When I will run a full 40K campaign, I will consider using them. Thanks for your replies.