Scenario 1: Lucky Win

By Boojum, in Arkham Horror League

Wow! If we are that lucky every scenario, my group should do well.

Four investigators, zero monster surges. On four different occasions, a gate appeared on a location where an investigator had just closed the gate. One Elder sign used. One gate that opened during a location encounter (no doom token for those) Doom track was at 8 when we closed the 8th gate. By far the shortest 4 player arkham game we have ever done.

I could be wrong, but I think you are wrong about the rules. Any gate open, even one from a location encounter, adds one to the doom track. (or am I misremembering the rules). Even with the extra doom token, it sounds like you would have won.

You're not, Twilight. A gate opening due to an encounter is treated like a gate opening due to a mythos card.

Really? Oops..

I will have to double check the rule book on that one. Oh well, would not have affected the final score either way.

Better luck checking the FAQ than the rulebook on that one gui%C3%B1o.gif .

We had a lucky win against Shub-Niggurath with 8 players. We were hit by several consecutive monster surges and the terror track went high hell to 10 as early as Doom Track 6. The Investigators held out for several rounds until the monster count exceeded 22 and thus prompted Shub-Niggurath to wake up. Miraculously, though, the Investigators defeated Shub-Niggurath with only Ashcan Pete remaining.

The score, sad to say, was dismal. 4 points. Not hardly worth placing in the annals of this Scenario's records for ranking T_T

We had a close game with 2 investigators.

We also had the gate open via an encounter and we decided that it did add to the doom track (phew).

Things looked bad as we reached 11 on the doom track with Michael McGlen only having his tommy gun left.

Then managed to pull an elder sign followed by both investigators getting pulled into other worlds.

At this point we only needed one gate to win and the next mythos card was the 'all investigators return immediately to Arkham'

Sweet. Our first go at the league and our first win. But boy was it tense demonio.gif

Can't wait for the next one.