New app for LCG's

By kuffdaddy, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

I would love to see an iOS app that would allow us to track our lcg card pool with filters to help with deck construction and a library of our decks

Me also looking for app like that so do suggest where can i download this app.

I am moving my message here because it is related to Apps…

I would love to have more FFG games in App form for the Android and smart phone. I have Elder sign and will get the expansion to that, and probably "that is my fish" just to encourage FFG to put more games on Android.

Here is my wish list

Death Angel

Blood Bowl team manager

Lord of the Rings living card game

Lord of the Rings the Confrontation

Warhammer Invasion


Heck, just put all of them on Android, I will buy them.

Seconded. I would buy anything and everything that FFG puts onto the Android Play store.

Elder Sign is amazing! And even though Where's My Fish isn't really my kind of game, I still bought it and it had just as good production values (and is actually a lot of fun).