New structure to the Dust website

By Loophole Master, in Dust Tactics

It seems they have restructured the website for the whole Dust line, merging Warfare and Tactics under one big "DUST MINIATURES" umbrella. Guess it makes sense if they're going for the whole "2 games for the price of 1" approach.

The only thing I don't like is that now the News header in the forum shows all FFG rules, not just Dust Tactics news. That header was always the thing that made me aware of the latest Dust news, now it will get burried under all the FFG news…

And after that mess up where nothing seemed to work, it's back to normal. All in one banner is a great idea, it saves on duplication and makes resellers life much easier, now what they need to do though is to speed up the site, I've don't know of any other that takes so long to load.

Great, the news header is back to normal again. It's always the first place my eyes dart towards, to see if there's anything new.