By COCLCG, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

( the monster who slays monsters )
Version 1.0

Cult of Bathos x 3
Guardian of the key x 2
Faceless abductor x 3
Lurking deep one x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Laboring gug x 3
Elder thing scavenger x 2
Deep one rising x 3
Ravager from the deep x 3

Cursed skull x 3
Khopesh of the abyss x 3

Deep one assault x 3
A single path x 3
Dampen light x 2
Get it off x 3
Chant of thoth x 2
Twilight gate x 3
A single glimpse x 3




I've played a deck like this and they are pretty solid. One thing I might suggest is that you look a little low on characters. I might drop a single path and dampen light for more characters. I might put hideous guardian in as well.

ah! but that's what makes mine different ( otherwise as you said, it'd be just like the decks you and a lot of others have played ). with all the character destruction around, what's the use in having more characters and simply butting heads together. i'd rather sit back, use my events and low cost characters to draw out opponents cards, and pick my moments to play the bigger characters ( but i have noticed from posts that my playstyle is very different to the norm in most cases anyway ). and it seems to work quite well so far in playtesting. and a flat out rush can threaten most destruction decks but not this one. also a single path is more than just a hinderance, its a ravager funnel. if any events go it will be chant of thoth, apart from that, i'm quite happy with the event line up as it is. in my other post i did mention hideous guardian and a couple of other cards, so it may make the cut in future versions but i want to solidly playtest this one and see how often the scavenger gets used. i'm also a bit loathe to rely on monsters in my destruction deck as my silver twilight deck ( pose mundane ) is having no problem beating destruction decks which do this.

if i give up my discard pile it would look more like this :

( the monster who slays monsters )
Version 1.1

Cult of Bathos x 3
Guardian of the key x 2
Faceless abductor x 3
Lurking deep one x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Laboring gug x 3
Guardian Shoggoth x 2
Deep one rising x 3
Ravager from the deep x 3
Princess Zura x 2

Cursed skull x 3
Khopesh of the abyss x 3

Deep one assault x 3
A single path x 3
Dampen light x 2
Twilight gate x 3
A single glimpse x 3
Dragged into the deep x 3

which i'm thinking is better as DOA is far more powerful.

also thinking now hideous guardian is a waste of a card
as seriously, how many times will there be more than 3
or 4 characters on the board. I’d much rather twilight gate
in ravager who is not succeptable to pose mundane.

almost there.

( the monster who slays monsters )
Version 1.2

Cult of Bathos x 3
Guardian of the key x 2
Faceless abductor x 3
Lurking deep one x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Laboring gug x 3
Guardian Shoggoth x 2
Deep one rising x 3
Ravager from the deep x 3
Elder thing scavenger x 2

Cursed skull x 3
Khopesh of the abyss x 3

Deep one assault x 3
A single path x 3
Dampen light x 2
Twilight gate x 3
A single glimpse x 3
Dragged into the deep x 3

gone back to elder thing scavenger as it's one
of the things that makes this deck unique when
compared to all the other destruction decks I’ve
seen, along with the lack of the ubiquitous
sacrificial offerings. Also I’ve never heard a peep
about laboring gug with the khopesh.
if I was going to make a destruction deck, it was
always going to have to be different, and I think
i’ve achieved something new here that i can
call my own.


also working on a hastur / yog version based on the same template for a control / sacrifice deck ( stygian eye for khopesh, blind submission for DOA etc ) and including reknowned sculptor and / or obsessive playwright for even more cursed skull recursion ( and possibly other artifacts / items / tomes ). demon lover will aid faceless abductor as well as blind submission. possibly scotophobia and twilight gate for bloated leng spider. not too keen on the insanity side of hastur ive decided. its real power in my opinion is the control aspect. coupled with yogs sacrificing, it should be quite effective as a combination as you can control the lower cost / skill to sacrifice the higher ones.

also think i've concocted a nasty play where in the opponents story phase you can use cavern of flame to remove their most powerful character, and then for 1 cost polar mirage it to your side.

Version 1.0

Performance artist x 3
Guardian of the key x 3
Faceless abductor x 2
Demon lover x 3
Obsessive playwright x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Shadow sorceress x 2
Constricting elder thing x 3
Harbringer of insanity x 3
Elder thing scavenger x 2

Cursed skull x 3
Stygian eye x 3
Cavern of flame x 3

Polar mirage x 3
Power drain x 3
Twilight gate x 2
Blind submission x 3
A single glimpse x 3

very rough first build. wouldn’t mind
crazed arsonist to eliminate dreamlands
location opposition.

i really like the idea of this deck. hopefully most destruction decks will expend a lot of their energy killing their own characters and what i can't control i can sacrifice if all goes to plan. will take a lot more playtesting than your average destruction deck i feel so will get back to you after that on this one. depending on how often khopesh gets through the control / abduction, i may not need the twilight gated elder thing and would change the gate to something like a gift of knowledge to make more use of controlled characters. i also dare say obsessive sycophant will find his way in there to bolster the shadow sorceress and harbringer. need to playtest to find out if skill reduction or this avenue works better.

AND of course, this only lends to the cthulhu / hastur template version…………………

can't believe i forgot my favourite control support SENTINEL HILL, which will proably now replace twilight gate anyway. i usually don't go for supports but this deck not only protects with guardian of the key but also power drain and performance artist.

( test deck )

Performance artist x 3
Guardian of the key x 3
Faceless abductor x 2
Demon lover x 2
Obsessive playwright x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Shadow sorceress x 2
Constricting elder thing x 3
Harbringer of insanity x 2
Painter of delusion x 2
Elder thing scavenger x 2

Cursed skull x 3
Stygian eye x 3
Cavern of flame x 2
Sentinel hill x 2

A gift of knowledge x 2
Polar mirage x 2
Power drain x 3
Blind submission x 3
A single glimpse x 3

to give a brief overview of the above deck there are a few points:

1) designed to control / sacrifice / disrupt bouncing and destructions.

2) both performance artist and obsessive playwright have 'upgrades' in the form of painter of delusion and elder thing scavenger. once these are in place the lower cost versions then become available to harbringer of insanity.

3) shadow sorceress used to return power drain / single glimpses to hand. obsessive playwright to return cursed skull. if at any stage there is a snow graves in place without an available constricting elder thing, there is always the option of using either with harbringer of insanity.

4) after control is established then gift of knowledge can be used to wound them for a success token, or sentinel hill can return them to hand when control changes back.

5) all supports protected with guardian of the key and either power drain / performance artist depending on destruction source.

6) cavern of flame / polar mirage and demon lover / faceless abductor / blind submission as previoulsy stated.

7) depending on demon lovers usefullness, ward phillips may replace ( would include instead of painter but too many 2 costs ) thus freeing up a 3 cost spot. may happen that he replaces the abductor to achieve same result.

will be testing this deck to see what works best ( and may even stay in its current form ) to mill unused cards.

Using Sentinel Hill to bounce them to hand after control passes back to the owner is creative, but I don't think it works. Since most of those effects are "until the end of the phase" there is no opportunity to trigger a response to control passing back. Can anyone confirm this for me?

that is a very interesting point. the control does change so the response is valid, but where does it occur, if at all ?? i think you could be right . bugger but yay as it could make one cards decision easier as there are plenty of x2 waiting for a third. PENFOOOOOOLD!!! thanks for that. nice to have a reply, especially one that is useful to the design process.

( test deck - Danigral edit )

Performance artist x 3
Guardian of the key x 3
Faceless abductor x 2
Demon lover x 2
Obsessive playwright x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Shadow sorceress x 2
Constricting elder thing x 3
Harbringer of insanity x 2
Painter of delusion x 2
Elder thing scavenger x 2

Cursed skull x 3
Stygian eye x 3
Cavern of flame x 2
Infernal obsession x 2

A gift of knowledge x 2
Polar mirage x 2
Power drain x 3
Blind submission x 3
A single glimpse x 3

although upon reflection, sentinel hill would ?? work with stygian eye and infernal obsession if it is removed, so i may just shuffle and keep it anyway as it IS a neat trick, and protects against any other hastur decks trying to control me!!

( alt test version )

Performance artist x 3
Faceless abductor x 2
Guardian of the key x 3
Ward Phillips x 2
Obsessive playwright x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Shadow sorceress x 3
Constricting elder thing x 3
Harbringer of insanity x 2
Fishers from outside x 2
Elder thing scavenger x 2

Cursed skull x 3
Stygian eye x 3
Infernal obsession x 2

A gift of knowledge x 3
Power drain x 3
Blind submission x 3
A single glimpse x 3
Writhing wall x 2

possible large man shuffle

ebla restored in australian stores today.

( the monster who slays monsters )
Version 1.3

Cult of Bathos x 3
Guardian of the key x 2
The Carpathian x 3
Lurking deep one x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Laboring gug x 3
Guardian Shoggoth x 2
Deep one rising x 3
Ravager from the deep x 3
Elder thing scavenger x 2

Cursed skull x 3
Khopesh of the abyss x 3
Cthaat aquadingen x 2

Deep one assault x 3
A single path x 3
Dampen light x 3
Twilight gate x 3
A single glimpse x 3

tempted to go innsmouth troublemaker and lose cult of bathos and lurking deep one but there is a good possibility to twilight gate a deep one rising in during operations phase to play another one / ravager from hand with a 3:2:1 domain by keeping cult of bathos, and this 1 cost is much better at killing miskatonic rush characters than the troublemaker.