Rally Point?

By Paradoks, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

I have some issues with this card, I would be grateful if someone could explain details, basing on the game rules.

Rally Point, Support (Action: At the beginning of your turn, move target unit you control from its current zone to this zone.)

How many times I can use "Rally point" Action?

Example: I have Rally points both in Kingdom and Battlefield, and Black Knights of Morr or Greatswords in Kingdom.

My turn starts. I use Battefield Rally point to call Knights/Greatswords. Can I use second Rally point to move them back (to trigger their actions again)? Can I use them multiple times, as their actions are not limited as "once per turn"?

Do Knights action "when a unit enters this zone" triggers when they move (similar to Greatswords it should?).

Rally Point: It's a triggered action, the trigger being the beginning of your turn. Triggered actions can only be used once per trigger condition met.

The Knights trigger their own action, yes.

So, I could use both Rally points in the same time to exchange units between zones: one Rally point moves one unit from K to B, the other one moves another unit from B to K. Then, beginning of the turn ends ( :) ), and we proceed with other stuff.

However, can I move the same unit twice, using two Rally points one after another? I still wonder how it goes alongside the rules, when I have both Rally points, and I target the same unit at the same time (at this beginning of turn). Wasn't there a rule, that in case of the same category actions (triggered, forced, etc.) happening at the same time, I choose which in fact resolves first?

Example: I have Rally points in Battlefield and Kingdom. Unit is in either of this zones - can I target it with both RPs?

Another example - RPs are as above, but unit is in Quest zone.

[all this annoying questions are caused by my attempt to assemle Empire Knights-only flavour deck, utilising Higher grounds, Rally points, etc. ;) ]

For Forced and Constant effects that occur at the same time, yes, their controller choses the order.

Triggered actions that meet their trigger condition outside an action window have to be used at the earliest opportunity once an action window opens. In this case, this is the action window during phase 0. So you start an action chain with one Rally Point, then respond to it with the other (your opponent might respond with an action first). I would say they can both target the same unit, since it is not a requirement that the unit is in a different zone than the Rally Point itself. So you start the chain with the Rally Point in the Kingdom, then respond with the one in Battlefield. You resolve the chain in reverse order. The unit gets moved to the Battlefield, and then back to the Kingdom.

Thank you very much, I was thinking just the same. Now I need more Higher grounds and Battle standards and knights will pump themselves nicely. :)

The knight deck with Higher Ground can be a very strong, and fun deck.