First attempt at a deck. Mi-Go/anti-Kopesh deck.

By ssjevot, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction


2x Core Set F122 •Y'Golonac, The Obscenity
3x Core Set F123 Priestess of Bubastis
3x Core Set F129 Mi-Go Scout
2x Core Set F130 Mi-Go Warrior
3x Core Set F137 Burrowing Beneath
3x Secrets of Arkham F19 Mi-Go Surgeon
2x Secrets of Arkham F20 Mi-Go Commander
3x Secrets of Arkham F23 Ageless Mi-Go
3x Murmurs of Evil F33 Mi-Go Caretaker
2x Murmurs of Evil F35 Mi-Go Brain Cylinder
2x The Spoken Covenant F55 Mi-Go Guard
3x The Spoken Covenant F56 Mi-Go Scalpel
3x The Twilight Beckons F11 Harvesting Mi-Go
3x The Twilight Beckons F12 Inter-dimensional Transporter
3x Kingsport Dreams F34 Thunder in the East
2x Curse of the Jade Emperor F38 Mi-Go Observer
2x Into Tartarus F100 •Mi-Go Skull, Revered Remnant
3x Written and Bound F11 Feed Her Young
3x Mountains of Madness F15 Snow Graves

Total 50

Sideboard (I know you don't get an actual sideboard in this game, but these are cards I'm considering swapping in):
3x Sleep of the Dead F94 Mi-Go Dreams
3x The Cacophony F115 Examining the Optic Nerve
3x Core Set F154 Eldritch Nexus
3x Core Set F136 Regeneration
3x Core Set F140 Shocking Transformation

So my objective is to get Mi-Go characters on the board while preventing Kopesh from wiping them through both anti-support cards and the Ageless Mi-Go. I think Mi-Go Dreams could be useful in case I get wiped by Kopesh, but I also think it would require Eldritch Nexus, because I need a lot of domains to get all these guys back into play, and I may be missing my Priestesses at that point (the Mi-Go Skull is mainly in my deck to try to strengthen the Priestess of Bubastis). Examining the Optic Nerve seems like it could help me rush, but I'm not sure it warrants a spot. Regeneration seems like it could help slow down a Kopesh wipe in progress, but Burrowing Beneath deals with it permanently (assuming I have Snow Graves down). Shocking Transformation seems unneccesary when I can just exhaust a Mi-Go through Brain Cylinder to reorder my deck rather than sacrificing one.

Any thoughts?

That should be Khopesh not Kopesh. My mistake.

Shocking Transformation should be considered as useful as a"tutor" (if you are familiar with M:tG terminology) and a great boon in nearly any shub decks where you need to find an answer to a problem in the form of a character.

I cannot comment on the deck itself though as I tore down my last Mi--Go deck and havent played one in a few months. I will say that mi-go decks did quite well in the twin cities regionals this year, if that counts for anything.

My fiance just trashed me two games in a row with her Deep Ones deck. The main problem is horror struggles, and all the other crap that isn't Kopesh that kills stuff (Deep One Assault, In the Wake of the Sleeper, Deep One Rising, Joe Sargent). Any advice?

give up ?? hahaha. JOKING. never tried mi-go's but if terror is your problem then perhaps jaguar warrior might help. 2 terror to nullify 2 x 1 terror and multiples can appear quite quickly. or anything with 2 terror icons really to buddy up. horrid mutation is a fave of mine as its also a great response to scotophobia.

The best solution to provide horror protection is probably Mi-Go Skull; a couple of Mi-Go Scalpels might also be useful.

Other options include Horrid Mutation from the Core Set, etc.