Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) questions

By ShadowRay, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

My heretek has recently upgraded himself with good quality MIU and after that I realised that I don't know how to use it to full extend.

1. I have some problems about when does MIU bonuses work:
tech-use - do I have +10 to work on and repair particular machine that I'm connected to or +10 to all tech-use tests as long as I'm connected (like with interface port and data pool)?
pilot, drive - that I know
logic - same as tech-use
inquiry - as it's used to find people, gossips and such tings, I dno't know how it works here
weapon skill - in rogue trader it was BS so it was for ship/vehicule guns (and possibly advanced guns), is it deliberately changed or is it an error?

2. What things can be acessed by MIU, I know there are dreadnoughts, titans, aircrafts, ground vehicules and advanced veapons. What else? Can power armour be acessed with MIU?
If WS instead of BS is deliberate, does it apply to dreadnoughts and possibly power armour (if it has interface) only (because you don't use WS with your aircraft)?

3. Rogue Trader has MIU Weapon Interface, if there should be bonus to BS instead of WS, does such weapon benefit from it?
Does ballistic mechadendrites count as such weapons?
If I have shoulder mounted pistol, can I use it and another handgun with two weapon fighting? If I ave two handguns, can I use all three?

4. Wireless MIU allows to directly control servo-skulls and servitors. If I have a combat servitor and decide to directly control it, does it get +10WS/BS (whichever it is)?
Does it use my combat talents or it's own (two weapon fighting, step aside and such, some like true grit would apply in both cases)?

Really good questions and also very specific.

I already tried to ask something about MIU but FFG's beloved TIM answer was not able to clarify my doubt.

To get a hopefully clear and correct answer you should use the following link (and wait a few weeks):


I've got an answer, much faster that I thoght. I've changed some questions somewhat so I'm reposting them.

1. I have some problems about when does MIU bonuses work:
tech-use - do I have +10 to work on and repair particular machine that I'm connected to or +10 to all tech-use tests as long as I'm connected (like with interface port and data pool)?
pilot, drive - that I know
logic - same as tech-use
inquiry - as it's used to find people, gossips and such tings, I dno't know how it works here
weapon skill test - in rogue trader it was BS so it was for ship/vehicule guns (and possibly advanced guns), is it deliberately changed, is it an error or does it work with both?

"You need to be connected to the machine you're trying to repair/work on. You plug into it and that helps with the tech-use. Yes, it's WS (you can plug into a melee weapon), but we will very possibly make it BS as well in an errata."

I still don't know what exactly logic and inquiy are for but I'll rule that logic if for hacking and inquiry for finding data.
And now I'll happily plug myself into my servo-arm (because I don't know how to plug into power sword and why would i help me).
Also I'll give +10 to both WS and BS, but each weapon needs another MIU acquisition (fo more see 3.).

2. What things can be acessed by MIU, there are dreadnoughts, titans, aircrafts, ground vehicules and advanced veapons. What else? Can power armour be acessed with MIU?
If WS instead of BS is deliberate, does it appl y to dreadnoughts and possibly power armour (if it has interface) only (because you don't use WS with your aircraft)?

"It's more for less expansive technologies. Dreadnought implantation is way more than just an MIU plug-in, as would be operating a Titan, but I could see a GM allowing it but with some hellish modifiers. Vehicles, yes (that's why Drive and Pilot are there)."

Since I could try to test-drive a dreadnought, power armours are propable a yes (meaby that's there +10WS comes from?). Trust me, I'm a heretek.

3. Rogue Trader has MIU Weapon Interface, if there should be bonus to BS instead of WS, does such weapon benefit from it?
Does ballistic mechadendrites count as such weapons?
If I have shoulder mounted pistol, can I use it and another weapon with two weapon fighting? If I use two-handed weapon, can I use it and the pistol? If I have two handguns in my hands, can I use all three?

"It depends on the nature of the bonus, so I'm hesitant to give a blanket yes, but it would usually help you here.
Nope, that's not what it is for.
Yes, Yes, Yes (if you have two weapon fighting skills)."

Weapon MIU is treated as a free action atack. That stacking with two weapon fighting and ballistic mechadendrite it gives quite nice wall of fire.

4. Wireless MIU allows to directly control servo-skulls and servitors. If I have a combat servitor and decide to directly control it, does it get +10WS/BS (whichever it is)?
Does it use my combat talents or it's own (two weapon fighting, step aside and such, some like true grit would apply in both cases)?

"Sorry, but which system is this for? "

I took the wireless part from lore instead of rule books so the answer is fair. Needs some houseruling.

This is crazy. Am I reading this right? MIU's in Black Crusade do not allow them to link with guns, only melee weapons? Are the devs seriously saying that there is no technology allowed in BC games to let people MIU into a gun, though they can in other games (apparently)? That can't be right surely!

I think FFG really need to go back to the drawing board with a lot of these things. Their skills make no sense. Logic seems to be used to crack codes and to gamble (!), but then there's the Security skill, which can't be bolstered by an MIU. Huh?

Where rules fail, there are houserules, although they shouldn't be so needed in the first place.

For now I'm using both WS if someone is able to tell me why his melee weapon would get a bonus (there aren't many of those, in fact I cannot really think of anything besides servo arm and mechadendrites which we are said cannot get it despite being extremely advanced implants) and BS for ranged weapons that also need a reason to get it (good/best quality with MIU installed).

As for skills, there is a lot of mess with them as well, some overlap each other quite much (both trade (chymist) and medicae can produce medicine and drugs), some cover to large areas (security - lockpicking, hacking, setting/disabling traps). Most trade skills can be used only if you have expanded skills section from Inquisitor's Handbook.

Surely it depends on the weapon in question. Not all wweapons, melee or ranged, encompass a MIU, so why limit it in the first place? FFG make my head spin.

Of course we can houserule it, just as with the silly rule that says Infamy Points can't be spent to improve/help Skill tests, only Characteristic tests. That cannot be right.

They didn't need to change the names of Skills like Pilot/Drive. They just needed to streamline the list. It's all too haphazard.