this is the deck currently dominating our small circle.
Shub-Niggurath / Yog-Sothoth
Diseased sewer rats x 3
Guardian of the key x 2
Black dog x 3
Opener of the gate x 3
Ghoulish predator x 3
Many angled thing x 3
Hungry dark young x 3
Spell bound shoggoth x 3
Corrupted midwife x 2
Cursed skull x 2
Altar of the blessed x 3
Snow graves x 2
Unspeakable resurrection x 2
Chant of thoth x 3
Speak to the dead x 2
Burrowing beneath x 3
Come to the altar x 3
A single glimpse x 3
Foiled! x 2
just looking for ideas to counter as our group is VERY small, and this deck is only just starting to be refined ( to mill events / supports perhaps and increase characters if needed plus a couple of cards waiting in the wings ). also looking into different self sacrificing / ( resurrecting / back into hand ) of sewer rats / many angled thing like come to the altar.
any decks in your area that people are finding hard to beat??